
Good thing more grinding!

author:In his last years, he loved to read

【Core Tips】

Good things are more grinding, soft grinding hard bubbles are in the form of negative forms to strive for positive results, it can show their determination and perseverance not to give up until they reach the goal, exert pressure on the other party, can also increase the opportunity of contact, more fully show their attitude, thoughts and feelings, in order to influence the attitude of the other party, to achieve the success of seeking people.

【Theoretical Guidance】

As the saying goes, "Good things grind more." The key to the success or failure of asking others to do things does not lie in the other party, but on whether they have the patience to wait. For people who are busy for the first time, when you try to persuade him, don't think this is the last chance, and it is taboo to ask people to do things when they see it. The best thing to do is to end it in a short period of time to wait for the next meeting, leaving some time for the other person to reminisce about you.

When asking someone to do things, if you want to persuade a person who has nothing to do with it, you must be resilient and adopt an uninterrupted "attack method" to make him have this thought in his heart: If I ignore him, he will be really pitiful. With this psychological burden, he will not easily reject you.

Liu Bei heard Xu Shu and Sima Hui say that Zhuge Liang was very knowledgeable, so he and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei went to Longzhong Wollongong to ask Zhuge Liang to come out of the mountains to assist him.

When he went for the first time, zhuge Liang happened to be out, and Liu Bei had to go back disappointed. Soon, Liu Bei and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei braved the snow and wind to go to please for the second time. Unexpectedly, Zhuge Liang went out again. Zhang Feiben did not want to come again, and when he saw that Zhuge Liang was not at home, he urged him to go back. Liu Bei had no choice but to leave a letter expressing his admiration for Zhuge Liang and asking him to come out and help him save the dangerous situation in the country. After a while, after Liu Bei ate vegetarian food for three days, he was ready to invite Zhuge Liang again. Guan Yu said that Zhuge Liang may have a vain name, but may not have real talent and practical learning, and there is no need to go. Zhang Fei advocated that he should call alone, and if he did not come, he would be tied up with a rope. Liu Bei scolded Zhang Fei and asked Zhuge Liang for the third time. When they arrived at Zhuge Liang's house, it was already noon, and Zhuge Liang was sleeping. Liu Bei did not dare to alarm him, and stood until Zhuge Liang woke up, and then sat down to talk to each other.

In the end, Zhuge Liang saw that Liu Bei was determined to do things for the country, and he was very patient and sincere to ask him for help, so he came out to help Liu Bei establish the Shu Han Dynasty.

In the face of this situation, perhaps some people will retreat and instinctively maintain their own face. Liu Bei was not like this, he actively fought for the next opportunity to meet again and again, and finally touched the other party with enthusiasm and agreed to go out of the mountain to help him achieve great things

It can be seen that soft grinding hard bubbles is a special means of doing difficult things. In order to achieve the purpose of convincing the other party to help themselves, they must say it repeatedly and show a certain amount of patience to show their sincerity. In other words, it is to entangle him with affection. Therefore, even if he is rejected many times, do not be discouraged, a person is repeatedly relied on and asked for help by others, naturally will form a psychological burden, he will be softened by sympathy.

But it is difficult to "bubble" by just relying on actions, and even making the other party very annoying and not conducive to doing things. At this time, the kung fu on the mouth is very important. We must be empathetic, grasp the crux of the problem, and skillfully use language to attack the heart. There is a joke like this:

After coaxing his son to bed, the father went back to his bedroom to get ready for bed. "Daddy!" The son cried. "What's the matter?"

"I'm thirsty, can you get me a glass of water?"

"Didn't you just drink it?" Go to bed, I've turned off the lights!" After 5 minutes...

"Daddy! I'm thirsty, can't you get me a glass of water?" Didn't I just say that! You tell me to beat you up again!" Another 5 minutes passed... "Daddy!"" What's wrong?

"You must bring a glass of water when you come and beat me up!"

Although this is just a joke, it shows a truth that "children who cry have sugar to eat." This clever child, he knows the truth of soft grinding hard bubbles, after being rejected by his father for the first time, he launched several consecutive attacks, soft and hard to force the other party to agree to his request, and did not give up until he reached the goal. In the face of such a child, will you still be willing to reject him?

Correspondingly, in interpersonal communication, it is advisable to learn the wisdom of children. Every time you meet with each other, you can not show your sharp edge, do not mention the things to be done, claim that you are just going to the other party to "sit down", "take a look", "meet and meet", and continuously approach each other, so that the relationship between the two sides is gradually closer, so that the other party knows more about you and sympathizes with you. The more times this is done, the other party will also have a psychological burden and will consider meeting your requirements.

Soft grinding hard bubbles is not a passive waste of time, nor is it a hard rogue with others, but to take positive actions to influence each other, to influence each other, and to promote the transformation of the situation in a good direction. It seems simple, but not everyone can do it well, and the following two points should be paid attention to in actual operation:

Be patient and have the ability to control your emotions. In the process of doing things, in the face of rejection and shirking from others, we must control our own frustration and impulsive emotions, adopt a patient attitude, express our understanding of the other party's situation, and then mobilize our own wisdom and wisdom, try to break through the deadlock, and according to different objects and environments, we must deal with danger without alarm, and not be angry when encountering changes

It is necessary to know how to act opportunistically, and emphasize it again and again. Soft grinding hard bubbles should also pay attention to methods, be good at using words and actions to express their sincerity, again and again, repeated application, repeated rendering, repeated emphasis, then it will be "sincere, golden stone open". This is a powerful weapon against stubborn opponents.

The method of using soft grinding hard bubbles must be used to the maximum extent that the patience of the other party can bear, based on patience and toughness, focusing on influencing the other party, so that the other party will not be disgusted. Otherwise, blind entanglement will cause the other party to turn the other face and not recognize people, and even provoke trouble, and the result will backfire.