
There are 8 kinds of flowers with style, raised indoors to enhance temperament, and people with taste love to raise them

author:Raising flowers

The weather is getting cooler day by day, some plants are not suitable for outdoor breeding, flowers today to recommend some suitable for indoor planting of 8 kinds of plants, do not occupy the place, but also very stylish, raised at home has temperament, even if people who have never raised flowers, can also be easily started, placed in the home is just right.

There are 8 kinds of flowers with style, raised indoors to enhance temperament, and people with taste love to raise them

First, the green lotus

Green lotus is almost a must-have green plant for every household, for people who have just started raising flowers, green lotus is the best choice, it has both ornamental value, can purify the air, but also very good to feed.

Green lotus in the water or soil can survive, even if a month forget to water it, it will not die, the vitality is extremely tenacious, the general flower will put the green lotus on the refrigerator, do not occupy the place at the same time, but also be able to absorb the dust in the house, is a very good choice.

There are 8 kinds of flowers with style, raised indoors to enhance temperament, and people with taste love to raise them

2. Banyan tree

Daqin leaf fig belongs to the evergreen plant, it is particularly conspicuous in the flower market, because the volume is relatively large, it is precisely because of this, many people put it on both sides of the TV cabinet, the space next to the TV cabinet is relatively large, will not appear abrupt, there is a pleasing feeling, tasteful people are very fond of maintenance.

There are 8 kinds of flowers with style, raised indoors to enhance temperament, and people with taste love to raise them

However, the volume of the big qin leaf fig is too large to shade the light, so in the case of a relatively small living room area, there is no need to buy a large size of the big qin leaf fig.

Third, the fortune tree

The meaning of the fortune tree is better, the meaning of the source of wealth rolling in, people who do business will raise a pot of fortune tree, its appearance is also more beautiful, which is also the reason why people like the fortune tree, but the fortune tree is prone to yellow leaves, so it is not good to raise flowers, and it is not recommended to raise a fortune tree, you can choose some plants that are easier to feed.

There are 8 kinds of flowers with style, raised indoors to enhance temperament, and people with taste love to raise them

Fourth, white crane taro

White crane taro looks very good, a leaf will only produce a flower, its vitality is also very tenacious, but the white crane taro is very easy to lack of water, once the water supply is insufficient, the vitality of the white crane taro will be shortened, but the white crane taro covers a relatively small area, placed on the balcony is more suitable.

There are 8 kinds of flowers with style, raised indoors to enhance temperament, and people with taste love to raise them

Fifth, hanging orchid

Hanging orchid and green lotus are quite similar, are belonging to the "small master" of air purification, known as "air guard", especially the newly renovated house, is more suitable for raising hanging orchid, and hanging orchid where it is more appropriate, the vitality is also very strong.

There are 8 kinds of flowers with style, raised indoors to enhance temperament, and people with taste love to raise them

6. Rubber trees

Rubber tree leaves are thick and wide, the color is thick and green, which is also the reason why many flower farmers like it, it is very suitable for the living room, and the rubber tree is large and looks good, and it can highlight its advantages.

There are 8 kinds of flowers with style, raised indoors to enhance temperament, and people with taste love to raise them

Seven, cactus

If you raise cacti at home, you don't need too big pots, smaller pots are the best in front of the computer, cacti can prevent radiation, but also very good to feed, of course, if you want cacti to bloom, it is still more difficult.

There are 8 kinds of flowers with style, raised indoors to enhance temperament, and people with taste love to raise them

8. Pauline lamp

The ornamental value of The Pauline lamp is extremely strong, especially when it blooms, it blooms a bright red color, which looks joyful, and the flowers with a little bright color indoors are still better.

There are 8 kinds of flowers with style, raised indoors to enhance temperament, and people with taste love to raise them

How many kinds of flower lovers have they raised? You can share your own maintenance experience in the comments