
#Entertainment Awards#Audrey in black silk clothing in 1954. Hepburn remains pure. Audrey Hepburn starred in the Broadway play Ondine, a play by French playwright Je

author:South Willow Lane people

#Entertainment Awards#Audrey in black silk clothing in 1954. Hepburn remains pure. Audrey Hepburn starred in the Broadway play "Ondine", the play was written by French playwright Jean Giraudoux, Hepburn played the water elf to expose the sexy stage look, without a trace of dust, but more like an angel who fell into the mortal world.

The picture and text are provided by Mr. Song Yiran, a scholar of literature and history.

#Entertainment Awards#Audrey in black silk clothing in 1954. Hepburn remains pure. Audrey Hepburn starred in the Broadway play Ondine, a play by French playwright Je
#Entertainment Awards#Audrey in black silk clothing in 1954. Hepburn remains pure. Audrey Hepburn starred in the Broadway play Ondine, a play by French playwright Je
#Entertainment Awards#Audrey in black silk clothing in 1954. Hepburn remains pure. Audrey Hepburn starred in the Broadway play Ondine, a play by French playwright Je
#Entertainment Awards#Audrey in black silk clothing in 1954. Hepburn remains pure. Audrey Hepburn starred in the Broadway play Ondine, a play by French playwright Je
#Entertainment Awards#Audrey in black silk clothing in 1954. Hepburn remains pure. Audrey Hepburn starred in the Broadway play Ondine, a play by French playwright Je
#Entertainment Awards#Audrey in black silk clothing in 1954. Hepburn remains pure. Audrey Hepburn starred in the Broadway play Ondine, a play by French playwright Je
#Entertainment Awards#Audrey in black silk clothing in 1954. Hepburn remains pure. Audrey Hepburn starred in the Broadway play Ondine, a play by French playwright Je
#Entertainment Awards#Audrey in black silk clothing in 1954. Hepburn remains pure. Audrey Hepburn starred in the Broadway play Ondine, a play by French playwright Je

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