
Moreno vs Figueiredo won the flyweight title with Moreno TKO. Both are flyweight champions in their skills, and both are on par. Moreno straightened after the third round

author:Autumn wen

Moreno vs Figueiredo won the flyweight title with Moreno TKO. Both are flyweight champions in their skills, and both are on par. In the third round, Moreno hit Figueiredo in the right eye, Figueiredo's right eye could not be opened, and the medical supervisor called off the match. Figueiredo said after the match that he was tired of the flyweight division and decided to move up to the bantamweight fight.

#UFC# #mma# #综合格斗mma #

Moreno vs Figueiredo won the flyweight title with Moreno TKO. Both are flyweight champions in their skills, and both are on par. Moreno straightened after the third round
Moreno vs Figueiredo won the flyweight title with Moreno TKO. Both are flyweight champions in their skills, and both are on par. Moreno straightened after the third round
Moreno vs Figueiredo won the flyweight title with Moreno TKO. Both are flyweight champions in their skills, and both are on par. Moreno straightened after the third round
Moreno vs Figueiredo won the flyweight title with Moreno TKO. Both are flyweight champions in their skills, and both are on par. Moreno straightened after the third round
Moreno vs Figueiredo won the flyweight title with Moreno TKO. Both are flyweight champions in their skills, and both are on par. Moreno straightened after the third round
Moreno vs Figueiredo won the flyweight title with Moreno TKO. Both are flyweight champions in their skills, and both are on par. Moreno straightened after the third round
Moreno vs Figueiredo won the flyweight title with Moreno TKO. Both are flyweight champions in their skills, and both are on par. Moreno straightened after the third round
Moreno vs Figueiredo won the flyweight title with Moreno TKO. Both are flyweight champions in their skills, and both are on par. Moreno straightened after the third round

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