
Change the way apples and pears are eaten, and the effect is doubled!

author:CQTV is healthy at home

Fruits are rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, which are an indispensable part of our daily diet. According to the latest version of the dietary guidelines, each person should consume 200-350 grams of fresh fruit per day, and it should not be replaced with fruit juice.

Change the way apples and pears are eaten, and the effect is doubled!

But many middle-aged and elderly friends with weak spleen and stomach face a problem: eating cold fruits is easy to stomach pain and diarrhea, especially now after the cold, dare not eat.

This problem is actually easy to solve, we can heat the fruit to cook and then eat.


Apple cooked to strengthen the spleen and stop diarrhea

Eating apples often has many benefits:

(1) Protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: Apples contain pectin, a soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol and protect blood vessels.

(2) Antioxidant: Apples are rich in anthocyanins, polyphenols, flavonoids and other antioxidants, which can help delay skin aging.

(3) Strong bones: Apples contain boron and manganese, which can enhance bones, to prevent calcium loss.


Are apples raw or cooked?

Change the way apples and pears are eaten, and the effect is doubled!

Raw food: Supplement vitamin C, dietary fiber, minerals, have laxative and detoxifying effects.

Cooked eating: People with weak spleen and stomach are more suitable for cooked eating, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach and stopping diarrhea.

Winter is a good season to eat sweet potatoes. You can match sweet potatoes with apples to make a longevity dish that strengthens the spleen and stomach~

Mashed apples

Change the way apples and pears are eaten, and the effect is doubled!


1. Steam, peel and form a dough with sweet potatoes.

2: Cut the jujube into cubes and mix with the dough to make a nest. Steam for 15 minutes.

3. Spread the mashed potatoes into rectangular pancakes, core and slice the apples, stack them on top of the mashed potatoes cake, roll them into flowers, and fry until ripe.


Pears are cooked and nourished to the lungs

The pear is cool and moist, which can moisturize the lungs, relieve cough and relieve asthma. It is called the "first fruit of moisturizing"!

Pears are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other nutrients. Pears are rich in dietary fiber and are good "cleaners" for the stomach.

Change the way apples and pears are eaten, and the effect is doubled!

In addition to eating them raw, pears can also be used in dishes, and a classic recipe - pear hit shrimp is recorded in the "Suiyuan Food List". The two ingredients seem to be incompatible, but they are unexpectedly delicious together, and they also have the effect of thinning the liver and nourishing the lungs, and people with a cold spleen and stomach can also eat it.

Pears hit shrimp

Change the way apples and pears are eaten, and the effect is doubled!

Ingredients: 1 pear, some shrimp, some peppercorns.


1: Sauté the peppercorns and crush them with a rolling pin.

2: Add eggs and corn starch to stir the shrimp, fry and set aside.

3: Cut the pears into chunks and fry lightly to serve. Add a small amount of oil to the pot, sprinkle a little salt, pour in the shrimp and pears and stir-fry together, add a small amount of water and simmer, collect the juice over high heat, sprinkle with peppercorn noodles.

1. The whole body of the pear is a treasure

Pear peel

The pear skin clears the heart and moisturizes the lungs, its cough effect is actually better than the pear meat, it is a pity to throw it directly! People with cough and phlegm are recommended to peel off the pear skin and soak it in boiling water or boiling water when eating pears.

Change the way apples and pears are eaten, and the effect is doubled!

Pear seeds

Pear seeds contain lignin, which is an insoluble dietary fiber, which can form a film in the stomach and intestines, combine with cholesterol, and promote cholesterol excretion, so it is also very good for laxative, weight loss, and lipid-lowering effects.

People with constipation and high blood lipids, when squeezing pear juice, can squeeze the juice together with the pear pit to drink.


Hawthorn cooked to live, blood to aid digestion

Hawthorn, flavored glycol, into the spleen, stomach, liver meridian. "Daily Materia Medica" records: dissolving food accumulation, settling qi, strengthening stomach diaphragm, eliminating blood and ruffian gas block, and has a good effect of activating blood and removing stasis and eliminating food.

Change the way apples and pears are eaten, and the effect is doubled!

Raw hawthorn is particularly sour, many people can't accept it, but you can make it into hawthorn cake, sweet and sour, can be appetizing and dissipated.

Traditional homemade hawthorn cake


(1) Remove the top of the hawthorn, cook in the pot until flowering, and easily remove the core;

(2) Put the hawthorn meat and skin into the wall breaker, add the water to cook the hawthorn and beat it into juice;

(3) Boil hawthorn juice in a pot, add white sugar according to the ratio of 1 kilogram of hawthorn 4 taels to simmer until viscous, put it in a utensil and cool for 5 hours to form.

【Tip】Not recommended for diabetics and pregnant women.

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