
Najib | receive the stove today in the New Year, and make a wish on the New Year's Eve to help himself and his family increase their blessings and reduce tosses

Najib | receive the stove today in the New Year, and make a wish on the New Year's Eve to help himself and his family increase their blessings and reduce tosses

Today is Chinese New Year's Eve, and I wish you all a new year:

Ji Xing Gaozhao Money (front) rabbit (tu) immeasurable,

Everything goes well, and the rabbit (suddenly) advances!

Lucky, Much, Nice!

If you like this "Rabbit Nice 2023" New Year wallpaper, you can send any of the following keyword messages to the public account "Blessing", "Nice", "Promising", "Leaps and Bounds", "Year of the Rabbit wallpaper", you can automatically reply to you This Year of the Rabbit Blessing Wallpaper, take the "auspicious blessing" home, please accept this beautiful blessing :)

As a Spring Festival benefit, the designer also made two versions, "Money Rabbit Boundless" and "Rabbit Leap Forward", which will also be released together, and you can choose according to your preferences.

Today, in addition to eating Chinese New Year's Eve together as a family, according to traditional customs, there is often an important thing to do on the Chinese New Year's Eve day - to welcome the stove, or pick up the stove (local customs are different, from the night of Chinese New Year's Eve to the fourth day of the Lunar New Year).

According to folklore, every year on the 23rd/24th day of the lunar month, the king of the stove will return to the heavenly court to "report his duties" to the Jade Emperor and report the good or evil deeds of this family in the previous year, and the Jade Emperor will arrange the auspicious //fierce /// blessing that this family should receive in the new year according to the report of the king of the stove.

Therefore, the "small year" of each year is also the day of the stove, and the folk usually come to the kitchen together as a family, set up an offering table in front of the stove statue, light the lamp to burn /// incense, the most important offering is to make sugar diluted with malt, rice and so on for ///bong /// Stove King Ye, let him sweeten his mouth, so that God can say good things, so as not to live right and wrong.

For example, in the previous "Xiao Nian", a media person fan sent a picture of Zhao Shen -

Najib | receive the stove today in the New Year, and make a wish on the New Year's Eve to help himself and his family increase their blessings and reduce tosses

Xiao Nian sent away the stove Shen, how can Chinese New Year's Eve take it back?

Xiao Chinese New Year's Eve sent the Stove King to the Heavenly Court, then, Chinese New Year's Eve night, we will be responsible for bringing the Stove King back.

According to tradition, after returning to the Heavenly Court on the 23rd/24th day of the lunar month, the king of the stove would descend from the sky together with the other declarations on the night of the Chinese New Year's Eve, and the king of the stove would also serve as a guide for the declarations, guiding each declaration to indicate auspicious //murder /// blessings to thousands of households. Until after the first moon, all the other declarations returned to the Heavenly Court, only the king of the stove remained in the world, living on a small stove, continuing to experience people's good and evil.

Therefore, Chinese New Year's Eve is also a big day to receive the stove Shen, no matter whether the previous Xiaonian sent the stove Shen at home, today can be brought back with joy :)

This "connection" is actually a kind of respectful and joyful intention...

As in previous years, a page dedicated to welcoming the stove Shen was opened in [Wish Planet], so that everyone can pray for the stove to go home, especially overseas, traveling, working, no time and energy, or want to express New Year's wishes, then you can come to [Wish Planet] to welcome the stove Shen——

How to "Please Stove Shen" on Wish Planet

Following the traditional Najib method, you can gradually accumulate people/// between fireworks, don't worry about whether you can't do it, the family is happy to do what you can do, it is a sweet process, as long as you put your mind on it, it's good enough :)

Of course, in addition to asking for a prayer, after entering the first lunar month, you can also - declare to the year of the rabbit to make a wish for a year of well-being :)

My family and I in 2023

(rabbit, chicken, mouse, horse, dragon)

To whom can I make a wish?

Regardless of whether it is a year of death or not, if it is convenient and willing, you can make a wish to the year /// star /// Jun Zhu.

Tao/// Academically, it is believed that the year of the year /// Star /// Jun is in charge of the whole year of auspicious /// fierce, and after entering the spring of 2023, it will be a rabbit, chicken, mouse, horse, dragon rushing year, you are the most suitable year to ask for a good agreement with the year /// Star /// Jun.

And other zodiac signs that do not have a year of age can also make a wish to Ben /// 命 //// 冭年 ///Star /// Jun Lai. What is Ben /// 命 //// Star /// Jun, in fact, it is the year you were born /// Star /// Jun, just like some kind of concept of guarding the Junshin, in the Taiyun Bend, we generally go to the Yuanchen Hall to make a wish with Ben ///Fate/Xing/Jun after paying homage to the Emperor ///Fate //Star ///Jun to make another wish :)

If you are overseas, traveling, working, do not have time and energy, or want to get the blessing of the young man ///star /// Jun, I also opened a page for you in Wish Planet, everyone has been very accustomed to it in the past two years, and you can reach the wish by identifying the QR code below:

In 2023, I want to rise in my career,

To whom can I make a wish?

In the Tao/// religion, the supreme ruler of the heavenly realm is the Jade Emperor /// Emperor, who holds the upper thirty-six heavens and the lower seventy-two earths, and is in charge of all the affairs of the Zhunshen, the Qianfu, the Mountain, the Holy and the Earth, and the earth/// Fu, also known as the Heavenly Gong, the Heavenly Gongzu, the Jade Emperor, etc.

Traditionally, in addition to gratitude, /// Tiangong also begged Tiangong to give him a blessing, so that the family can rise step by step and have a successful career in the new year. Tao/// The academic will think that Tiangong///the most ///can guarantee /// You have a successful career, a smooth job search, a stable workplace, a promotion in the face of noble people, a promotion and a salary increase, ////Official//// Prosperous.

Therefore, many people ask which person can be asked to improve things /// Karma Fortune, and it is safest to seek the Jade Emperor /// Emperor.

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