
It turns out that vitamin B2 is so powerful, 99% of people don't know!

author:Yuncheng Public Welfare Network

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There's one more you don't know about vitamin B2!

Vitamin B2 is an essential nutrient for the human body, which is an essential substance for the formation of human tissues and organ surfaces.

Vitamin B2 cannot be stored in the body, but the body needs it every day, so it must be supplemented from food every day.

A mild vitamin B2 deficiency does not feel anything, but at a certain point symptoms will appear.

Does vitamin B2 deficiency cause congestion and swelling?

The main reason lies in blood vessels, the cells that make up the walls of blood vessels cannot do without vitamin B2, and when vitamin B2 is lacking, the walls of blood vessels (mainly capillaries, the walls themselves are thin) begin to thin.

Under the action of blood pressure, blood vessels begin to bulge outward, and when local blood vessels begin to bulge, a lump is formed, and finally the blood vessels begin to crack and bleed, if it occurs in the brain, did you guess?

Yes, this is a cerebral hemorrhage.

Does vitamin B2 deficiency cause ulcers?

In the same way, the cells that make up human skin and mucous membranes also need vitamin B2.

When B2 is deficient, the body cannot produce enough skin and mucous membrane cells to replace the cells that have been metabolized, and a gap is created.

The skin or mucous membranes of the affected area, like snow melted, develop from a small dot into a wound, which is called an ulcer.

Occurs in the esophagus, which is an esophageal ulcer.

Occurs in the stomach, which is a stomach ulcer.

Occurs in the intestine, which is an intestinal ulcer.

Cervical erosion occurs in the cervix of women.

If the ulcer surface does not heal for a long time, it will be infected by bacteria, resulting in inflammation, and the simple use of anti-inflammatory drugs can only temporarily control the reproduction of bacteria, and can not make the ulcer heal.

Dosage on the bottle: mouth and abdomen, adults, 1-2 tablets at a time, 3 times a day.

Practice has proved that when the human body has no obvious symptoms and is used for prevention, this dosage may be possible.

However, if the body already has obvious symptoms, such as ulcers, hemorrhoids, polyps, then this dosage is obviously not enough, must be 4-6 tablets at a time, 3-4 times a day, to see obvious results.

Some people feel that taking vitamin B2 is useless because the dosage is not enough, thus delaying the disease. Patients who have been hospitalized can ask their doctor to add vitamin B complex (which contains vitamin B2) to the infusion, the effect will be better.

Vitamin B2 has no side effects on the human body

Excess vitamin B2 is excreted directly from the urine, so don't worry about overdose.

There is also a problem that must also be paid attention to, vitamin B2 is easy to decompose when seen in light, resulting in failure, a bottle of vitamin B2 if not eaten a month after opening the cap, then the remaining tablets are estimated to be invalid, and then take it will feel useless, then you need to buy again, the best production date is within half a year.

It is also called upon manufacturers to best wrap a layer of sugar coating on the outside of vitamin B2, so as to reduce the chance of vitamin B2 failure.

What does "fire" have to do with vitamin B2?

After hot foods such as peppers, mutton, and liquor enter the human body, they will expand capillaries and accelerate blood flow, which will accelerate the consumption of vitamin B2, just as people must consume more oxygen when running than walking.

Vitamin B2 is quickly depleted and not replenished, so there will be swollen gums, muscle congestion and swelling and other symptoms, as long as you take enough vitamin B2 immediately, the symptoms will disappear quickly.

Of course, eating some cool foods such as watermelon can neutralize the heat in the body and also have a certain effect, but the most fundamental factor is vitamin B2.

Vitamin B2, a safe "nuclear" weapon

Vitamin B2 has a wide range of effects:

1. Promote development and cell regeneration;

2. Participate in the growth and metabolism of cells;

3. Cooperate with other substances to participate in a variety of metabolism;

4. Promote growth and development, maintain the integrity of skin and cell membranes;

5. Prevention and elimination of oral genital syndrome;

6. Promote the normal growth of skin, nails and hair;

7. Promote the body's absorption of iron and prevent anemia;

8. Improve eyesight and reduce eye fatigue.

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is a safe "nuclear" weapon.

Vitamin B2 has 3 characteristics

First, it is easily damaged by light (especially ultraviolet rays);

Second, heating in alkali solution can be destroyed, so pay more attention to the use with food and medicine;

Third, the reserves in the body are limited and must be replenished every day.

We can usually supplement vitamin B2 through food or nutritional products every day, if we can take it with vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin C and folic acid, the effect is better.

Some special patients can be supplemented with medication. Under normal circumstances, vitamin B2 does not accumulate in the body, so even if you ingest too much, it is generally not poisoned.

With vitamin B2 has a wide range of effects

In addition to the aforementioned growth promotion, anemia prevention, vision protection, etc., studies have also found that it has the following uses:

1. Patients with angina coronary heart disease, myocardial ischemia and angina pectoris, take 75 mg of vitamin B2 each time, 3 times a day, after 2~3 months of medication, the frequency of angina attacks is reduced.

Pharmacological studies have confirmed that vitamin B2 can improve the blood supply to the heart because it participates in the body's energy metabolism.

In addition, vitamin B2 can also inhibit platelet aggregation, improve myocardial ischemia and reduce the scope of myocardial infarction, improve myocardial function, and have great prospects in protecting the heart!

2. Migraine is caused by reduced energy reserves of brain cells or strong spasm of cerebral blood vessels. Recent studies have shown that high-dose vitamin B2 supplementation can reduce the frequency and duration of migraine attacks.

Taking 200~400 mg of vitamin B2 every day according to the doctor's advice can effectively prevent and treat migraine, at least reduce the frequency and degree of attacks.

3. Improve sexual life

Vitamin B2 is associated with the quality of sexual life, especially in women.

Lack of vitamin B2 can be manifested as vaginal dryness, vaginal mucosal hyperemia, rupture, predisposition to labia, vaginitis, scaly skin, rough skin, external epidermis shedding, increased exudation, can extend to the near thighs.

This can cause loss of libido, frigidity and pain during intercourse. Therefore, women (especially during the growth period) should pay attention to supplementing multivitamins, including not only vitamin B2, but also folic acid.

4. Pharmacological studies on the prevention and treatment of prostatic hyperplasia have shown that vitamin B2 has diuretic and swelling effects, which is conducive to eliminating symptoms such as poor urination.

Patients with prostatic hyperplasia can take 50 mg of vitamin B2 per day, and the symptoms can be improved after half a year, and the hypertrophic prostate will also shrink, especially for patients with prostatic hypertrophy and edema.

5. Enhance cold tolerance: Vitamin B2 is combined with vitamin E and iron to enhance the body's cold tolerance.

This is because they can participate in and enhance the body's energy metabolism or participate in the human hematopoietic process, and their comprehensive effect is to promote the human body to produce more heat to achieve the purpose of cold protection.

6. In addition, the study also found that vitamin B2 has certain effects on the prevention and treatment of nephritis and edema.

What foods contain vitamin B2?

If you lack vitamin B2, you can choose milk and its products, animal offal (liver, kidney and heart, etc.), egg yolk, a variety of fish (especially eel, crucian carp, etc.), spinach, carrots, shiitake mushrooms, seaweed, eggplant, celery, tomatoes and other vegetables, oranges and citrus fruits and other fruits to eat, generally do not need to supplement additionally.

Some patients with severe vitamin B2 deficiency should supplement pharmaceutical-grade vitamin B2 tablets or multivitamin B tablets under the guidance of doctors and pharmacists.

Source: Yangtze Famous Medical Group

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