
Little Yellow Channel HBO's new work, who is the last survivor when the virus is raging with violence escalation

author:Shunko's simple diary

Many fans of American dramas should know that this drama has begun to broadcast recently, and the current Douban has given a score of 9.1, which is a good score, after all, it is a work launched by HBO, how to reach the ranks of boutiques.

At present, only the first episode can be found on mainstream websites, HBO's drama, if you want to chase, the biggest problem is to be patient, the update is very slow.

Let's talk about the title of the show, "The Last of Us", which is an American drama based on the popular game. At the beginning, this drama was more warm, and some people may feel that the beginning of the plot is too protracted.

Little Yellow Channel HBO's new work, who is the last survivor when the virus is raging with violence escalation

In order to celebrate her father's birthday, the little girl found a watch repair shop to repair a watch that her father really liked but had broken, and rented a DVD that her father liked to watch, preparing to celebrate her birthday with her father.

The scene was very warm, until the father received a phone call, and his brother was caught in the police station, and he had to rescue his brother. So father Joel took his daughter into the bedroom and went out alone to bail out his brother.

In fact, in the process of the girl's watch repair, we felt the tension, and before the watch repair was finished, the watchmaker's wife asked the girl to leave quickly, saying that there was something important to do. The news in the news is also telling everyone that there is danger.

Little Yellow Channel HBO's new work, who is the last survivor when the virus is raging with violence escalation

When Joel went out alone, her daughter was still woken up, and she went to the neighbor's house to find a shocking scene, the elderly man was injured, and the hostess was actually eating the nanny.

At this time, the girl was frightened and ran out. The old woman who was gnawing at people in the back actually moved quickly and chased the girl.

Thanks to Joel, he arrived on time and saved his daughter. Seeing this, the proportion of daughters in the play is still very high, and I once thought that maybe the girl would be the heroine.

But I soon found out that this was a mistake, because when Joel took his daughter to hide, and finally ran into a military base, the military base not only did not help, but shot at Joel and his daughter.

Little Yellow Channel HBO's new work, who is the last survivor when the virus is raging with violence escalation

It was also thanks to Joel's brother that arrived and saved Joel, but unfortunately, Joel's daughter was seriously injured and died. This also completely subverted my feeling, this girl is just an introduction, just like we watch "Game of Thrones" and think that Ned is the male protagonist of this show, who knows that the first season will hang up before it ends.

The next story is 20 years later, Joel is alive in the remaining world, but he and his brother are separated, and he needs batteries and vehicles to find his brother.

Little Yellow Channel HBO's new work, who is the last survivor when the virus is raging with violence escalation

While searching for batteries and vehicles, Joel's men are attacked, and while Joel is trying to retrieve his supplies, he meets the leader of the rebels, who asks him to take a girl to a place where he will be rewarded for his achievements.

This made Joel moved, and after discussing with his partner, he took the girl and set off, what was their fate? We'll wait for the next episode update before we'll talk to you.

Today I will briefly say something, interested friends can pay attention to Shunzi, and there may be surprises in the background reply to "The Last Survivor".

Thanks for reading.