
7 simple steps to give yourself a facial massage at home

author:Prelude to Love Normandy

Rejuvenate your skin with simple steps and marvel at the amazing results.

7 simple steps to give yourself a facial massage at home

The facial massage is very rejuvenating. If you know the right technique, you can easily give yourself a facial massage at home. Do not worry. Here we have a step-by-step guide to help you!

Facial massage stimulates different pressure points to work the facial muscles. It helps promote lymphatic drainage, reduce puffiness, reduce signs of aging and keep skin firm. You can use lotions, oils to provide the desired gliding effect, and use the face wheel, gua sha tools, or just follow the movements of your face with your fingers.


Massage can help soften scar tissue and reduce the appearance of scars to a great extent.

How to get a facial massage at home – a step-by-step guide

Before you begin, do the following:

  • Clean your face with a mild cleanser. Your skin should be clean before starting the massage.
  • Choose a good face oil. For dry skin, choose almond oil, marula oil, or argan oil. For oily skin, choose jojoba oil or grapeseed oil. For acne-prone skin, choose rosehip seed oil. For sensitive skin, choose aloe vera or moringa oil.
  • If you don't want to use oil, you can opt for a quality moisturizer/cream for a facial massage.
  • Make sure to wash your hands properly.

If you don't want to use your fingers, you can also massage your face with a roller (or jade roller).


Avoid squeezing pimples and acne before facial massage. This can irritate the skin and may make the massage painful.

After applying the oil or cream, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Massage the forehead

  • Place your knuckles on your forehead, just between your eyebrows.
  • Gently move them up, towards the hairline, and then to the side to your temples. Done in a scraped manner.
  • Repeat this action five times.

Step 2: Massage the eye area

7 simple steps to give yourself a facial massage at home
  • Place the tips of your middle and forefingers on your temples.
  • Slide your finger under your eyes towards the bridge of your nose.
  • Continue sliding over the eyebrows and follow the oval path back to below the eyes again.
  • Repeat five times.

Step 3: Massage your cheeks

7 simple steps to give yourself a facial massage at home
  • Place your knuckles on your cheeks, near the bridge of your nose.
  • Gently sweep it across your cheek towards your ear.
  • Repeat the action five times.

Step 4: Massage the mouth area

7 simple steps to give yourself a facial massage at home
  • Make a "V" gesture with your index and middle fingers (both hands).
  • Place your fingers on the mouth area with your index finger above your upper lip and your middle finger below your lower lip.
  • Gently press and pull your finger towards your ear.
  • Repeat five times.

Step 5: Massage the chin area

7 simple steps to give yourself a facial massage at home
  • Place your knuckles on your chin so that the jawline is between your knuckles.
  • Gently pull your knuckles up along the jawline towards your ears.
  • Repeat five times

Step 6: Massage the neck

7 simple steps to give yourself a facial massage at home
  • Place your knuckles just below your chin.
  • Gently pull them down towards the collarbone.
  • Repeat these movements constantly by moving the knuckles along the chin and pulling them down to the collarbone.
  • Do this five times.

Step 7: Massage the entire contour of your face

7 simple steps to give yourself a facial massage at home
  • Place your knuckles between your eyebrows.
  • Move up along the hairline towards the temples.
  • Pull it to one side of the face, including the chin.

After completing these steps, place your palms on your face and gently press while breathing deeply. This will help you relax.

This is a very basic but effective facial massage technique. These steps are easy to follow. Facial massage has many other benefits.

Benefits of facial massage

1. Helps reduce stress

One study found that a 45-minute facial massage could reduce psychological stress by activating the sympathetic nervous system (the part of the autonomic nervous system that directs the body's "fight or flight" response). Massage techniques help reduce anxiety and elevate mood.

2. Helps improve blood flow

One study found that simply massaging the face with a facial massage roller for 5 minutes improved blood circulation to the facial skin. It found that regular massage for 5 weeks dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow.

Related: 12 Effective Foods to Improve Blood Circulation in the Body

3. May have anti-aging benefits

Studies have found that regular massage causes changes in the structure of the skin. It has been shown to alter facial expressions, muscles, and facial tissues. The researchers found evidence of the efficacy of facial massage. Improvements in skin structure may help keep skin smooth and minimize the appearance of fine lines.

Facial massage – tips to follow

  1. Use massage tools: This is the best way to enhance the experience. You can use a gua sha tool or a jade roller to give yourself a calming massage. The only difference is that you will use tools instead of fingers or knuckles.
  2. Never neglect the neck: the skin of the neck needs equal care and attention. Whenever you massage your face, extend the movements to your neck and chest as well.
  3. Use anti-aging creams: Adding anti-aging creams to your daily facial will help enhance skin health, reduce fine lines, and delay other signs of aging.
  4. Exfoliate before massage: This helps your skin absorb oil or moisturizers better.
  5. Evening massage: This will help your skin absorb the product at night.


Do not apply heavy makeup products to your face after a facial massage as this may clog pores and cause acne.

If you master the right technique, you can easily perform a facial massage at home. Facial massage has a range of benefits: it reduces puffiness, reduces signs of aging and promotes lymphatic drainage. In addition, it reduces stress and improves blood flow. Following tips such as using massage tools, using anti-aging creams, exfoliating before massage, and massaging at night to effectively absorb skincare products can help enhance the effectiveness of facial massage.

Frequently asked questions

When should I have a facial massage?

Do a facial massage in the evening. This will help your skin absorb the nutrients in the product and restore health at night.

How often should you have a facial massage?

You can massage your face every day. You can do your regular skincare routine in the evening. This will not take more than 5-10 minutes. However, you can do a delicate facial massage once a week.

Can I use olive oil for a facial massage?

Yes, you can use it. Olive oil is suitable for all skin types.

Are there any side effects of facial massage?

In some cases, facial massage may cause short-term side effects such as edema (swelling) and erythema (redness). Possible long-term and delayed side effects of facial massage include dermatitis and acne-like rashes.

Should I wash my face after a facial massage?

A lot depends on what facial massage you use and what step you take in your skincare routine. If you only use facial oils that are suitable for your skin type, you don't need to wash your face. However, if you are using a mask, you may need to wash it off.

What is the difference between a facial massage and a facial?

A facial is a complete set of steps that usually involves a facial massage using nourishing products. Facial massage, on the other hand, involves stimulating pressure points on the face and neck and usually does not include other steps in the skincare routine.

Can a facial massage change the shape of my face?

No, facial massage cannot change the shape or structure of the face. It can only help build muscles gently.