
The hottest in a thousand years! The entire melting of Greenland's glaciers has raised sea levels by 7 meters, and alarm bells have sounded

author:Popular science circle

Global warming has become a fact, and as the global temperature gradually rises and the North River melts faster at the north and south poles of the earth, the threat to the earth will be greatly increased. According to a related article in the journal Nature, Greenland's danger level has escalated again, and the temperature in the area has risen year by year, and in the period 2001-2011, Greenland is at its warmest time in a millennium, which tells us that global warming began to worsen after human activity.

The hottest in a thousand years! The entire melting of Greenland's glaciers has raised sea levels by 7 meters, and alarm bells have sounded

Scientists also said that Greenland's warming is far from stopping and will continue to rise in the future, when the disaster to humans and the earth will be more serious and the losses will be greater. Greenland is an indicator of temperature changes, with a strong sensitivity and expressiveness to global temperature changes, in general, as long as the earth's temperature rises, then the performance in the Greenland region will be more obvious than other places.

The hottest in a thousand years! The entire melting of Greenland's glaciers has raised sea levels by 7 meters, and alarm bells have sounded

There is evidence that Greenland has reached an all-time high, with temperatures in the region rising by an average of 1.5 degrees Celsius between 2001 and 2011, the warmest decade of the millennium. Rising temperatures are bound to cause glaciers to melt, which is devastating for Greenland and the rest of the planet. In addition, temperatures in the Greenland region are rising faster and more pronounced, with Greenland rising by 0.8 degrees Celsius every 10 years, far outpacing the rate of global warming, according to the data.

The hottest in a thousand years! The entire melting of Greenland's glaciers has raised sea levels by 7 meters, and alarm bells have sounded

In addition, the temperature in all parts of Greenland is inconsistent, and the temperature rise is most pronounced in the north, breaking through to 15.6 degrees Celsius in 2022, up from 5.6 degrees Celsius in 2021, which shows how much global warming affects Greenland. Greenland's glaciers are melting, and large-scale ice shelf collapse and glacier melting have caused sea levels to rise wildly, with data showing that in 2019, sea levels rose by 1.5 degrees Celsius.

The hottest in a thousand years! The entire melting of Greenland's glaciers has raised sea levels by 7 meters, and alarm bells have sounded

If the trend of global warming is not stopped or changed, Greenland will not be reversed, and when the ice melts wildly, the earth's sea level will gradually rise, and mankind will face a huge threat. According to scientists' research, the melting of Greenland's glaciers will intensify in the future, which is the biggest problem we are currently facing.

The hottest in a thousand years! The entire melting of Greenland's glaciers has raised sea levels by 7 meters, and alarm bells have sounded

As we all know, we have experienced La Niña in the past three consecutive years, but La Niña has not had a good effect on the global year, and the earth's temperature is still at a high level. According to the meteorological record, the average temperature in 2022 is comparable to 2015, which shows that global warming has not completely slowed down, and the future is worrying, scientists say that after the end of La Niña, the Earth's temperature will become higher, and 2023 may be reflected.

The hottest in a thousand years! The entire melting of Greenland's glaciers has raised sea levels by 7 meters, and alarm bells have sounded

Scientists believe that if humans do not take relevant emission reduction measures and other actions, the sea level will rise by another 50cm after 2100 and 1.2cm in 2300, and these data are that mankind can achieve the goal of temperature rise within 1.5 degrees Celsius set by the Paris Agreement, but from the data released by the IPCC, human carbon emissions will increase by 14% in the next decade, and it seems that the process will still be difficult.

The hottest in a thousand years! The entire melting of Greenland's glaciers has raised sea levels by 7 meters, and alarm bells have sounded

Greenland is an important area for humans, we have to find a way to ensure that the glaciers do not melt completely, according to the data, if the glaciers in Greenland all melt, the sea level will rise at least 7 meters, for some relatively low altitude countries or cities, there will be a risk of inundation.

Global warming is already a huge problem that threatens the survival of mankind, and if it is not checked, the future and development of human civilization will become confusing.

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