
In 1947, our army ransacked the US arsenal, why did the United States choose to swallow its anger and not pursue it?

author:Yunshi Chang'an is not young

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In the late evening of April 4, 1947, a burst of gunfire broke out in the Tanggu area of Tianjin.

In the chaos, the people of Tianjin heard someone shouting in the city: "The People's Liberation Army has knocked down the Yankees' arsenal!" ”

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused a fierce discussion in Tianjin.

In 1947, our army ransacked the US arsenal, why did the United States choose to swallow its anger and not pursue it?

"Which chief brought the soldiers? Dare to hit the arsenal of the Yankees? ”

The people were surprised and delighted by this news, happy that someone had finally gone to clean up the Yankees, and were shocked that they were afraid that the Yankees would retaliate against our PLA soldiers in the future.

However, after the incident, the Americans not only did not take any retaliation, but also tried to hide the matter. So, what's going on here?

Young talent Wu Hong

What is less well known is that the people who led the destruction of the Yankee arsenal were not the regular army of the People's Liberation Army, but a local armed force from the Ninghe region of Tianjin.

In 1947, our army ransacked the US arsenal, why did the United States choose to swallow its anger and not pursue it?

Wu Hong

And the commander of this battle is named Wu Hong.

Wu Hong was born in October 1923, his hometown is in Xianyang, Shaanxi Province, and like most ordinary people, Wu Hong's family was just ordinary farmers, and in those turbulent times, Wu Hong's family lived in misery every day.

It is said that troubled times produce heroes, and after seeing all the sufferings of the world, Wu Hong is determined to become a hero of this country and help the people of this country live a stable and happy life.

In 1937, at the age of fourteen, Wu Hong met the Red Army units for the first time.

Before this, Wu Hong had heard about the Red Army, but when he really saw it, Wu Hong was still very shocked, at that time, the Red Second Army had just finished the Long March, although the troop attrition was serious, and the equipment and weapons were very backward, but Wu Hong saw something from the eyes of the soldiers that he had never seen before.

In 1947, our army ransacked the US arsenal, why did the United States choose to swallow its anger and not pursue it?

Red Army (film and television drama image)

It was a flame, a flame called patriotism.

The Second Red Army spent some time in Wuhong's village, during which time the Red Army helped the people to seek many benefits, they helped farmers to farm the land, helped the farmers feed pigs and cattle, and after learning that the local people were bullied by the landlords, the Red Army soldiers also helped them fight the local tyrants and divide the fields.

Wu Hong had never seen such a troop, and he was determined to join this team that exuded vitality.

Fourteen-year-old Wu Hong soon joined the Red Army, and although he was very young at the time, he acted like a small adult, he volunteered to help other soldiers share tasks, and often asked questions from his old-timers.

In 1947, our army ransacked the US arsenal, why did the United States choose to swallow its anger and not pursue it?

Chiang Kai-shek

This "red imp" was quickly noticed by the organization, and seeing that Wu Hong was so diligent and enthusiastic, the party organization decided to admit him as a Communist Party member.

After that, the Anti-Japanese War broke out in full force, and in order to jointly defend against foreign enemies, our Party and Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang government launched a second cooperation, in which Wu Hong's unit was reorganized into the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army.

Although the name of the team changed, the original revolutionary intention of the soldiers did not change in the slightest, and in the next eight years of the Anti-Japanese War, Wu Hong followed his team to the south and the north.

Many years later, when talking about Wu Hong, his comrades-in-arms said of him: "Wu Hong is young and aggressive, and when he fights, he is always the first to rush up, shuttling through the rain of bullets, and he is extremely brave." ”

In 1947, our army ransacked the US arsenal, why did the United States choose to swallow its anger and not pursue it?

Old photo of the Anti-Japanese War

Years of conquest have allowed Wu Hong to be experienced, his military literacy and ability have also been improved, and he has made great contributions in countless large and small battles.

Wu Hong's achievements are obvious to all, and the organization did not bury this talent, and promoted Wu Hong many times, and the young Wu Hong soon assumed the post of company commander.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, according to the instructions of the Party Central Committee, Wu Hong stayed in the Hebei area.

The Party Central Committee assigned Wu Hong a special task, that is, to raise a militia in the local area and open up red base areas.

This task is not big, small is not small, and many people feel that doing so is a bit of a waste of Wu Hong's ability.

However, the Party Central Committee naturally has higher-level considerations. Wu Hong is still young, has endless strength and vigor, can lead others to revolution together, and has great united front value.

In 1947, our army ransacked the US arsenal, why did the United States choose to swallow its anger and not pursue it?

Old photos of the militia

Night raid on U.S. arsenals

Wu Hong also did not live up to the expectations of the Party Central Committee, and after coming to the eastern Hebei region, he first inspected the local situation.

Wu Hong found that the situation in eastern Hebei was actually not very good, the local development was backward, and it had long been threatened by white terror, and the local armed forces were pitiful, and it was not easy to gain a foothold here.

It's a challenge, but Wu Hong is ready!

Wu Hong did not rush, but first found a few people with firm beliefs and formed an armed force of only a dozen people, due to limited economic conditions, these dozen people could not have a thermal weapon.

However, the immediate difficulties did not bother Wu Hong, while developing the local economy, he led his own squad to fight guerrilla, and soon expanded his own team, coupled with the help of the Party Central Committee, in less than a year, Wu Hong's team reached hundreds of people.

In 1947, our army ransacked the US arsenal, why did the United States choose to swallow its anger and not pursue it?

Kuomintang army

During the Liberation War, Wu Hong, stationed in eastern Hebei, repeatedly clashed with the Kuomintang troops, and although the Kuomintang was large in number and equipped with advanced military forces, Wu Hong never flinched.

In the guerrilla war, Wu Hong took out all the tricks he learned in the Anti-Japanese War, slowly consumed the Kuomintang's immediate combat power, and won many confrontations with the Kuomintang army.

It can be said that the victory in the Pingjin Campaign also had to be credited to Wu Hong's Tianjin Ninghe Detachment.

However, due to various reasons, the historical records of Wuhong's combat experience are not very sufficient, however, there is a battle that has been completely recorded, that is, the attack on the US arsenal in 1947!

In 1947, our army ransacked the US arsenal, why did the United States choose to swallow its anger and not pursue it?

U.S. Forces in China

This matter has to start in 1946, when the US military stationed in China often provoked incidents on the territory of the mainland, and the two sides also broke out in small conflicts many times, but for various reasons, the conflicts between the two sides always went away and became a confused account.

After many conflicts, our party's senior cadres discovered a key point, that is, the strategic center of gravity of the US military was not on the mainland, but in Europe and Japan, so with this advantage, our party began to secretly engage with the US military.

Our party has successively launched an offensive against the United States in politics and public opinion.

Speaking of the grudge between China and the United States, in fact, it has been out of control since this time.

Before and after the Liberation War, the U.S. government repeatedly colluded with Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang government, and the two sides reached many military agreements, such as the U.S. military helping the Kuomintang government occupy Japanese strongholds during World War II and providing them with military and financial support.

In 1947, our army ransacked the US arsenal, why did the United States choose to swallow its anger and not pursue it?

Chiang Kai-shek

What the Kuomintang wants to do is to willingly become the "dogleg" of the Americans, control the situation in the Asia-Pacific region in China as a pawn of the United States, and at the same time reduce the pressure on the stationing of US troops.

Although the pattern of the Cold War had not yet fully opened up, it was an indisputable fact that the two countries with different ideologies of the United States and the Soviet Union were fighting each other.

Although our party shares the same beliefs as the Soviet Union, based on the consideration of interests, the Soviets have not been able to completely correct their asses and hesitate on the question of "supporting the Communist Party or supporting the Kuomintang."

To sum up, the US military stationed at home is a problem that we must solve.

In 1947, our army ransacked the US arsenal, why did the United States choose to swallow its anger and not pursue it?

In the vicinity of Tanggu, the US military built a huge arsenal, this arsenal is built by occupying the land of the people, not only that, the people who have lost their land also have to use the Americans as labor under bullying, and the behavior of the Americans has caused great dissatisfaction among the local people, but because of the fist of the Americans, the people can only swallow their anger.

Until the arrival of Wu Hong.

After receiving the battle order, Wu Hong immediately began to prepare.

Before the operation began, Wu Hong first led people to survey the vicinity of the arsenal and planned the departure route after the mission in advance. This matter is not difficult for Wu Hong, who has fought guerrilla many times here and is still familiar with the local terrain.

Late on the night of April 4, 1947, everything was ready, and only the east wind was owed.

In 1947, our army ransacked the US arsenal, why did the United States choose to swallow its anger and not pursue it?

Wu Hong sneaked to the vicinity of the arsenal with a few people, first solved the guards at the door, and then launched an attack.

During this period, Wu Hong used the method of "sound east to hit west" to attract the enemy to the east, and then led his own people to attack the west and north, stealing the enemy's back.

This move was so beautiful that the enemy did not expect us to dare to hit their arsenal, and when the battle began, many Yankees were still sleeping in the house, and by the time they realized the danger, it was too late.

The task of storming the arsenal was simply incredibly smooth.

Wu Hong led people to seize all the ammunition that could be taken away from the warehouse, and then lit a fire, burning the arsenal painstakingly built by the Yankees.

In 1947, our army ransacked the US arsenal, why did the United States choose to swallow its anger and not pursue it?

Wu Hong

That night, there was a lot of excitement inside and outside Tianjin: "This Yankee arsenal is lit like fireworks, and it is gone all of a sudden!" ”

"It's still our PLA that is powerful!"

The reaction of the U.S. government

The next day, the news of the attack on the US arsenal spread around the world.

All countries in the world are holding their breath to see how the United States reacts next.

But to everyone's surprise, nothing happened to the Americans!

A few days later, a relevant news came out from the US military: the top general of the US troops stationed in China involved in the incident was dismissed, and the US military did not intend to take retaliatory actions, and even took the initiative to shrink its field in China a lot, and withdrew many soldiers stationed in China.

In 1947, our army ransacked the US arsenal, why did the United States choose to swallow its anger and not pursue it?

The way the Americans handled it surprised everyone, you know, in the World War II that just ended, the two atomic bombs of the Americans shocked the whole world, and after that, no one dared to disobey the United States, after all, no one wanted to let the third atomic bomb fall on their heads.

What is even more elusive is that the attack on the US arsenal is not even the regular army of the mainland, but a temporary team, but why does the United States choose to swallow its anger?

In fact, this has to talk about the general environment of the world at that time.

In 1947, our army ransacked the US arsenal, why did the United States choose to swallow its anger and not pursue it?

The United States and the Soviet Union fought for hegemony

After the end of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union became the two most powerful countries in the world at the time, and the two superpowers entrenched in their spheres of influence regarded each other as their most dangerous enemies. With the implementation of the "Iron Curtain Speech" and the "Marshall Plan", the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union also began.

Our party's guess was correct, judging from the world pattern at that time, the strategic focus of the United States was not Asia at all, but the European region bordering the Soviet Union, and moreover, the Asian countries were very backward at that time and could not be compared with Europe at all.

When it comes to Asian affairs, the United States has also decided to bet its treasure on Japan, an island country across the sea from China, which has become the strategic base point of the Americans.

In 1947, our army ransacked the US arsenal, why did the United States choose to swallow its anger and not pursue it?

U.S. troops stationed in Japan

At that time, the United States did not have many military forces stationed abroad, so in dealing with Asian affairs, they chose to put more troops in Japan to maintain Japan's post-war order and post-war reconstruction, and the troops stationed on the mainland, in fact, the Americans planned to take it back for a long time, and this operation was just an excuse for the Americans to go down the slope.

A more important reason is that the U.S. government foresaw the defeat of the Kuomintang government.

In 1947, although our Party had not yet entered the stage of counteroffensive in the War of Liberation, in the confrontation between the two sides, the Kuomintang troops, which had a huge advantage, did not take any advantage at all; the Kuomintang had fewer and fewer materials and troops, and the number of our Party was fighting more and more.

In 1947, our army ransacked the US arsenal, why did the United States choose to swallow its anger and not pursue it?

Chiang Kai-shek

As a result, the United States retreated and refused to help Chiang Kai-shek commit more troops.

In addition, the U.S. government was well aware that although the Soviets did not explicitly state that they would support the Communists, if the United States sent more and more troops in China, the Soviets would not sit idly by, and they did not intend to fight the Soviets to this extent.

That is why the Americans chose to swallow their anger after the attack on the arsenal.

Wu Hong, who completed this task, once again gave the US military a blow in the subsequent War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and became the existence of the US military's internal talk.

In 1947, our army ransacked the US arsenal, why did the United States choose to swallow its anger and not pursue it?

Wu Hong

Later, Wu Hong became an engineer of the mainland's national defense department, played a unique role in the important task of national defense construction, and devoted himself to the construction and development of New China.




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