
The spring of teacher training students is coming, and some graduates can directly join primary and secondary schools, and the official has responded

author:HC Education
Teaching is a job with unique social significance, teaching and educating people bears the responsibility of education, and the inheritance from generation to generation makes the teaching profession always shine, looking at the radiant teachers on the podium, and many students quietly planted the seeds of ideals.

Teacher training majors in the college entrance examination application, has always been very popular, not only social significance, but also can achieve their own ideals, especially in recent years, teachers' income has increased significantly, many non-teacher major graduates, have also entered the teaching industry, this job is more hot, but less temperature.

The spring of teacher training students is coming, and some graduates can directly join primary and secondary schools, and the official has responded

In the eyes of parents, teachers work decently and steadily, and they hope that their daughters will apply for the exam, especially students from poor families, and apply for publicly-funded teacher training students to solve economic and employment problems together, but due to the high admission scores, there are very few students who can be admitted, and the teaching profession has attracted much attention due to the particularity of the work.

The spring of teacher training students is coming, and some graduates can directly join primary and secondary schools, and the official has responded

The spring of teacher training students is coming, and some graduates can directly join primary and secondary schools, and the official has responded

In the group of teacher training students, publicly-funded teacher training students are an exception, they are similar to ordinary student normal students to learn the same content, but after graduation can be assigned work, students need to sign a contract with the school, but the assigned work area is very fixed, mostly in remote areas of the province, educational resources are relatively scarce, need the support of teacher graduates.

The spring of teacher training students is coming, and some graduates can directly join primary and secondary schools, and the official has responded

Considering this condition, many candidates who want to apply for the teacher training major will choose carefully, want to reduce the distribution of tuition packages, or do students go to college to find a job normally? Many students choose general teacher training majors, but they often regret it after graduation, and the package distribution is indeed very fragrant.

Regarding the place of publicly-funded teacher training students, the relevant departments have a new policy, which makes many ordinary normal students more hungry, if only they had applied for the public-funded teacher training students, but the students ignored it, and the competition for publicly-funded teacher training students was also fierce.

The spring of teacher training students is coming, and some graduates can directly join primary and secondary schools, and the official has responded

The spring of teacher training students is coming, some graduates can directly join primary and secondary schools, the official has responded, in 2023 documents on the promotion of employment of publicly-funded normal students pointed out that all publicly-funded normal students of the 2023 Normal University directly under the Ministry of Education will be guaranteed to teach in primary and secondary schools to further solve their employment problems.

Nowadays, college students attach great importance to the establishment, and the education department will also pay attention to it, and it is no longer difficult to implement the teacher establishment of graduates, and it is no longer difficult to serve iron rice bowls.

The spring of teacher training students is coming, and some graduates can directly join primary and secondary schools, and the official has responded

In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of publicly-funded teacher training students and recognize their efforts, the relevant departments also said that they will enhance the employment choice of graduates, about 90% of publicly-funded teacher normal students will expand their autonomy, and the employment experience will be better, no wonder many ordinary normal students are a little hungry, now the teacher establishment competition is very fierce, it is not easy to really serve the iron rice bowl.

The spring of teacher training students is coming, and some graduates can directly join primary and secondary schools, and the official has responded

Publicly-funded teacher training students are not perfect positions, and high school candidates should consider clearly when applying for the exam

The emergence of this adjustment has given many parents of candidates hope, and the employment problem of students may be more properly solved, I believe that many parents of candidates plan to let their students apply for public-funded teacher training students, but this is not a perfect position, need to test physiological choices.

The spring of teacher training students is coming, and some graduates can directly join primary and secondary schools, and the official has responded

Public-funded normal students are also divided into ministry-level normal students, provincial level normal students, ministry-level normal students have a lot of employment options, and the treatment is better, but the application score is very high, and the military police academy, are approved in advance, and the admission score is mostly about 600 points, which is more suitable for top students.

The admission colleges and universities of provincial normal students are not as high as the subordinate level, and there is less room for employment choices, of course, the number of applicants in this category is large, and the score threshold is not so high.

The spring of teacher training students is coming, and some graduates can directly join primary and secondary schools, and the official has responded

Regardless of the category, after the students graduate, they must go to support the areas where the education is backward, although it is very socially meaningful and can also exercise the ability of graduates, but students should also take into account the reality and can they adapt to local life? Whether or not you can work until the end of service, etc., if the contract is interrupted, it will have a great impact on graduates.

The spring of teacher training students is coming, and some graduates can directly join primary and secondary schools, and the official has responded

The interruption of the contract by publicly-funded teacher training students means that they can leave the service position, but to compensate for liquidated damages, the university was free before, and they needed to pay tuition and accommodation fees, and they would be included in the list of untrustworthy, and it would be difficult to enter the system in the future.

While enjoying welfare benefits, publicly-funded teacher training students must also assume responsibilities and obligations, so candidates should consider clearly when applying for the exam, and cannot register with a hot mind, which is related to the future development of students.

The spring of teacher training students is coming, and some graduates can directly join primary and secondary schools, and the official has responded

Written at the end:

Teachers are gardeners of the flowers of the motherland, candles that burn themselves, and also the silhouette of the night desk work, seemingly glamorous posts, in fact, there is a lot of sadness behind them, choose a teacher major should also be cautious, if there is no spirit of dedication, it will be very tiring to do this job.

The spring of teacher training students is coming, and some graduates can directly join primary and secondary schools, and the official has responded

As a person in the system, it is not easy for teachers, students with ideas should think clearly, once they learn teacher training, they must clarify their own concepts, stick to their original intentions, and remember their mission.

The adjustment of the employment policy for publicly-funded teacher training students is also to attract the majority of outstanding candidates to choose, education is a major matter of the country, and it is hoped that more and more graduates will focus on this industry, so that more students have the opportunity to receive high-quality education.

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