
The 70-year-old Uncle Wang's vascular plaque actually disappeared! The doctor said frankly: pay attention to these points in life!

author:A long journey to medicine

Uncle Wang frightened him after finding out that there were plaques in his blood vessels, and his friends around him said that it was okay, but the result was not like that!

The 70-year-old Uncle Wang's vascular plaque actually disappeared! The doctor said frankly: pay attention to these points in life!

Uncle Wang is 70 years old this year, and in a physical examination last year, it was found that there were plaques in the blood vessels in the neck and chest, and the doctor told Uncle Wang that he must actively control it, otherwise if it causes blood vessel blockage, it may be found by cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction!

At that time, Uncle Wang was scared, and as a result, a few friends who were walking together told Uncle Wang: "Don't worry too much, several of us have patches on our bodies like you, isn't this still so tough when you exercise every day" Hearing this, Uncle Wang didn't care too much, and as a result, Lao Zhao and Lao Li, who exercised with Uncle Wang together soon after, changed cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction, one body was half broken, and the other was still hospitalized in the ICU, and he has not woken up yet.

This frightened Uncle Wang again, thinking that what they said was not right, or should he pay attention! After not going home, I told my family that I must change my habits of smoking, drinking, and eating high-fat food, and then Uncle Wang found me to consult some healthy health methods, and after a period of systematic treatment, Uncle Wang felt that he had changed significantly, and in last month's routine physical examination, the plaque in Uncle Wang's blood vessels disappeared! So what exactly is there to get rid of plaque in blood vessels? Today we will talk about some related knowledge.

The 70-year-old Uncle Wang's vascular plaque actually disappeared! The doctor said frankly: pay attention to these points in life!

First of all, I will share with you my views: from the perspective of life, Uncle Wang's friends these views are not correct, "whether vascular plaque is harmful" is not determined by their own opinions, but should be confirmed by scientific methods, such as blood tests, biochemical tests and other methods. Then again, the formation of vascular plaque and high blood lipids have a certain relationship, I think everyone should know this, but to prevent the formation of vascular plaques is first to control their own hyperlipidemia, but for the method of controlling hyperlipidemia, most friends think of taking medicine and applying drugs to control! I've encountered a lot of this at work.

So do I have to take medicine for high blood lipids? From the perspective of our TCM health preservation, the focus of control or treatment is not the use of drugs, but how to block the formation of hyperlipidemia. To know that it is a three-point poison, the premise of using drugs to treat hyperlipidemia should follow certain principles! It is recommended that you still carry out strict diet control, alcohol abstinence, smoking cessation and exercise before this, in which I think diet, exercise and lifestyle habits play a great role, and I will highlight a few methods for you below! In this way, after a period of control, if the situation of high blood lipids has not improved, and there are no contraindications to lipid-lowering drugs, it can be considered in this case!

Before that, let's first understand why blood vessels "spot fast"? Diet accounts for only part of the reason.

The 70-year-old Uncle Wang's vascular plaque actually disappeared! The doctor said frankly: pay attention to these points in life!

I don't know if you have paid attention to the fact that most of the patients with vascular plaque are middle-aged and elderly people, and even most of the elderly population has different degrees of vascular plaque, but there are very few young people.

It is said that people with vascular plaque have a certain relationship with their own diet, but some middle-aged and elderly people tend to be bland in terms of diet, but why do plaques still appear?

From a medical point of view: the formation of vascular plaque has a lot to do with bad habits such as long-term high-fat diet, but it does not mean absolute, under normal circumstances, that is, the standard of young people, most of their own blood vessels will tend to be smooth, and blood flow is also smooth. However, with age or other factors, bad cholesterol in the blood will continue to deposit in the tube wall, blood vessels will be more or less damaged, and even bulge to form plaque.

The 70-year-old Uncle Wang's vascular plaque actually disappeared! The doctor said frankly: pay attention to these points in life!

Of course, not all plaques in vascular plaques are harmful, relatively speaking, some "good" plaques are relatively stable and not easy to fall off, that is, the risk is relatively low, commonly known as "hard plaques". Some "bad" plaques refer to mixed plaques dominated by lipids, which may continue to increase or even block blood vessels if not intervened in time, resulting in vascular rupture, thrombosis, etc., thus causing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents, and even bringing fatal danger, commonly known as "soft plaques".

To know that our body's blood vessels are all over each of their own places, and most of the arterial blood vessels may form plaque, if grown in the cardiovascular, may lead to myocardial ischemia, lack of oxygen, when it falls off, it will cause acute myocardial infarction or arrhythmia, and even life-threatening; If it grows in the cerebral blood vessels, it may lead to cerebral vascular ischemia and hypoxia, dizziness and dizziness at light, and cerebral infarction at worst, endangering life and health.

Returning to the topic, it is still not recommended that everyone take drug treatment as soon as they come up, although the effect is remarkable, it is still recommended that you first develop these habits from the three aspects of diet, exercise, and living habits, which will help the gradual elimination of plaque.

First, in terms of diet, a light diet is fundamental, but the following points must be remembered

The 70-year-old Uncle Wang's vascular plaque actually disappeared! The doctor said frankly: pay attention to these points in life!

We all know that the formation of vascular plaque has a lot to do with the three highs (hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes), and as vascular plaque progresses, it is often combined with different involvement of the aorta, coronary artery, renal artery and peripheral artery. In fact, in this regard, it can be adjusted by a healthy diet, so for people with vascular plaque, the diet should pay attention to the following points:

  • (1) Eat more vegetarian dishes and drink less: Vegetarian vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. Vitamin C helps regulate cholesterol metabolism, prevent the development of arteriosclerosis, and increase the compactness of blood vessels. Among alcohol, especially strong alcohol, long-term drinking in large quantities can promote the progression of vascular plaque, thereby increasing the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, so it is also to be avoided.
  • (2) Commonly used vegetable oil to eat less animal fat: this is because vegetable oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, which can promote the reduction of serum cholesterol; Animal fats such as lard, cream, fatty meat, animal offal, egg yolks, etc. are higher in cholesterol.
  • (3) Diet is light but not full: The diet should be light, because of the salty diet, sodium will enter the blood vessel wall to thicken it, and there is a chance that blood pressure will increase. Therefore, the amount of food should be appropriate, not too full, otherwise the body is too fat and increases the burden on the heart.
  • (4) Protein and seafood can not be less: if there is a lack of protein in the diet, arteriosclerosis will also occur. Because protein contains animal protein and legume protein, which are essential amino acids for supplying the body. For this case, you can refer to the best fat removal when drinking milk; Seafood can refer to kelp, marine fish, etc. rich in iodine, iron, calcium, selenium, protein and unsaturated fatty acids, which help the nutrition of the brain, blood dilution, and help reduce cholesterol.

In terms of diet, we will focus on introducing several foods to you, you can refer to the following:

Red bean greenhead duck

The 70-year-old Uncle Wang's vascular plaque actually disappeared! The doctor said frankly: pay attention to these points in life!
  • Ingredients: green head male duck, red adzuki beans, green onion, fine salt, monosodium glutamate.
  • Method: Remove the hair and internal organs of the green-headed duck, wash it, rinse the red adzuki beans, put it in the duck belly, put the duck in a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, simmer until the duck meat is cooked, shallots, fine salt, monosodium glutamate and then stew for a while before eating.
  • Main role: help regulate hyperlipidemia. In fact, as early as the "Compendium of Materia Medica", it was recorded, "ducks, waterfowl also, help to treat water conservancy urine, should use blue-headed male ducks." "Adzuki beans can reduce swelling with water, suitable for simple obese patients.

Deer antler gum porridge

The 70-year-old Uncle Wang's vascular plaque actually disappeared! The doctor said frankly: pay attention to these points in life!
  • Selection: deer antler gum, goji berries, glutinous rice
  • Method: After boiling glutinous rice and goji berries as porridge, add deer antler gum to dissolve it, and then boil it for two or three times. In the morning, you can replace porridge on an empty stomach, and you can season it according to your taste.
  • Main function: Among them, deer antler gum is a rubber block made by decocting deer antlers, which helps to replenish blood and improve essence. Goji berries help nourish the kidneys, nourish the liver and promote sperm. In addition, adding an appropriate amount of japonica rice can help replenish the spleen and nourish the stomach, and take care of stomach qi.

Second, in terms of sports, not only running, swimming, walking, but also practicing eight dan jin.

Exercise health has always been one of the best methods, good use has a double effect with half the effort, poor use will not only not achieve the effect of strengthening the body, but will damage the body. In my opinion, in fact, the main principle of exercise is to do what you can, and choose the sports that suit you and are interested in this is the most important. Of course, in our public perception, running, swimming and other sports help the body, and this is true. But in some ways, exercising some TCM health exercises is also effective. For example, the eight dan jin in the traditional Chinese medicine health exercises, this is actually a kind of whole body exercise relatively ancient fitness method, has been handed down to this day and our public love, his essence is in the exercise with breathing, interested friends can learn a bit, in short, often practice this method, help to regulate their own internal organs, meridians qi and blood.

The 70-year-old Uncle Wang's vascular plaque actually disappeared! The doctor said frankly: pay attention to these points in life!

The specific method can refer to the following:

  • 1. Support the three focal points with both hands: hold upright, feet apart, shoulder-width apart. The arms naturally hang on the side, and then slowly raise from the left and right sides to the top of the head, the fingers of the two hands are crossed, the palms are turned over, the palms are facing up like a heaven, at the same time step on the heels, and then the arms are lowered to recover, and the heels gently touch the ground. And so many times. If combined with breathing, inhale deeply when you go up and exhale deeply when recovering.
  • 2. Open the bow left and right like a condor: hold upright, take a big step with your left foot, and squat your body for a horseback riding style. Cross your arms in front of your chest, your right arm outside, your left arm inside, look at your left hand, then make a fist with your left hand, the index finger is cocked up, and the thumb is extended straight and the index finger is stretched out in a figure of eight. Then push out and straighten the left arm, turn the head to the left, see the left hand show the finger, and at the same time the right hand clenches into a fist, and stretch the arm flat to the right to make a bow. After the movement is restored, it is reversed left and right, and repeated several times. And cooperate with breathing.
  • 3. To regulate the spleen and stomach, it must be lifted alone: hold upright, feet apart, shoulder-width apart. Flip the palm of the right hand up, five fingers together, palm up, fingertip to the right, at the same time press the left hand down, palm down, fingertip forward. After the movement is restored, the hands are alternately repeated, repeated many times, and cooperate with breathing.
  • 4. Look backwards with five labors and seven injuries: hold upright, feet apart, shoulder-width apart. Place the palms of your hands close to your legs, then slowly look left and right to look back, and cooperate with breathing in the process.
  • 5. Shake your head and tail to get rid of the heart: the feet are separated, about 3 soles apart, and bend your knees and squat into a riding position. Open your hands inward and hold the front of your thighs. The head and upper body lean forward, then do a circular rotation, turn a few times, and then turn in the opposite direction. While turning your waist, swing your hips appropriately, and by the way to breathe.
  • 6. Two-hand climbing foot due to kidney waist: upright hold, foot together, knees straight, upper body forward, climb the toes with both hands (if you can't touch, don't force it), head slightly raised. Then return to an upright position, with both hands clenched into fists against the sides of the lumbar spine, and the upper body slowly leaned back, and then resumed the upright position. Repeat several times. In this style, pay attention to the use of natural breathing.
  • 7. Raise your fists and increase your strength: bend your legs apart and bend your knees into a riding position, hold your fists next to your waist, and your fists are up. The right fist slowly strikes forward, the right arm is straight, the fist is down, the eyes are wide open, and the tiger looks forward. Then withdraw your left fist and strike your right fist as you do, alternating left and right. And to cooperate with breathing, exhale when punching, and inhale when closing the fist.
  • 8. Seven bumps and diseases on the back: stand upright, then feet together, palms close to the side of the legs, knees straight, heels together, a few inches off the ground, and at the same time hold the head high, for the whole body lift. Then the heel gently recovers. It's repeated. If breathing, inhale when the heel is lifted and exhale when the heel hits the ground.

For the friends who have just contacted, it may not be familiar to you, so you should have a persistent and gradual mentality. It is very helpful for regulating three focal points, spleen and stomach, combing lung and liver qi, five labors and seven injuries, solidifying the kidney and strengthening the waist, etc. However, it should be noted that at the beginning it is still necessary to do what you can, if you suffer from high blood pressure, cardiac insufficiency, frequent dizziness, lumbar disc herniation, etc., you should be cautious before practice, you can consult a doctor, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Third, in order to improve the situation of vascular plaque, some bad habits in terms of living habits must be corrected, you can refer to the following points.

The 70-year-old Uncle Wang's vascular plaque actually disappeared! The doctor said frankly: pay attention to these points in life!
  • 1. The first is to actively control the underlying diseases, such as hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, etc. are important factors in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, so we must pay enough attention to these underlying diseases and control the indicators within the ideal range.
  • 2. After that, it is to change unhealthy living habits. It is necessary to avoid sitting for a long time, often staying up late, but also have healthy eating habits, quit smoking and alcohol as soon as possible, and exercise regularly to prevent plaques from growing.
  • 3. We all know that statins are important for vascular plaque because they can effectively inhibit cholesterol synthesis and prevent the growth of plaque. When taking it again, it is still recommended that you consult a doctor in time, you can take the drug under the guidance of the doctor, do not blindly take it yourself.

Final summary: for vascular plaque, unhealthy living habits and age and other factors, will lead to the appearance of vascular plaque, for some middle-aged and elderly people to pay attention, it is not good to think that in a certain aspect of prevention will be safe! In particular, we should be wary of plaques growing in the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels, and some relevant examinations can be carried out to rule out this situation, so regular physical examination is particularly important! In short, for people with underlying diseases, it is usually necessary to actively control the underlying diseases, change unhealthy living habits, and take drugs as directed by the doctor, so as to help reduce the formation of plaque in blood vessels.

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