
The average cost of the Spring Festival is more than 5,000 yuan, how much do you plan to spend this New Year?

author:Northbound Finance

#财经新势力新春季 #

The average cost of the Spring Festival is more than 5,000 yuan, how much do you plan to spend this New Year?

The Spring Festival is coming soon, of course, everyone is happy, but when it comes to spending money on the festival, some people will feel pressured, indeed, if you want to spend the New Year now, it is definitely not possible to have no money.

Before a local recruitment website in Shandong, Qilu Talent Network once did an online survey, the New Year period of the cost of several levels, including more than 10,000 yuan, 9,000 to 10,000, 7,000 to 9,000, 5,000 to 7,000 yuan, etc., the result was surprising, spending more than 10,000 people accounted for the highest proportion, reaching 32.5%, and then 9,000 to 10,000 yuan, accounting for 23.7%. In other words, more than half of the people spend more than 9,000 yuan on the Spring Festival, are everyone so rich now?

The average cost of the Spring Festival is more than 5,000 yuan, how much do you plan to spend this New Year?

Of course, this website is full of job seekers in Shandong, which is relatively regional and may not necessarily represent the national situation.

Then let's take a look at the data of another job search platform, after the end of the Spring Festival in 2022, Worry-Free Future Network has done a survey on the Spring Festival expenses, divided into 2,000 to 5,000, 5,000 to 10,000, 10,000 to 15,000 yuan several levels, the result is that the largest group is concentrated in the range of 5,000 to 10,000 yuan, accounting for 32.3%, and nearly 30% of people spend more than their monthly income during the Spring Festival.

The average cost of the Spring Festival is more than 5,000 yuan, how much do you plan to spend this New Year?

Combining these two reports, it can be seen that the expenditure during the Spring Festival is indeed not low, as far as our group of workplace workers, the per capita expenditure of more than 5,000 yuan is certain.

Combined with the reality, most of our professionals, both old and young, carry a family on their shoulders, which is when life is most stressful. It's the New Year, you have to give filial piety to the old people on both sides, it's too little to take, at least a few thousand yuan. Walking away relatives and giving money to children also cost thousands of dollars. Buy two clothes for the child, and a few hundred dollars are spent again. After the New Year, just buy some New Year goods, and the 1,800 pieces are gone. Go out and hang out, watch a movie, sing a song, get together with relatives and friends, and thousands of dollars are spent again. In addition, there are many happy events during the festival, and the exchange of favors and money is probably over a thousand.

So it sounds like 51 million is a lot, but without calculation, you will find that these are all money that should be spent, and you can't save it if you want to.

The average cost of the Spring Festival is more than 5,000 yuan, how much do you plan to spend this New Year?

Moreover, the above is still the basic cost of the New Year, everyone has been at home for 3 years, and finally let go this year, many people still want to take advantage of the holiday to go out for a trip, then there is no one or twenty thousand will definitely not be able to come down. According to the data released by at the beginning of this month, the number of travel orders during this year's Spring Festival increased by 45% year-on-year, and the per capita travel expenditure increased by 53% year-on-year, which shows that there are indeed many people traveling this year, of course, there are many rich people, and the hotel of 200,000 yuan a night in Sanya has long been booked.

The average cost of the Spring Festival is more than 5,000 yuan, how much do you plan to spend this New Year?

Well, we don't talk about knowledge in today's program, just complain about the consumption anxiety of the Spring Festival with everyone, and by the way, do a statistic around you, I don't know what your spending budget is this Spring Festival? Feel free to interact with me in the comments section and see if anyone is holding back.

Finally, I wish you a happy Spring Festival in 2023, and make more fortunes in the new year!