
In the public examination, do graduate students really have an advantage over undergraduates? There are advantages in both registration and onboarding ranking

author:Lingnan Thoroughfare

Netizen Consultation:

In the public examination, do graduate students really have an advantage over undergraduates?

My reply:

As a college graduate, people with different educational levels eventually sign up for the civil service examination, indeed they will face completely different development paths, and there will be certain differences in the difficulty of entry.

The civil service exam is a very fair exam, whether you have a bachelor's degree or a postgraduate degree, you will eventually need to take a written test and interview, which is to see your comprehensive score ranking to make the final job determination, which is a very flat exam for many young people. In response to your questions, I suggest that the following aspects can be considered.

In the public examination, do graduate students really have an advantage over undergraduates? There are advantages in both registration and onboarding ranking

1. When registering for the civil service examination, postgraduate qualifications can have more options and opportunities

As a young person with a postgraduate degree, when you register for the civil service examination, you must have more opportunities than ordinary undergraduates, which is a very normal thing, after all, the higher the level of education, the more positions you can choose.

Many people may think that if you register for the civil service examination, you can register as long as you have a college degree or above, which is indeed not wrong, because if you have a college degree or above, you can basically find a job that suits you.

However, from the perspective of the setting of civil service recruitment conditions in recent years, the conditions set by many regions must be bachelor's degree or above, which means that you can only apply for those targeted recruitment positions with a college degree, and if you do not meet the conditions for targeted recruitment, there is no opportunity to register for the civil service examination.

As a young person with a master's degree, when you register for the civil service examination, you will definitely give priority to those positions with a postgraduate degree, because if you register for the examination for these positions, the competition you will face in the end will be very small, and the probability of being successfully admitted to the civil service is very high. Because you have more choices and opportunities, this is the advantage that a degree gives you.

In the public examination, do graduate students really have an advantage over undergraduates? There are advantages in both registration and onboarding ranking

Second, if you are a student who graduated from a prestigious university, I recommend giving priority to the method of transfer

As a young person who graduated from a master's degree, your education level is higher than that of a bachelor's degree, and most people eventually have the opportunity to choose to register for the transfer exam, which is also a type of civil service examination, because the threshold is relatively high, and the competition will be relatively small, which is also an opportunity that young people with postgraduate degrees should cherish.

According to the current situation, a young person who wants to register for the transfer examination, at least graduated from a prestigious university or has a master's degree, and at the same time performs well during the university study, and can only get such an opportunity when the university graduates.

After passing the selection and transfer examination to work in the post of civil servant, the first job position is generally put in the grassroots post for a few years, and after meeting the conditions, it will be transferred to the higher-level organ to work.

In the public examination, do graduate students really have an advantage over undergraduates? There are advantages in both registration and onboarding ranking

Third, graduate students who are successfully admitted to the position of civil servant have an advantage over undergraduate students in their first ranking

As a young person with a postgraduate degree, if you are finally admitted to the civil service position through your own efforts, you will have a greater advantage than ordinary undergraduates when you are first graded, and even sometimes your advantage at the beginning is the end of many undergraduates' struggle.

According to the current situation, the position of civil servant of undergraduate graduate candidates is graded for the first time as a section member's position, as a young person for master's students, you are graded for the first time as a sub-section level post, if you are a young person of doctoral students, after being admitted to the civil service position, you can directly locate the leader at the section level.

Many people see this and think that it is only a small level, but those who know more about the situation in the system know that from the section member to the full section level is the goal that many ordinary civil servants strive to achieve all their lives, but many people cannot achieve this goal in the end.

As a young person with a postgraduate degree, if you choose to work in the position within the system, I think you should get a better opportunity in the future development, according to the current situation, the number of graduate students working in the system is relatively not so large, your education will eventually bring you certain advantages.

In the public examination, do graduate students really have an advantage over undergraduates? There are advantages in both registration and onboarding ranking

4. As young people with postgraduate degrees, they can work in public institutions through talent introduction

If you have obtained a graduate degree when you graduate from university, and your future plan is to work in a position in the system, in fact, in addition to registering for the civil service examination, you can also work in public institutions through talent introduction, you can not only enter the system more smoothly, but also enjoy local talent introduction subsidies.

Sign up for the civil service exam, no matter what kind of academic level you are, you must participate in the written test and interview, you must see how your final comprehensive score ranking is, in order to be able to determine whether you can work in the position of civil servant, but through talent introduction to public institutions, as long as you meet the conditions, through a simple interview you can get such an opportunity, which is the difference between these two examinations.

After working in public institutions through talent introduction, as a young person with a postgraduate degree, you can directly set a higher level after being regularized, and you can also enjoy the local talent introduction subsidy in the people's land, and the development within the system is generally relatively smooth.

Especially in the professional and technical post of the public institution, as long as you can evaluate a higher title in the future, your work experience meets the conditions, you can continue to improve the professional and technical level, which is very envious for people working in the system.

This article is original by Lingnan Tongtu, click to follow and don't get lost, we'll see you in the next issue.