
One of the most difficult poems for me to write

author:Green Ting Literature Society
One of the most difficult poems for me to write
One of the most difficult poems for me to write
One of the most difficult poems for me to write

Yuzhong Shehuo

Author: Mo Ran (Yuzhong, Gansu)

As soon as the villagers entered the city

Just bend over the spring laugh

Humble villagers

Twist the song with the waist that bends the land

A village girl who walks a dry boat

Dressed up in a flashy outfit

Dragged the gaze of the people in the city

Skillful dance steps twist down the street

Immediately lit up the town

It's spring

Guys on stilts

High and steady pace

Put the spring drums to the beat

Dragon dancer

Swing up

Play the dragon and swim around

and flying modality

There is also a Dragon Ball in front

Lion dancers

Samurai dress

Hold a rotating hydrangea in your hand

With the cooperation of gongs and drums

Introduce lions to enter

Up layer after layer

"Mother-in-law" is a harlequin

It's ugly

Red peppers hang from the earlobes

Holding a divine knife in one hand

Holding a wooden coffin in one hand

It's all about avoiding evil

Sweep with a broom in hand

The obscurity, disasters and diseases of the past year have been swept away

It turned out to be a god mother-in-law

The sound of undulating taiping drums

Singing the sound of spring

A cry sounded in the field

Bring the community fire from a mountain country

Blowing to another mountain country

Curious early spring February

Ride on a tree branch and watch

One of the most difficult poems for me to write

Yuzhong is good

Chunguan grand old man's words

Yuzhong is good

Stuff the spring thunder

Blasting Mountain shakes the paving to the east

The hometown is taking off

Yuzhong is good

Western Mu Chunguang

High-rise buildings rise from the ground

Big red lanterns hang all over the street

Vegetable artichokes are sold abroad

Greenhouse melons and vegetables are all over the rural areas

Get rich

Yuzhong is good

Science and technology promote agriculture

Information screen frequency Internet access

Intensive cultivation of grain warehouses

Yuri-Toyama Township

One of the most difficult poems for me to write

Little Nian Poem

Author: Mo Ran (Yuzhong, Gansu)

It's the twenty-third of the moon again,

Household stove festival,

Stove master stove mother dry food,

Report the family affairs to the Jade Emperor,

The Jade Emperor opened his holy eyes,

The queen mother peach sends peace,

the sound of firecrackers,

The New Year is coming,

The world is full of spring,

Laughter looks forward to coming to the family country,

When the jade rabbit comes, it increases the blessing of life,

Spring breeze repays Finfi everywhere!

At home at 9 a.m. on the 23rd day of the 2023 month

(Sunny Day)

One of the most difficult poems for me to write

Shuyi lives on

Author: Mo Ran (Yuzhong, Gansu)

This is

One of the most difficult poems for me to write

At this time

Looking at Mahan Mountain

Straight to the sky

The ice in the Yao pond is thicker than the mountain

Tears drip from time to time

Then slowly overlook the back north mountain

Loess ridges and slopes

Bafang looked into tears

Spring goes to summer

Autumn goes to winter

It doesn't have to be a common saying

A handful of loess buried acacia

Tears drip and tears spill lonely graves

Three years of sorrow and sacrifice to the soul

The wind and cold of the moon send a hundred flowers


Gift of "Yue's Gate" Shuyi Eternal Existence

Nothing is given

January 7, 2023 at 9:55 p.m. at home

Revised at 12:50 p.m. on January 9, 2023 at Baozi Mountain

One of the most difficult poems for me to write

For Dreams (Long Poem)

Author: Mo Ran (Yuzhong, Gansu)

Drumming urges steady boats,

Set sail for a new journey.

The New Year's bell rings.

It's a time to say goodbye.

It is also the starting point for moving forward.

Time is speechless,

Engrave an unforgettable mark in the hearts of people.

Boundless dreams,

Illuminating the land of China.

Ushering in the first rays of sunshine of the new year,

"Tomorrow will be better" is our common belief.

The new journey is an expedition full of glory and dreams.

With struggle as a pen,

We write an extraordinary 2022;

In the name of dreams,

We embrace a hopeful 2023!

At the end of the year,

Let's not forget some keywords for the year of 2022,

Remembering the year,

It is also engraved by each of us

Engraved year,

Overcoming difficulties and rising to the occasion,

Successfully hosting the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games, the Winter Olympics inspire people around the world...

Looking back on 2022,

We have pride in our hearts,

There are also all kinds of emotions.

There are hundreds of millions of Chinese people who have struggled,

We can win the big battles and the hard battles,

Overcome obstacles one by one.

Adhere to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life.

Through ups and downs,

Over the ditch and ditch,

We are even more convinced that:

Winter will pass,

Spring is coming.

Spring of hope,

In the busy figure of each of us,

In the toil of the vast fields,

In the roar of machines on the factory floor,

In the laboratory day and night,

In the human fireworks that have risen again in the streets and alleys...

Every spark of dreams,

Convergence into the flame of the times.

Countless ordinary "you and me",

It has achieved an extraordinary "we".

This is the most moving scenery in contemporary China,

It is also the hardest force of the Chinese nation to overcome all difficulties and challenges.

For the sake of dreams,

How long can you hold out?

Shenzhou 15 manned mission astronaut Deng Qingming's answer is: nearly 25 years.

In 2022, at the age of 56, he realized his dream of flying.

"I can spend my whole life preparing silently,

But not allowed when the task comes,

I wasn't ready. ”


Let the strivers finally usher in the highlight moment when their dreams become reality.

This year,

We see seeds of dreams emerge:

Winter Olympic athletes won gold and silver in the arena,

The self-improvement teenager fulfilled his college dream,

"Great country craftsmen" make Chinese manufacturing shine,

The octogenarian ran the entire Beijing Marathon...

Every effort pays off,

Every struggle has an echo.

The footprints of every dreamer who runs hard,

It has become a general trend for a country to move forward.

"Busy" up, consumption "warm" up, logistics "running" ...

On the occasion of leaving the old and welcoming the new,

The footsteps of struggle do not stop,

Seeds of hope sprout.

Looking back at the road,

We have traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers;

Looking forward to a new journey,

The dawn jumps on the horizon...

In 2023,

All standing at a new historical starting point,

A new chapter calls for strivers to write,

The journey of dreams calls dreamers to start a new journey.

"When is there no difficulty?

One by one,

Every year goes by, every year is good,

This has been the case for the Chinese nation for more than 5,000 years.

Climbing the hill and crossing the hurdle,

The key is to boost confidence. ”

"Though the wounds are intense,

Straight to the heaven and earth to compete for spring. ”

Looking back on the road we have traveled,

"Difficult" is the test,

Also the norm.

On the road to chasing dreams,

Never easy to reach the other side,

There are no low-hanging fruit either.

Turning your gaze to a wider space and time,

And we'll find out,

China has always grown up through hardships and setbacks.

Grow stronger in overcoming difficulties.

Chinese people turn "impossible" into "certain",

Unlock one difficulty after another,

Let the path of dreams continue to stretch under your feet.

Decade of the New Era,

There is a risk of wading in the beach,

There is a difficult climb,

There is a hard time to get through,

develop self-confidence,

Gather the majestic strength of all people to overcome difficulties.

"Ride the wind and go, long sky,

Look straight down at the mountains and rivers. ”

China today,

It is China where dreams come true one after another,

It is a China full of vitality,

It is a China that continues the national spirit,

It is a China that is closely connected to the world.

But it is arduous, so it is great;

It's just arduous,

More glorious.

Standing at a new starting point,

The cohesion of the Chinese nation,

Centripetal force and creativity are greatly stimulated,

Chinese people's ambition, backbone, and confidence have been greatly enhanced.

"Fight or not?"


"War or not?"


This bloody conversation took place between Chinese women's football coach Shui Qingxia and the players.

In the 2022 Women's Asian Cup final,

The Chinese girls chased three goals in a row when they were 0:2 down,

Won the championship again after 16 years.

In the arena,

"Sonorous Rose" returns to the top of Asia in a heart-wrenching manner,

Let people witness the power of unity and struggle.

The growth of a person,

Engraved with the footprints of hard struggle;

The future of a country,

Hope for the power of working together.

Unity and struggle are the main theme of the times,

It is also the positive energy of the heart.

At the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics,

96 small snowflakes condensed into one large snowflake ,

convey the grand wish of "more unity";

Builders from all over the world work together and relay the struggle,

Let all the units of Baihetan Hydropower Station be put into operation for power generation,

The mainland has built the world's largest "clean energy corridor" on the Yangtze River;

Cold winter,

Face and conquer all,

One by one, the stories of watching over each other and surviving difficulties together are surging with great love...

In the face of difficulties,

We never do

It's a person who is struggling to survive;

Behind the miracle,

Condensing the efforts of countless people,

Create new and even bigger wonders that impress.

Every day and every day people urge,

The winter solstice is spring.

Everything is brand new for the New Year.

In this hot land of weather,

All things are born with vitality.

Determined to move forward,

It's far away.

New Year,

Sending away too much hardship and bitterness,

We stick with it:

Commit it most difficult and seek it far.

New Year,

Expect too much to start and develop,

The country is in difficulty,

Pifu is responsible,

We can't lie flat,

To be transcendent,

To pierce the stone with dripping perseverance,

Overcome all difficulties and accumulate thousands of miles,

It is difficult to move towards the set goal,

If you do it, you will do it,

Unite and work hard.

New Year,

Talent is needed in complex situations,

Every young person must stand up,

Bravely shoulder the heavy burden of revitalizing China,

Accelerated relay from generation to generation is needed,

The more difficult and difficult the new situation, the more we must charge ahead,

New Year,

I wish China prosperity,

Guotai Minan,

A nation that has experienced too many tribulations,

Seize opportunities and challenges,

Everyone should cultivate the feelings of family and country,

Cultivate enterprising character,

Stir up youth with a fighting attitude,

Make more contributions to the country.

New era,

On a new journey,

Today's China is full of vitality,

The future of tomorrow's China is bright.

One of the most difficult poems for me to write

Author: Yue Xingwen, (Mo Ran) resume

Gentlemen listen quietly, I am a native of Yuzhong, Gansu, pen name Moran, real name Yue Xingwen, born in February 1958, put my resume straight to you, since childhood love to dance words of idle clouds wild cranes, sixteen good news, all over the princes, eighteen just started, twenty-eight into articles, and love literature, like to talk with words, leisure like to practice words and draw a few strokes, my motto is, write about the people and things you like, tell stories in silence after retirement, tell Chinese stories well, the stories of the common people, the stories around me, every place I go, All left my deep footprints, which can push the poems of poetry friends to the official and WeChat public accounts.

One of the most difficult poems for me to write

The purpose of Lvting Literature Club: inherit red memory, carry forward red glory, continue red bloodline, inherit red genes, and have a long history, so that the broad and profound national spirit will lead you into the beautiful and brilliant world of Chinese culture.

One of the most difficult poems for me to write
One of the most difficult poems for me to write