
The Second Session of the 18th Municipal People's Congress held its second plenary session to hear work reports from the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal People's Court, and the Municipal People's Procuratorate

author:Yongkang release
The Second Session of the 18th Municipal People's Congress held its second plenary session to hear work reports from the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal People's Court, and the Municipal People's Procuratorate
The Second Session of the 18th Municipal People's Congress held its second plenary session to hear work reports from the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal People's Court, and the Municipal People's Procuratorate

On the morning of January 18, the Second Session of the 18th Municipal People's Congress held its second plenary meeting to hear the work reports of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal People's Court, and the Municipal People's Procuratorate.

The Second Session of the 18th Municipal People's Congress held its second plenary session to hear work reports from the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal People's Court, and the Municipal People's Procuratorate

Zhang Xusheng, secretary of the municipal party committee, Chen Meirong, chairman of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Hu Jihe, chairman of the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, Chen Jianxun, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Cheng Xuejun, Zhang Jinshui, Hu Weiwei, Hu Tianzhong, Yang Bing, and Ma Xiongying, vice chairmen of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, were seated in the front row of the rostrum. Also seated at the rostrum were members of the presidium of the congress, leaders of various sets of leading bodies in the city, chief officials of the People's Armed Forces Department, the "two chiefs" of judicial inspection, other deputy county-level leaders, and some veteran leaders who had served in actual posts at the county level.

Cheng Xuejun, executive chairman of the presidium of the conference, presided over the meeting. There should be 277 deputies at this congress, 20 on leave due to illness, and 257 deputies, which is a quorum.

The Second Session of the 18th Municipal People's Congress held its second plenary session to hear work reports from the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal People's Court, and the Municipal People's Procuratorate

Entrusted by the Standing Committee of the 18th Municipal People's Congress, Chen Meirong, director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, delivered a report on the work of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress to the conference. The report pointed out that 2022 is the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the first year to fully implement the spirit of the Central People's Congress Work Conference, and the beginning of the Standing Committee of the 18th Municipal People's Congress to perform its duties. Over the past year, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress has performed its duties and responsibilities in accordance with the law, taken the initiative to take action, solidly promoted people's democracy in the whole process, and successfully fulfilled the goals and tasks set by the first meeting of the 18th Municipal People's Congress. This year, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress scrupulously adhered to absolute loyalty and ensured the stability and long-term development of the work of the People's Congress; Persist in performing duties in accordance with the law and contribute to high-quality economic and social development; Adhere to the people's call for me, and promote the improvement of the quality of life of the masses; Persist in representing the main body and enhance the endogenous motivation to actively perform duties; Adhere to the solid foundation, enhance the work efficiency of people's congress organs, effectively play the functions and roles of local state power organs, and make positive contributions to building "the world's hardware capital, quality vitality and Yongkang". In the new year, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress will adhere to the fundamental guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, closely focus on the decision-making and deployment of the Municipal Party Committee and the "1345" task system, anchor the goal of "building a highland for the practice of people's democracy in the whole process", adhere to the leadership of the Party from a high position, and shoulder the heavy responsibility of the People's Congress in always maintaining its political nature; Highly effective implementation of supervision according to law, and show the responsibility of the people's congress in promoting "World Hardware Capital Quality Vitality Yongkang"; Practicing people's democracy in the whole process at a high level, and strengthening the strength of the people's congress in ensuring that the people are masters of their own affairs; Strengthen the guarantee of the rule of law with high quality, and demonstrate the achievements of the people's congress in promoting the modernization of county governance; Strengthen self-construction with high standards, strive to be an exemplary example in the construction of "four organs", and contribute to the promotion of "two firsts", high-quality construction of "World Hardware Capital Quality Vitality Yongkang", and write a new chapter of Chinese-style modernization Yongkang.

The Second Session of the 18th Municipal People's Congress held its second plenary session to hear work reports from the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal People's Court, and the Municipal People's Procuratorate

The meeting heard a report on the work of the court delivered by Zhu Yunqing, president of the Municipal People's Court. The report points out that in 2022, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, under the supervision and guidance of the Municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee and higher courts, and with the concern and support of the municipal government, the Municipal CPPCC and all sectors of society, the Municipal Court will focus on the overall situation of the center and make every effort to escort high-quality economic and social development; Focus on fairness and justice, and make every effort to achieve high-level advancement of judicial trials; Focus on justice for the people and make every effort to meet the high-quality needs of the people; Focus on team building, make every effort to forge officers to start a high-quality iron army, and make new progress and new results in various work. In the new year, the municipal court will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, deeply implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, adhere to the people-centered development thinking, give full play to the guarantee role of the rule of law in solidifying the foundation, stabilizing expectations, and benefiting the long term, closely focus on the decision-making and deployment of the municipal party committee, adhere to serving the overall situation, administering justice for the people, and impartial justice, further polish the golden business card of the "Longshan Experience", and fight the battle of improving service efficiency, tackling tough battles in trial and efficiency, and consolidating the battle of litigation source governance. The "five hard battles" of the promotion war of modern courts and the protracted war of self-revolution contribute judicial strength to promoting the "two firsts", building "the world's hardware capital with high quality, vitality and Yongkang" and writing a new chapter of Chinese-style modernization Yongkang.

The Second Session of the 18th Municipal People's Congress held its second plenary session to hear work reports from the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal People's Court, and the Municipal People's Procuratorate

The meeting heard a report on the work of the procuratorate delivered by Huang Dongyong, chief procurator of the Municipal People's Procuratorate. The report pointed out that in 2022, under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee and higher-level procuratorates, under the strong supervision of the municipal people's congress and its standing committee, and with the strong support of the municipal government, the municipal CPPCC and all sectors of society, and around the requirements of the "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening the Legal Supervision of Procuratorial Organs in the New Era", based on the important deployment of the municipal party committee to build "the world's hardware capital, quality vitality and Yongkang", actively integrate into the overall situation of the center, adhere to the same frequency and direction with the central work of the municipal party committee, adhere to the judiciary for the people, deepen legal supervision, Strengthen the building of the contingent and achieve certain results in all work. In the new year, the Municipal Procuratorate will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, deeply implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, adhere to the people-centered development thinking, give full play to the guarantee role of the rule of law in solidifying the foundation, stabilizing expectations, and benefiting the long term, closely focus on the decision-making and deployment of the Municipal Party Committee, actively perform the functions of the "four major procuratorates" in accordance with the law, help the modernization of municipal governance, continue to improve the well-being of the people, earnestly undertake the mission of procuratorial duties, and strive to build a strong procuratorate, in order to promote the promotion of the "four major procuratorates" Two first", high-quality construction of "World Hardware Capital Quality Vitality Yongkang", composing a new chapter of Chinese-style modernization Yongkang to contribute to the procuratorial force.

Media reporter: Chen Xiaosu, Lu Bin, Yang Chengdong, financial media editor: Chen Lina

Proofreader: Dong Bibing

First instance: Ying Xuanxi

Second instance: Qin Xiaojian Hu Huachao

Final judge: Jiang Zhongyi

The Second Session of the 18th Municipal People's Congress held its second plenary session to hear work reports from the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal People's Court, and the Municipal People's Procuratorate

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