
Awesome for it! This is the age at which women have the highest 'cheating rate'


Women also have times when cheating rates are highest.

When the sinus first opens

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Love may appear quietly, for women, the first time they have a sweet attempt at love, in fact, they face feelings, women at this stage, do not care about men's material conditions, as long as men's sincerity and attitude.

Awesome for it! This is the age at which women have the highest 'cheating rate'

Girls whose love has just budged, almost all love brains, a brain devoted to love, and no two hearts, women at this time pay sincerity to love, so at this time, they are the saddest after breaking up, and they will not think of anything that betray love.

Awesome for it! This is the age at which women have the highest 'cheating rate'

When struggling for life

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Out of the campus, saw the cruelty of reality, the first taste of love in the past, the ignorance of feelings has disappeared, women at this time for life and struggle hard, when they encounter love by chance, they will first consider the material conditions of men.

Awesome for it! This is the age at which women have the highest 'cheating rate'

And at this time, because of the pressure of life, women do not have the energy to think about feelings, especially after giving birth, they want to improve living conditions, at this time they work hard for their careers, women at this time can no longer withstand the toss, let alone have any thoughts of cheating.

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