
A small bottle of vitamin B12 may "improve" 5 conditions, understand it as soon as possible

author:Dr. Xudong chats

Introduction: Nowadays, with the continuous improvement of living standards, people's awareness of health preservation is getting stronger and stronger, and everyone has a unique health concept.

In order to enhance the body's resistance, in addition to exercise, people will also choose to supplement vitamins to maintain the nutrients needed in the body, vitamins are very important substances in the body, is the positive function of maintaining the normal life mechanism of the body.

Today I am here to share with you the little knowledge about vitamin B12.

A small bottle of vitamin B12 may "improve" 5 conditions, understand it as soon as possible

What are the symptoms if the body is deficient in vitamin B12?

1. Skin manifestations:

Patients with vitamin B12 deficiency will have symmetrical pigmentation of the skin, which will appear widely throughout the body, especially in the curved parts of the body, such as the palms, soles of the feet, nails, mouth, hair color will be gray, nails appear pigmented.

If vitamin B12 deficiency is due to pernicious anemia, patients develop symptoms of alopecia areata or leukoplakia.

2. Other system performance:

(1) Blood system: patients with vitamin B12 deficiency are often accompanied by anemia symptoms, such as physical weakness, paleness, severe hepatosplenomegaly, and skin ecchymosis.

(2) Nervous system: The symptoms of the patient's nervous system appear later than the skin symptoms, and possible symptoms, including neurological diseases, spinal cord degeneration and demyelination, as well as severe neurological symptoms, coma dementia, and even death in severe cases.

Children with vitamin B12 deficiency will have subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord, peripheral nerve degeneration, and a series of atypical neurological symptoms, such as decreased muscle tone, dull expression, intellectual degeneration paralysis, and reduced sensitivity to the environment.

(3) Digestive system: Patients with vitamin B12 deficiency will have diarrhea or vomiting symptoms, and mild scleral yellowing and fever in severe cases.

(4) Cardiovascular system: Some severely ill patients will have complications such as anemia, heart disease and heart failure.

A small bottle of vitamin B12 may "improve" 5 conditions, understand it as soon as possible

A small bottle of vitamin B12 may "improve" 5 conditions, understand it as soon as possible

1. Anemia

The lack of vitamin B12 in the body can lead to megaloblastic anemia, no blood in the skin and mucous membranes, dizziness in the head, dizziness in front of the eyes when getting up, hearing loss, inability to concentrate memory, easy to forget recent events, often feel tired, muscle weakness, and in severe cases, there will be symptoms of dizziness and difficulty breathing.

This is mainly caused by a lack of vitamin B12, as well as folic acid, which can increase the production of red blood cells, and if the body is deficient in vitamin B12, it can lead to anemia.

2. Digestive system problems

The digestive system problems caused by the lack of vitamin B12 in the body are the most easily overlooked, especially men's bad habits such as smoking and drinking are prone to gastrointestinal damage, so they are often confused with ordinary diarrhea.

The main reaction of the body's lack of vitamin B12 is unexplained vomiting, severe diarrhea accompanied by systemic fever Some early diarrhea patients are not serious, with the aggravation of the disease, it will be accompanied by vomiting on the basis of diarrhea, so this situation must be paid attention to.

3. Nervous system performance

The body lacks vitamin B12, resulting in the vast majority of neurological symptoms will not appear in the early stage, about 60% of patients will have anemia symptoms in the early stage, people with underlying neurological diseases, severe nerve pain, including muscle pain, nerve palsy, peripheral nerve along the spinal cord disease, cerebellar disease and so on.

If infants and young children lack vitamin B12 nervous system manifestations, it will be more serious, and irreversible damage will occur, such as drowsiness, mental decline, limb weakness, facial paralysis and so on.

A small bottle of vitamin B12 may "improve" 5 conditions, understand it as soon as possible

4. Skin problems

There are two main manifestations of skin problems, the first is that the facial expression is mainly divided into peeling, colorless dry skin, pale face, etc., and then the whole body manifests the skin of the joint bending area with pigmentation and weakness, long-term lack of vitamin B12 skin damage, and the skin presents black ecchymosis or alopecia areata.

5. Cardiovascular system problems

Because the lack of vitamin B12 leads to anemia, anemia in the late stage of most people will be accompanied by palpitations, shortness of breath, dyspnea, at this time not only anemia middle-aged and elderly people are easy to cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems, leading to heart failure, anemia heart disease, so anemia occurs in the early stage should be treated in time.

How to supplement with vitamin B12 daily?

Eating animal food can quickly supplement vitamin B12 for the body, vitamin B12, widely present in animal food, plant food does not contain vitamin B12, beef, pork, lamb, beef, chicken, duck, fish, rich in vitamin B12.

All kinds of dairy products, goat milk, milk, mare's milk is very rich in vitamin B12, all kinds of eggs like eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs, is also a good ingredient to supplement vitamin B12.

A small bottle of vitamin B12 may "improve" 5 conditions, understand it as soon as possible

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is the only vitamin that contains metal elements, vitamin B12 affects the metabolism of one unit of carbon and the synthesis of fatty acids in the body, usually normal dieters are difficult to show defects, occasionally in severe absorption disorders and long-term vegetarians.