
She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

author:Linda: Heart of Time

Unexpected misfortunes are often irreparable by wealth.

------- Cervantes, Don Quixote

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

CCTV Spring Festival Gala has always been a highly rated program, and most people will watch the Spring Festival Gala with their families on Chinese New Year's Eve nights.

Overseas Chinese all over the world are also very concerned about the Spring Festival Gala.

Those actors who appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala also increased their fame.

It is extremely rare to be able to appear on the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 24 and receive widespread attention.

At the Spring Festival Gala in 2006, a 24-year-old girl named Liu Yan,

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

She and two heavyweights in the dance industry---- Yang Liping and Tan Yuanyuan, appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala together.

Performed the dance program "Three Friends of the Cold Years" together.

At that time, there was a rave of applause.

Many people remember Liu Yan, a young and beautiful face.

She not only has dance skills, but also has beautiful facial features and elegant temperament.

It's like a dancing fairy.

But who would have thought that just 2 years later, at the age of 26, she accidentally fell into a high position during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony!

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

More than ten years have passed, how is Liu Yan's life doing?

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

In 2006, on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Liu Yan was like a dancing fairy who did not eat human fireworks.

She is like a noble swan, beautiful and elegant, with a refined temperament.

It is also like a light butterfly, dancing in the bright light.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

Suddenly, she became famous overnight.

Many people in the industry began to pay attention to her, including Zhang Yimou.

At the time, Zhang Yimou was the chief director of the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and he planned a wonderful dance program that reflected China's unique culture.

He immediately thought of Liu Yan, and he wanted Liu Yan to perform a solo dance show.

When Zhang Yimou found Liu Yan, how could she refuse this great opportunity to show her dance to the world?

The solo dance program is called "Silk Road", and if you listen to the name of the dance, you will know that it is closely related to China's ancient culture.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

In order to rehearse this show well, Liu Yan put all his energy into it and spent a lot of time practicing every day.

After all, this is a performance in front of the people of the world, and there is no room for the slightest mistake.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

On July 27, 2008, the countdown to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games has begun.

Rehearsals for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games are also in full swing.

When it was Liu Yan's turn to perform solo dance, she waved her ribbon and danced lightly at a height of more than 3 meters.

She has practiced these movements many times and has already cooked them, so the solo dance performance is very successful.

However, when she finished her dance performance and jumped from the platform to the float next to her, suddenly something unexpected happened!

Because of the mistake of the float operator, the operation was one second in advance,

This directly caused Liu Yan to jump on the flower platform, his body stumbled, and he fell backwards.

Then, he fell abruptly from a height of three meters!

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

She was rushed to the hospital as soon as possible, and her condition was very serious:

Her twelfth thoracic vertebra was severely misaligned,

And it is very likely to hurt the nerves in the spinal plexus.

That night, several experts operated on Liu Yan overnight.

Liu Yan spent 12 hours on the operating table.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

When she woke up, she found that her lower body could not move.

She heard the word "paralyzed" from the doctor's mouth.

At this time, she was only 26 years old.

Her brain suddenly went blank, unable to understand why she was suddenly paralyzed?

She grabbed the doctor's hand, tears couldn't help but flow, and asked:

"Isn't there a possibility of recovery?

Do I have to be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life?"

The doctor could only return a very sympathetic and helpless look.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

Because of the serious fall, she was unable to perform at the opening ceremony of the Olympics, and she once practiced the solo dance of that performance well, but after the fall, she had to lie on the hospital bed.

Her mood was extremely lost, and she could not accept the fact that she was paralyzed.

A person who regards dance as his life is paralyzed, and this blow is unprecedented.
Moreover, she originally planned to have a romantic and beautiful wedding with her fiancé after the Olympics.

Paralysis means that you will not be able to perform dances on stage in the future.

Paralysis means that the romantic wedding of your dreams will be in vain.

She spent half a year in the hospital.

She hopes that miracles will happen to her, and she tries hard to participate in rehab.

In the rehabilitation room, she is the one who goes the most.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

However, in the end, no miracle happened.

How many nights she wept silently alone.

However, during the day, she forced a smile again, looked at her parents, and people who came to visit her.

Even the doctors at the hospital were touched by her strength and optimism.

Seeing Liu Yan like this, Beijing Hospital invited the internationally renowned spinal cord injury rehabilitation expert Regnausen to consult Liu Yan.

After Regnauthan learned about Liu Yan's condition, he couldn't help but shrug his shoulders and said that there was no possibility of recovery.

Originally, there was still a glimmer of hope in Liu Yan's heart before, but now, this slim hope has been ruthlessly shattered.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

Liu Yan in the hospital

From the peak of life, he was slammed to the bottom all of a sudden, and he couldn't get up again,

She was once in a state of disarray.


But looking at her parents' loving eyes, she told herself that she had to be strong.

Since there is no hope of recovery, then what are you staying in the hospital for? She immediately applied for discharge from the hospital.

What will I do when I am discharged from the hospital? Where to go?

She had no clue.

When I think back to when I was less than 10 years old, I left my parents alone to study dance in Beijing and began to live an independent life.

Standing next to the bar every day and pressing her legs, and then practicing dance moves, has been integrated into her life;

Performing on a bigger stage has always been her dream.

Now, she can't stand up.

She has mixed feelings, why is fate so cruel?

Why do you have to suffer such pain yourself?

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

Before being injured by a fall, Liu Yan's life was very happy, and it can be said that she was a lucky person.

She had a happy and warm childhood, and was loved by her grandparents and parents.

Her parents did their best to support her in pursuing her dream of dancing to the fullest.

In 1982, she was born in Hohhot City to a family full of books:

My father is a judge, my mother is a doctor,

It is a well-respected profession in the local area.

Her parents didn't have too many rules for Liu Yan, they just hoped that she could do what she loved.

At a young age, Liu Yan developed a strong interest in dance.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

To be honest, learning dance is very hard, pressing legs and splitting forks, which makes many little girls want to cry in pain.

But, perhaps, because the congenital conditions are very good, she does not feel that learning dance is very difficult,

Instead, she was drawn to the beauty of dance and the life force that bloomed.

Liu Yan is outstanding in a group of children learning dance, and his body shape, temperament, and dance skills are all rare kinds.

She was discovered by Bai Ying, the instructor of the Inner Mongolia Song and Dance Troupe, and then carefully gave her guidance.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

Teacher Bai Ying later encouraged Liu Yan to apply for dance school in Beijing, saying:

Your own condition is the best of any child I have ever seen,

If you want greater development, you should go to Beijing to receive more professional guidance.

At that time, Liu Yan was not yet 10 years old, and she proposed to her parents that she wanted to apply for a dance school in Beijing.

In order to support their daughter's dream, her parents took her to the middle school affiliated to Beijing Dance Academy to take the exam.

At that time, no less than 2,000 people came to the exam.

Liu Yan's dance skills and dance expression are very eye-catching, and she was successfully selected.

When she was chosen, she was extremely happy. And parents are half happy and half sad:

This means that Liu Yan, who is only 10 years old, has to leave the care of his parents and grandparents and go to Beijing alone to study independently.

Parents are naturally full of worries.

At the age of 10, many children also like to coddle their parents.

At a young age, his daughter had to go to school in Beijing, more than 800 miles away from home, and lived in the school dormitory.

Liu Yan said to his parents very sensibly: Don't worry, I will listen to the teacher and spend all my time dancing.

Liu Yan's parents had to go to work from Monday to Friday, so they could only take a train to Beijing after work on Friday, accompany Liu Yan for the weekend, and then buy a return ticket to rush back to work.

Over the past year, Liu Yan's parents don't know how much money they spend on train tickets.

However, when the parents saw Liu Yan making little progress in dance, and saw their daughter talking about dancing,

They were genuinely happy and felt that everything was worth it. This is the heart of parents in the world.

The road to pursuing dreams is never so smooth.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony
She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

Liu Yan practices in the dance studio, always the most diligent one, but also the most enlightened one.

She studied classical dance, which also matches her temperament.

She is one meter 7 meters tall, very slender, dancing, flexible and graceful, and her expression is just right.

In Beiwu High School, she has studied solidly for 6 years, and her dance skills have improved by leaps and bounds, far surpassing her classmates.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

With her excellent dance skills, she was escorted to the Chinese Classical Dance Department of the Beijing Dance Academy.

After going to university, Liu Yan is still very self-disciplined, spending most of her time practicing and creating dances.

In 2002, 20-year-old Liu Yan participated in the "Lotus Cup" dance competition.

In one fell swoop, he won the silver prize of the competition.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

Two years later, the 6th National Dance Conference kicked off, and the competition was in full swing.

Liu Yan wore a period costume and performed the dance "Rouge Button",

She won the gold medal at the age of 22.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

After watching her performance, many people expressed this admiration: she seemed to be born for dance.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

Standing on the stage, she can naturally attract the attention of the audience, and her dancing skills are extraordinary,

The dance is very expressive.

Extremely contagious.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

Her light, like the shining star rising in the sky, is unstoppable.

At the age of 24, she was invited to the Spring Festival Gala with Yang Liping and Tan Yuanyuan.

After the Spring Festival Gala, her popularity has risen to a higher level.

Among them is Zhang Yimou.

Zhang Yimou invited her to perform a solo dance program for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, and told her:

This is shown to the world, so it is very demanding, and it is necessary to find someone with the highest level of dance to perform.

This is also a good opportunity to win glory for the country.

Liu Yan happily agreed.

She has always been grateful to the teachers who guided her, and felt that being on the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was also a reward for the teachers.

No one will give up such a good opportunity.

The performance time of the solo dance is only 2 minutes, as the saying goes: one minute on stage, ten years off stage.

In order to ensure a perfect performance on the opening day, Liu Yan rehearsed countless times in advance,

From beginning to end, every action and every detail was engraved into her mind, and it only took one go.

Her professionalism and dedication are evident to all.

Before July 2008, Liu Yan not only made a name for himself in the field of dance,

She also has a very powerful boyfriend, and her love interest is the famous director Lang Kun.

Lang Kun has served as the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala many times.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony
She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

In 2006, the intimate picture of Liu Yan and Lang Kun walking hand in hand in a shopping mall was captured by the media.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

At this time, Liu Yan was 24 years old, which was the most beautiful time in a woman's life.

And Lang Kun, at this time, 47 years old, at this time, he and his third wife Ma Yanli have not yet divorced.

A mature and steady, successful career,

A young and beautiful dancer.

Not long after, Lang Kun filed for divorce from his wife Ma Yanli, and their 6-year marriage came to an end.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

Ma Yanli is 15 years younger than Lanquin, once the first supermodel in China, 1.78 meters tall, she has a variety of styles on the catwalk, and her slender beautiful legs simply blinded the audience.

Ma Yanli, who was born in rural Henan and was an athlete, appears more athletic than many models.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

After marrying Lang Kun, Ma Yanli gave birth to a daughter, and the family of three has appeared in public together.

At that time, Ma Yanli had a bright smile.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

Lang Kun is an old Beijinger, born in 1959, a full 23 years older than Liu Yan!

He was a man of great appearance, but he was quite talented.

Since the 90s, he has served as the general director of several Spring Festival Galas,

And has won many awards and is very famous in the industry.

Lang Kun is talented, but his marriage history is rich and dazzling:

Before marrying Ma Yanli, he had two marriages.

Ma Yanli thought that she was the last woman Lang Kun loved, but she didn't think that after only 6 years of marriage, Lang Kun empathized and fell in love.

For Liu Yan, Lang Kun did not hesitate to divorce an international supermodel who gave birth to a child for himself, which is enough to see how hot Lang Kun's feelings for Liu Yan were at that time.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

Love sometimes happens so unstoppably.

Although it sometimes burns others.

When Langkun filed for divorce from Ma Yanli, her daughter was only 4 years old, and Ma Yanli was originally unwilling to divorce, because this was not conducive to the growth of the child, and Lang Kun was already iron-hearted.

How can a person who is enjoying the nectar of love feel the suffering of others?

After divorcing Ma Yanli, Langkun and Liu Yan were together in good faith.

Both are very good people, evenly matched.

24-year-old Liu Yan is simply standing at the peak of his life at this time:

In two national competitions, he won the grand prize
In 2006, he appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.
In terms of love, her boyfriend is a very famous director in the industry.

However, who could have predicted that 2 years later, there would be such an accident?

The operation of just one second apart made such an excellent dance genius spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

It's cruel!

Fate, why is it so cruel!

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

After Liu Yan was discharged from the hospital, she began to calm down and think:

I am paralyzed, this is a fact that cannot be changed.

So, what else can you do?

Lying on the bed, unable to move her lower body, she raised her hands and couldn't help but make some dance gestures.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

She suddenly realized that she could perform dance with her hands!

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

Liu Yan was accidentally injured during the rehearsal and received the attention of all walks of life.

During her hospitalization, Zhang Yimou also brought people to visit her and encouraged her to recuperate.

Liu Yan began to cheer up and began to prepare for the postgraduate examination.

In 2010, she was successfully admitted to the China Academy of Arts as a graduate student majoring in dance.

After graduating from graduate school, the Beijing Dance Academy threw an olive branch to her and invited her to teach at the school.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

Combining her research on hand movements in Chinese and Indian dance, Liu Yan introduced a course:

The title of the course is: "A Comparative Study of Classical Chinese Dance Hand Movements and Indian Classical Dance Hand Movements".

This course is very popular among students.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

She also appeared on TV as a judge, and every time she appeared, she smiled and was still so elegant.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

Since 2010, Liu Yan has begun to pay attention to public welfare and has taken practical actions.

She established the "Liu Yan Literature and Art Special Foundation", which is mainly used to help orphans and deaf children.

This foundation provides free dance education and pottery classes for children with disabilities.

Use art to help these vulnerable children and nourish their hearts.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

The more Liu Yan lived, the more positive energy he had.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

Liu Yan also became a member of the Beijing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

She was later promoted to professor at the School of Humanities at the Beijing Dance Academy.

During the first session of the 14th Beijing Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, Liu Yan brought two proposals on the improvement of facilities for the disabled and youth employment.

Her current focus is not just on dance, but on the welfare and opportunities of the wider community.

And her former lover, after Liu Yan's accident, also fell into a health trough,

A tumor grew in his brain, which once affected normal work and life.

In 2011, Lang Kun underwent meningioma removal surgery at Beijing China-Japan Friendship Hospital.
She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

At that time, Liu Yan was still in a wheelchair to see Lang Kun.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

After Liu Yan accidentally fell and was paralyzed, her marriage to Lang Kun was not settled.

Lang Kun never remarried.

Liu Yan's physical condition determined that she could not marry and have children like a normal person.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

Liu Yan was injured by a fall at work, and after she was paralyzed, she lived optimistically and strongly, and also worked as a teacher at the North Dance Academy, contributing her spare energy to cultivating more dance talents.

In the eyes of many people, she has lived herself as a representative of positive energy, and Zhang Yimou even called her a hero.

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

Zhang Yimou once told the media:

At the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, the first person I would like to thank is Liu Yan, who is a hero.
She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

In the face of accidents and the impermanence of fate, Liu Yan is incomparably strong and optimistic.

Because her lower body could not move, it could be seen that her muscles had atrophied badly.

However, she still maintains an elegant posture and an optimistic smile.

If she used to be a light and flexible butterfly fairy on the stage,

Well, she is now an elegant swan dancing with her arms and a strong heart.

Now she is full of positive energy and blooms her inner beauty even more.

Gu Long wrote in "The Amorous Swordsman Heartless Sword":

There are often many unexpected things that happen in this world, which are not something that anyone can imagine.

When the unexpected happens, how do we deal with it? Do you choose to be depressed and avoidant, or optimistic and strong?

Everything depends on our attitude.

In life, there are times when it is very smooth, there are times when it goes against the wind, and when it is at a low point, it is the time to test a person's heart.

We can't predict the future, we can only grasp every present.

In times of adversity, walk forward with strength and optimism to meet the dawn of life.

END Give it a thumbs up, thank you for your support!

Reference sources:

People's Network: "Liu Yan, member of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: Continue to pay attention to the development of the cause of disabled and youth" 2023-01-15

Author | Linda

Responsible editor| If water

She became famous overnight at the 24-year-old Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 26, she fell and was paralyzed during the rehearsal of the Olympic opening ceremony

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