
10 Grow Taller Games to Promote Growth Hormone Secretion! Help you catch every 1cm growth opportunity!

author:Xi'an Dong Chief Imam Gao

1. Seize the four seasons

Don't waste every opportunity to grow taller

According to the World Health Organization, the growth rate of adolescents and children does differ throughout the year, and the growth rate of children in spring is 1.5-2 times that of autumn and winter.

Although the growth rate is relatively slow in winter, it also plays a very important role in the child's growth. Don't waste any chance of growing 1cm tall!

Especially for some children whose epiphyseal line is about to close, every opportunity should be grasped.

We know that children grow taller mainly as a result of the growth of long bones.

The bouncing motion is a continuous jump and landing.

When landing, due to the weight of the body exerting moderate pressure on the bones of the lower limbs, it produces continuous longitudinal stimulation of the bones, especially the epiphysis of the long bones of the lower limbs, which can promote bone strengthening and bone growth.

At the same time, exercise reaches a certain intensity, but also can promote the secretion of growth hormone, blood circulation, accelerate metabolism.

The combination of the two is more conducive to growing taller.

In addition to professional targeted bouncing sports, Director Dong also specially collected 10 kinds of home jumping sports games for everyone. It is fun and easy to get started at home, helping children grow into tall and tall.

10 Grow Taller Games to Promote Growth Hormone Secretion! Help you catch every 1cm growth opportunity!

2. Exercise high in the parents

Easy to use

01. Touch high jump

Set a fixed height each time and let your child jump up with their hands and feet, jump and touch the reference object with their head.

It can be touching the hands of mom and dad, or holding a soft doll, pillow, etc.

It is recommended to jump more than 50 times a day and wear appropriate sneakers.

10 Grow Taller Games to Promote Growth Hormone Secretion! Help you catch every 1cm growth opportunity!

The child does touching exercises

02. Top balloon

Younger children can play with this, and it works on the same principle as touching high jumps.

Hang the balloon with a string slightly higher and guide the child to jump up and use the balloon above his head (enough balloons).

Every time I hit it, I couldn't do it. During this process, the body also stretches, which is a great way to promote growth.

10 Grow Taller Games to Promote Growth Hormone Secretion! Help you catch every 1cm growth opportunity!

03. Pitching

Make a simple basketball hoop at home with a basket at the right height. Guide children to use dolls instead of basketballs to play pitching.

It can also be fun for parents to interact and get involved, and do physical confrontations.

Pitching has a lot of jumping and stretching, stimulates joints and knees, promotes bone growth, and improves bone density.

10 Grow Taller Games to Promote Growth Hormone Secretion! Help you catch every 1cm growth opportunity!

04. Jump rope

Skipping rope is a key item in the national physical health monitoring and assessment of students, which seems simple, but in fact requires the cooperation of all parts of the body.

If the child jumps rope well, it means that the child's sense of balance, agility, rhythm, endurance and explosiveness will not be bad.

Jumping rope at home can be carpeted and upholstered to prevent children from falling, and to minimize disruption to neighbors downstairs.

It is recommended that after the child is 4 years old, parents can start teaching children to jump rope.

For beginners, primary and secondary school students are recommended to choose bamboo rope, and exercise is best in the time period of 3-6 pm.

10 Grow Taller Games to Promote Growth Hormone Secretion! Help you catch every 1cm growth opportunity!

05. Tiptoe

If you are worried about noisy neighbors downstairs at home, you can also do this tiptoe exercise every day.

★ Face the wall, stand on tiptoe, stretch your hands high to touch the wall, tilt your head up, and try your best to touch it every time, the higher the better.

★ After touching the highest position, maintain the stretched posture for 30 seconds, do it once in the morning for 30 seconds, do it once before going to bed for 30 seconds, each time parents help draw the line, record the position of the child's touch, and mark the date.

★ Then you need to give your child a concept: find a way to break through. Break through a little and immediately give your child an encouragement (language reinforcement), "You're taller again, it's really great"

This exercise can effectively help children stretch, and at the same time, flex the ankles and improve their running ability.

10 Grow Taller Games to Promote Growth Hormone Secretion! Help you catch every 1cm growth opportunity!

06. Kangaroo Hopping

Prepare different colored cloth bags, specify a zone, and let the baby stand in the cloth bag and jump like a kangaroo.

See who gets to the finish line first! You can organize a relay race for your family and work together to complete the race.

But note: This game is easy to fall, so be sure to pay attention to safety protection~

In group classes, children listen to instructions to start kangaroo jumping games. Source丨Chengdu Southwest Children's Rehabilitation Medicine

07. Open and close jump

This game requires both adults and children to work together and exercise together, which helps to improve children's spatial judgment and rapid reaction skills.

The parent sits on the ground, with his feet open and closed, and the child jumps with the opening and closing. Suitable for kids over 6 years old. 20 times in a group, 8 sets at a time.

08. Straight fancy jump

Use tape to paste some spaced straight lines on the ground, as a divider, you can perform cross jumping, standing long jump, running back jump, single leg jump, forward and reverse jump and other fun sports.

For example, turn forward and reverse and jump, let the child follow the line pasted by the tape, 180 degrees forward and backward.

Rope coiled on one foot: Give your child a rope and wrap the rope while jumping on one foot, balance and skill together!

10 Grow Taller Games to Promote Growth Hormone Secretion! Help you catch every 1cm growth opportunity!

09. Creative hopscotch

If there are circles in the house, take them out and line them up and let the children jump over in turn. Different placement methods can control whether the feet are together or apart.

★ If not, hopscotch can be pasted with colored tape, and for added fun, different geometric figures such as squares, circles, and triangles can be pasted.

The rules of the game: everyone chooses a shape, everyone must step on their own pattern to advance, walking someone else's pattern is even a foul, you must go back to the starting point and start over, and the first to reach the finish line wins!

The fun of the game is that everyone steps on the wrong shape in a panic run, and then "crashes" with each other, hahaha ~~~

10. Jump over obstacles

Use the cushion pillows you have at home as obstacles and let your child jump over obstacles.

You can also find an aisle with some strips of different heights on the left and right sides as barricades, and children need to jump over the barricades to pass smoothly!

Younger children can reduce the difficulty and can run or jump on the cushions, looping back and forth.

Children can jump up and down wantonly, which can exercise the development of bouncing ability, balance, and sensory ability!

Mom and dad need to pay attention to the safety of their children.

10 Grow Taller Games to Promote Growth Hormone Secretion! Help you catch every 1cm growth opportunity!

That's it for today's sharing

Isn't it a very funny picture

On the road to recovery, we walked all the way

Protect children's health together!