
"Game Phantom" Pingdao was killed, and she did not expect that the action of Push Brother saved her, and updated 7 and 8 episodes

author:Brilliant willow
"Game Phantom" Pingdao was killed, and she did not expect that the action of Push Brother saved her, and updated 7 and 8 episodes


Gan reported to the leader that Ping Dao might be killed, and the leader told him that Ping Dao was the "Thai cultural ambassador" this time, and Ping Dao might know about the drug and let him protect Ping Dao.

After Gan took over the task, he sent his men down to inspect the venue, and after the arrangements were made, he went to meet Pingdao the next day, pingdao did not expect to meet Gan, Gan was working in the "Special Guard Action Group of the State Supervision Department" and his mission was to protect Pingdao. Miss Pippadanon, Pingdao got into the car without thinking about it, Gan sat on the co-pilot, Pingdao still did not believe and asked, sir, are you really a policeman?

Gan did not answer her words, after Pingdao arrived at the venue, fans shouted on both sides, Pingdao got out of the car with Gan's help, Gan stepped forward to let Pingdao put his arm around him, Pingdao refused.

"Game Phantom" Pingdao was killed, and she did not expect that the action of Push Brother saved her, and updated 7 and 8 episodes

Gan went up and wanted to pull Pingdao away, pingdao refused, Pingdao continued to wave and interact with fans, Gan said that you are Thailand's cultural ambassador, you will disrupt our arrangements, Pingdao replied "I can handle", then please handle it well and walk away, Gan aisle stood next to it, Pingdao was immediately surrounded by a group of fans, Pingdao asked Gan for help, Gan arranged and came to protect Pingdao to leave.

When the host announced that Pingdao was on stage, someone upstairs secretly controlled the lamp to fall, wanted to smash Pingdao, but was pushed away by Gui, fell to the ground and was picked up by Gan, the secret people saw that Pingdao was not hit, and immediately took out and tried to shoot Pingdao, but was picked up by Gan and hid.

Gan hugged Ping Dao to the backstage, Ping Dao did not know anything, asked Gan to put himself down, has been struggling, Gan put her down, Ping asked you why you took me out, Gan said that someone is going to kill you, don't you see?

Ping said: "Who, who is going to kill me, it was just an accident" Are you crazy?

"Game Phantom" Pingdao was killed, and she did not expect that the action of Push Brother saved her, and updated 7 and 8 episodes

Gan didn't have time to explain, holding Pingdao's hand, the people behind him caught up and tried to shoot, but gan's men pressed to the ground and fought.

The man did not catch it and ran.

Gan forcibly pulled Pingdao to the car, and Pingdao kept calling for help? Let me go. Gan drove with one hand and pulled Pingdao with the other, Gan saw that Pingdao's clothes were broken, bare shoulders, Gan took out a set of clothes for Ping to change, Gan said: "If you wear this and leave, I think it is possible... ”

Pingdao said are you crazy? Let me change my clothes in broad daylight, and I will ask here, or do I change in the back? Ping Dao said you first make sure you don't peek? Gan replied that I was a righteous gentleman and cut ,,,

"Game Phantom" Pingdao was killed, and she did not expect that the action of Push Brother saved her, and updated 7 and 8 episodes

Gan took Pingdao to his house, Pingdao wanted to go home, Pingdao walked to the window, Gan said don't tell me you're going to jump? Ping climbed up the railing and Gan took her down and didn't let go of her until she didn't make a fuss.

Gan, who goes out for a trip back, Gan tells her to take a bath, Ping wants to escape, and gan threatens that nothing will happen when a lone man and widow are together? Ping Dao was scared and did not dare to argue?

Calvin knew that Ping was going to terminate the film's contract.

Gan can't cook, PingDao makes a noodle, Gan feeds Ping to eat noodles, Cavan's father knows that Boss Ya wants to kill Pingdao, and after Ping returns to his house, Cavan comes to her.

Deere secretly buys killers to kill Ping.