
Twenty-six, when cutting the meat and cooking pork stewed ribs, keep in mind "3 do not put", the meat is fragrant and tastes right

author:Foraging in the market

Twenty-four, sweep the house, twenty-five, grind tofu, twenty-six, go and cut the meat - "La Yue Song"

Pork with a wonderful taste is a must-have for the New Year, especially in the second half of the lunar month, almost every household will cook a large pot of pork, ribs, and then make braised pork, braised pork ribs, back pot meat, garlic white meat and other hard dishes on the table, half of the richness of the Chinese New Year's Eve rice depends on it. Braised pork and ribs may seem simple to many people, just wash the meat and throw it into the pot, add some seasonings and spices and cook it, but it is these simple steps that make the cooked meat very different.

Twenty-six, when cutting the meat and cooking pork stewed ribs, keep in mind "3 do not put", the meat is fragrant and tastes right

Some meat is still very fishy when cooked, and some meat is boiled without fishy smell, but the meat aroma is insufficient, and some will have an indescribable "strange smell".

These situations are generally caused by the uselessness of seasonings and treatments, when stewing pork and ribs, spices and seasonings can not be added arbitrarily, especially do not put peppercorns, star anise, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, etc. into it, feel that it can be fishy and flavorful. In fact, the aroma of the meat cooked in this way will be completely covered by various spice flavors.

Twenty-six, when cutting the meat and cooking pork stewed ribs, keep in mind "3 do not put", the meat is fragrant and tastes right
Twenty-six, when cutting the meat and cooking pork stewed ribs, keep in mind "3 do not put", the meat is fragrant and tastes right

Before the New Year, whether you are boiling pork or stewed ribs, you must keep in mind the following "3 do not put", after avoiding it, you will find that the stewed meat tastes full of meat aroma, the taste is very positive, delicious and not fishy.

Twenty-six, when cutting the meat and cooking pork stewed ribs, keep in mind "3 do not put", the meat is fragrant and tastes right

The first thing: peppercorns cannot be put

There is an old saying called "pigs do not pepper, sheep do not expect, cows do not leek, fish do not garlic", this sentence is the older generation to summarize the experience of cooking meat handed down, that is, stewed pork does not put peppercorns, stewed lamb does not enlarge the material, beef and fish meat can not put leeks and garlic respectively.

The aroma of peppercorns is too strong, although it can help increase the flavor and remove fishy, but at the same time, it will also affect or even suppress the original aroma of pork, and will also make the meat of pork tighter and taste more woody. Therefore, when stewing pork and ribs, you must not put peppercorns.

Twenty-six, when cutting the meat and cooking pork stewed ribs, keep in mind "3 do not put", the meat is fragrant and tastes right

The second thing: hawthorn cannot be put

Adding one or two pieces of hawthorn to the beef stew can make the beef stew softer and more flavorful, degreasy and flavorful, and easy to digest. But suitable for beef stew put hawthorn, not suitable for stewing pork, hawthorn sour taste is very strong, pork is also acidic, its own taste is not as big as the taste of beef, hawthorn sour taste will in turn cover the aroma of pork, reduce the meat aroma of pork, thus affecting the taste. Moreover, pork is easy to stew and digestible than beef, and there is no need to put hawthorn in one fell swoop.

The third thing: cooking wine cannot be put

Cooking wine is a fishy "artifact" for cooking meat dishes, but the use of cooking wine is also particular. Before the pork belly and ribs are officially stewed, you can use cooking wine, that is, in the two links of soaking or blanching, add a little cooking wine, cooking wine can help remove the fishy smell to a large extent.

If cooking wine is added to the formal stew, then after a long time of simmering, the cooking wine will penetrate into the meat, covering the meat aroma, and even have an indescribable strange smell, affecting the final taste.

Twenty-six, when cutting the meat and cooking pork stewed ribs, keep in mind "3 do not put", the meat is fragrant and tastes right

Take boiled pork belly as an example, and share the specific cooking method with everyone

Ingredients: 2 pieces of pork belly, ginger, green onion.

Twenty-six, when cutting the meat and cooking pork stewed ribs, keep in mind "3 do not put", the meat is fragrant and tastes right

1. Heat a waterless and oil-free wok, put the pork belly skin down into the bottom of the pot and bake, bake until the skin is brown, and then remove the remaining pork hair.

Twenty-six, when cutting the meat and cooking pork stewed ribs, keep in mind "3 do not put", the meat is fragrant and tastes right

2. Put the pork belly in a large bowl, add water, put in a spoonful of salt, grab and knead and soak for about 15 minutes, precipitate the bleeding water, reduce the fishy smell, and wash it after soaking. Prepare some sliced ginger and green onion for later use.

Twenty-six, when cutting the meat and cooking pork stewed ribs, keep in mind "3 do not put", the meat is fragrant and tastes right

Tip: When soaking, add a spoonful of salt and knead, which can quickly precipitate blood and help to remove fishiness.

3. Put the pork belly into a cold water pot, put ginger slices, green onions, add a little cooking wine, first boil over high heat, and then blanch water over low heat for 3 minutes, there is a layer of foam floating in the pot, the foam is the remaining blood water in the pork belly, and the fishy smell can be reduced a lot after cooking. Skim the foam and pinch out the pork belly.

Twenty-six, when cutting the meat and cooking pork stewed ribs, keep in mind "3 do not put", the meat is fragrant and tastes right

4. Add water to a casserole pot over high heat, put in pork belly, add a little salt and the remaining ginger slices and green onion segments, after the water is boiled again, turn to low heat and simmer for about 30 minutes, cook until the chopsticks can poke the pork belly through.

Twenty-six, when cutting the meat and cooking pork stewed ribs, keep in mind "3 do not put", the meat is fragrant and tastes right
Twenty-six, when cutting the meat and cooking pork stewed ribs, keep in mind "3 do not put", the meat is fragrant and tastes right

——Lao Jing said——

Try to do "subtraction" when cooking meat and stewing ribs, including beef and mutton, do not feel that the more seasoning is put in, the more delicious the cooked meat is, but it will affect the original aroma of the meat. In addition, the current pigs are feed, oxytocin and other rapid feeding large, meat quality is not as good as before, so you also need to blanch water and then stew, if it is their own pigs or can buy good quality pork, you can ignore the blanching step, directly add green onion, ginger salt or a little star anise stew can be. #天南地北大拜年 #

I am a foraging reporter in the city, and I have been fighting the world for many years, and I am still brilliant and full of interest! I like to focus on eating, drinking, and fun in the city, updating recipes and food anecdotes every day, follow me, and enjoy food without getting lost.