
On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends


Tomorrow on the twenty-sixth day of the lunar month, the folk activity "killing pigs and cutting New Year meat", this day to cut New Year meat, buy a variety of New Year goods, continue the tradition, the taste of the year will become stronger and stronger, the prepared pork, called "New Year meat", the past days are relatively bitter, want to eat meat can only wait until the New Year, men and women and children are particularly looking forward to it, looking at the pot of steaming pork, hara zi are flowing out.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

The older generation has experienced, when doing heavy work to eat pickles, the stomach is really short of oil and water, see meat can not wait, drool, now living conditions have improved, eating pork is no longer a problem, "the twenty-sixth of the month, killing pigs and cutting the meat of the year", has become an old tradition that many people have not forgotten.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut the meat of the New Year, share 5 methods, continue the tradition, and the taste of the year will become stronger and stronger

1. Braised pork

1. Prepare a piece of pork belly, change the knife and cut the pieces, be careful not to be too small, the meat will be properly reduced during the cooking process, boil the water, cool the meat under the pot, put green onion, ginger, garlic and cooking wine, boil over high heat, skim off the foam, take out and rinse.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

2. Heat the oil, heat the oil with seven or eight rock sugars, stir-fry the sugar color over low heat, add the meat pieces and stir-fry, season 3 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce and an appropriate amount of salt, add enough boiling water, put star anise, cinnamon, fragrant green onion knots and ginger segments, simmer for an hour on low heat, and collect the juice over high heat.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

3. Simmer until the soup is thick, you can come out of the pot, braised pork made in this way, red and bright color, fresh and delicious, fat but not greasy, melts in the mouth, beautiful and delicious.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

2. Croquettes

1. Prepare two sections of nine-hole lotus root, peel off the skin, clean it, dry the water, first cut into thin slices, and then chop into finely chopped cubes, so that it tastes granular.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

2. Prepare another piece of pork, three points fat and seven points lean, cut into thin slices, the same chopped into minced meat, many people also like to use a blender, always feel that the minced meat is delicious, pour the minced meat into the lotus root, beat an egg, an appropriate amount of minced green onion and ginger.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

3. According to personal taste, add 1 spoonful of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, a little salt, chicken powder, sugar, pepper, and finally put 2 spoons of cornstarch, use chopsticks in one direction, stir evenly, let the starch fully fuse.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

4. As shown in the figure, stir until the filling is viscous, if 2 spoons of starch is less, you can add an appropriate amount, be sure to let it form, avoid spreading when frying.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

5. Then put on disposable gloves, the meat filling into a ball, for the sake of beauty, try to look good, if it is particularly sticky, you can reduce cooking oil and lubricate.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

6. Start the pot and heat the oil, wait for the oil temperature to be 6 into the hot, put the balls into the pot in turn, fry them slowly over low heat, don't hurry to turn them just under the pot, and then turn them after about 3 minutes to let it set first.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

9. Fry the balls until golden brown, you can fish them out, at this time the balls are crispy and tender inside, golden color, look very appetizing, smell the special fragrance, eat directly dry, no other seasoning, like to get some paprika.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

3. Plum vegetable buckle meat

1. Search on the Internet, Huizhou specialty "dried plum vegetables", you can buy more authentic, if you know this craft, you can also make your own, prepare about 200 grams of dried plum vegetables, put them in cool water, soak for an hour, wring them out for later.

Try to rinse as many times as possible, the quality of plum vegetables is very important, it is easy to have sand if you can't buy it, when you fish it out, you can squeeze out the dust while grabbing it, this trick is very effective.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

2. Prepare a square pork belly, cool under the pot, the water level should not exceed the meat pieces, add 3 spoons of cooking wine, 3 fragrant leaves, 2 star anise, 4 pieces of ginger, 3 green onions, bring to a boil over high heat and turn to low heat, simmer for 20 minutes, the specific time is determined according to the size of the meat pieces.

3. Take out the cooked meat pieces, control the moisture, wipe the surface moisture, prepare an iron needle, tie it on the meat skin, tie it densely, scoop in a little old soy sauce, apply it, moisten the color, let the old soy penetrate into the inside of the pig skin, use a flat plate to pack the old soy sauce, the pig skin side down soaked in the old soy sauce, about 15 minutes, fully polished.

When the time comes, take it out and dry it for a while, put it in a ventilated place, let the old smoke solidify, and facilitate frying in the oil pan.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

4. Start the pot and heat the oil, when the oil temperature is six percent hot, put the meat pieces under the pot, the meat skin is facing down, start frying until the tiger skin, pay attention to cover the pot immediately, because it will splash oil, slow fry over low heat, about 3 minutes or so, do not fry the paste.

The restaurant method is generally deep-fried, and if it is made at home, it can also be fried in oil to make a tiger skin color.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

5. Fry until the skin of the meat is brown, slightly frothy, prepare a basin of cold water, quickly put the meat pieces into cold water to ice, put it immediately out of the pot, about 3 minutes can be, take it out and change the knife slice, thickness is consistent, uniform size.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

6, the next is to stir-fry the dried plum vegetables, plum vegetables must be stir-fried to be delicious, start the pot to burn oil, the oil should be slightly more, the dried plum vegetables are very oily, stir-fry over low heat, let the oil thoroughly eat the plum vegetables, become moist, have been completely fried dry, don't rush out of the pot, turn off the heat cover and simmer for a while.

In addition, there is another way, that is, fat meat stir-fry, less salt, so that the fat taste is more fragrant, more fragrant than vegetable oil, the whole process does not need to add water.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

7. Next, marinate the cut meat slices, add an appropriate amount of dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, sweet noodle sauce, monosodium glutamate, five-spice powder, white sugar, grab and mix evenly, marinate into the taste.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

8. Prepare a large bowl, put the meat slices evenly, remember that the meat skin is down, neat, put the plum vegetables just fried, cover the top, the remaining sauce is also poured into it, boil the pot, turn to medium heat over high heat, steam for about 70 minutes, rotten is the best, the thickness of the meat slices is placed there, water must be added to the place, avoid boiling the pot.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

4. Steam ribs

1. Prepare 20 ribs, preferably ribs, the meat of this part is tender, soak for 3 hours first, remember to change the water twice in the middle, wash repeatedly, no need to blanch.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

2. It is a spoon for ordinary meals, season with this spoon, add 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of curd milk, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of sweet noodle sauce, an appropriate amount of five-spice powder, chicken essence can be added or not, and prepare another potato.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

3. Put on disposable gloves, grasp and mix evenly, let the sauce cover every inch of the ribs, and give it a careful massage, the purpose is to make the ribs taste, knead for a while, and marinate for 1 hour.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

4. Prepare a bag of steamed rice noodles, weighing about 125 grams, rice noodles can be homemade, or you can buy ready-made, it is recommended to buy ready-made rice noodles, mainly to save trouble, pour rice noodles into the ribs, huan glutinous rice fragrant will be wrapped more, like the meat aroma will be wrapped less.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

5. After marinating the ribs, start to grasp and mix again, so that the rice noodles, sauce and ribs are fully mixed evenly, as shown in the picture, you can achieve this look.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

6. Next, shave the potatoes, cut them into thin slices, pad them on top of the steamer, put in the marinated ribs, arrange them neatly, if there are no potatoes with sweet potatoes, pumpkins can be, the main purpose is to prevent sticking.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

7. Put enough water in the steamer, boil over high heat and turn to medium heat, steam for about 80 minutes, the ribs are soft and rotten children love to eat, the ribs are out of the pot, glutinous and fragrant, crispy and refreshing, tender but not chyme, rice flour oily, five-spice rich flavor, light bite all deboned, family members say delicious.

5. Fried crispy meat

1. Prepare 500 grams of pork plum blossom meat, or pork tenderloin, fat and lean to be delicious, cut into thin slices, each slice is about 2-3 mm, add 6 grams of salt, 5 grams of peppercorn powder, freshly ground best, cooking wine 5 grams, mix well and marinate for 20 minutes.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

2. Prepare 200 grams of sweet potato starch, 4 grams of salt, 5 grams of pepper powder, and stir well.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

3. Add 4 eggs, stir well with chopsticks, it is definitely not good to stir at first, the resistance is very large, slowly you will feel smooth, the whole process does not add water, completely rely on the egg liquid.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

4. After about 3 minutes, the batter will look like this, as shown in the picture, scoop it up to form a flow, just like yogurt, remember 200 grams of starch with 4 eggs.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

5. Pour the previously marinated meat slices into the hanging batter, so that the hanging paste evenly wraps the meat slices, and each piece is covered with batter.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

6. When the oil temperature is 6 hot, put in the raw meat slices, put them into the pot one by one and fry them thoroughly, do not pour them all at once, it is easy to stick together.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

7. Fry to this extent can be fished out, some change color, do not roll into a lump, the first frying can generally be fished out in 30 seconds.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

8. If the crispy meat wants to be delicious, it is also necessary to carry out a second re-frying, turn on high heat to raise the oil temperature, pour all the small crispy meat into it and re-fry for one minute, and wait for the color to be golden and the batter is crispy, you can fish it out.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends

9. After cooling, sprinkle some chili noodles, pepper salt, stir well, so that the fried crispy meat is crispy and fragrant, the taste is crispy and not greasy, eat it directly, very popular with families.

On the 26th day of the lunar month, kill pigs and cut New Year meat, share 5 methods, fresh and delicious, essential for entertaining relatives and friends