
Three flavor medicine, communication and dispersion! It can treat uterine fibroids, cysts, thyroid nodules, breast hyperplasia

author:Dr. Guo, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Gynecology

I remember Wang Yangming once said: "The more ordinary the place, the more you see the true cultivation." ”

This sentence is most appropriate to apply to the protagonist mentioned today, and it really is: the more ordinary things, the more healing powers.

Now, it is the season to show off oranges, peel an orange, and there is a white orange on each petal of orange, shiny and smooth, tasteless and tasteless. But for those who are sick, it is really "honey of A, arsenic of B." ”

Orange leaves, bitter taste, sexual pixin, have the effect of thinning the liver, reverse action, and fixing rib pain.

All the disease blood stagnation, phlegm wet fire reverse, manifested in rib pain, athlete's foot, swelling, chest, etc., can be pounded juice to drink, or directly boiled water to drink, or take slag to apply to see the effect, by many medical people as an excellent medicine to relieve the liver and regulate qi.

Three flavor medicine, communication and dispersion! It can treat uterine fibroids, cysts, thyroid nodules, breast hyperplasia

Orange core, bitter taste, bitter can diarrhea, can be dry, flat temperature can dispel cold, into the liver meridian, into the kidney meridian, can reduce swelling and detoxification, disperse knots and relieve pain.

Adult women have hernias, less abdominal pain, and sore waist and crotch, all of which can be fried in white water to see results.

Three flavor medicine, communication and dispersion! It can treat uterine fibroids, cysts, thyroid nodules, breast hyperplasia

Orange network, sexual flat, into the liver and spleen, can comb the stagnation of medium scorching qi, achieve the function of channeling, regulating qi, dissolving phlegm, but also activate blood, remove phlegm and dampness accumulated outside the epidermal membrane.

The combination of orange leaves, orange cores and orange channels can enter the liver meridian and relieve liver qi.

The difference is that orange leaves specialize in dispersing adverse qi in the liver, orange is good at scorching qi stagnation, orange nuclear energy into the lower scorching to reduce swelling and pain, and treat uterine inflammation. The three together achieve the effect of loosening the liver and regulating qi, channeling and relieving pain, dissipating swelling and reducing swelling.

The three flavors are formed into squares, which are called tongluo scattering and dispersion. Composition: orange core, orange leaf, orange flower, fried in water.

Three flavor medicine, communication and dispersion! It can treat uterine fibroids, cysts, thyroid nodules, breast hyperplasia

For thyroid nodules, breast hyperplasia, uterine fibroids and other causes of blockage due to liver qi stagnation, poor qi and blood, etc., this method can be treated by channeling and dispersing, or if there are cysts in the body, it can also be used to channel and disperse.

Three flavor medicine, communication and dispersion! It can treat uterine fibroids, cysts, thyroid nodules, breast hyperplasia

The above is for reference only, and the specific dosage should be consulted with a doctor. I am @TCM Gynecology Dr. Guo, if you also have breast disease, uterine disease, infertility and other troubles, you can leave me a comment, I will answer them one by one.