
China suspends Japanese visas to China! This matter has a lot to do with South Korea...

author:Imagawa Nikko
China suspends Japanese visas to China! This matter has a lot to do with South Korea...

Recently, the Chinese Embassy in Japan announced that it would suspend the issuance of ordinary visas for Japanese citizens to China, and the recovery period is undecided. Therefore, Japanese travel agencies have suspended the procedures for Japanese visas to China.

China suspends Japanese visas to China! This matter has a lot to do with South Korea...

Since the opening of the epidemic in China, South Korea has strengthened various measures to enter from China, but Chinese netizens who went to South Korea suffered very unfriendly entry treatment after arriving at the South Korean airport.

China suspends Japanese visas to China! This matter has a lot to do with South Korea...

A netizen said that tourists entering China were given yellow cards when they got off the plane and had to be hung around their necks, accompanied by South Korean soldiers to lead the way, and a bunch of reporters next to them, feeling like prisoners.

After that, you have to take a nucleic acid test at your own expense, which costs 80,000 won (about 433 yuan) at a time.

China suspends Japanese visas to China! This matter has a lot to do with South Korea...

Another person added that the quarantine environment in South Korea is very poor, there are no beds and tables in the hut, so you can only sleep on the floor, and such poor treatment also requires paying 150,000 won in accommodation and 15,000 won in food and beverage, which costs 900 yuan a day.

China suspends Japanese visas to China! This matter has a lot to do with South Korea...

Among them, the most dissatisfied is that tourists entering from China, unlike tourists from other epidemic countries, have to wear yellow cards around their necks.

In the past, yellow cards generally appeared on the football field, but now they are clearly hanging on the necks of passengers. Although it is said to be an epidemic prevention measure, this kind of differential treatment makes many people feel uncomfortable.

China suspends Japanese visas to China! This matter has a lot to do with South Korea...

Although China's previous epidemic prevention measures were strict, they did not treat a particular country in particular. Therefore, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers this to be a "discriminatory entry restriction measure", and while firmly opposing it, it has also taken reciprocal measures.

China suspends Japanese visas to China! This matter has a lot to do with South Korea...

Therefore, the Chinese embassy and consulates in South Korea decided to suspend the issuance of short-term visas for Korean citizens to visit, business, tourism, medical treatment, transit and general private affairs to China.

Unexpectedly, immediately afterwards, at the Kansai Airport in Osaka, Japan, a reporter observed that passengers flying directly from China to Japan were also treated differently and were issued red ropes and white cards.

China suspends Japanese visas to China! This matter has a lot to do with South Korea...

Compared with South Korea's quarantine policy after entry, Japanese quarantine and other fees are free, and the isolation environment will be relatively better, but this kind of separate listing behavior is a bit of a follow-up to South Korea.

With the principle of equal treatment, after South Korea, Japan's ordinary visa to China has also been suspended.

China suspends Japanese visas to China! This matter has a lot to do with South Korea...

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshi Hayashi expressed regret, and he has protested to China through diplomatic channels and demanded that the relevant measures be withdrawn.

China suspends Japanese visas to China! This matter has a lot to do with South Korea...

Japan and South Korea have previously announced measures for tourists entering China, which are stricter than European and American tourists, and now they are "listed" and distinguished, which has caused dissatisfaction among most Chinese.

China suspends Japanese visas to China! This matter has a lot to do with South Korea...

In response to this incident, some netizens felt that Japan and South Korea were only to prevent the spread of the virus, not for Chinese, but for all viruses entering from China. Some netizens also felt that this entry measure was discriminatory and very unfriendly, so there was no problem with China's counterattack policy. So which view do you support?

The picture comes from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author, which is invaded and deleted

This article is from the public account "Imagawa Japanese (jinchuan-riyu)"

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