
Do you know these commonly used edible oils?

author:Dinghe flaxseed oil 1

The main component of edible oil is fat, which is divided into saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids:

The main role of saturated fatty acids is to provide energy for the human body, and too much intake will increase the cholesterol content in the human body and make people obese;

Unsaturated fatty acids are a type of fatty acids that constitute body fat and are indispensable fatty acids for the human body. Unsaturated fatty acids mainly include monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have great benefits for human health. The essential fatty acids needed by the human body are polyunsaturated fatty acids, which can synthesize DHA and EPA.

Soybean oil Soybean oil is an oil extracted from soybeans, usually called "soybean salad oil", which is one of the most commonly used cooking oils. The shelf life of soybean oil is only one year at most, and the better the quality of soybean oil, the lighter the color, light yellow, clear and transparent. And there is no sediment, no bean ambiguity, and high-quality soybean oil with a temperature below zero degrees Celsius will have oil crystallization precipitation.

2. Corn oil

Corn oil is also known as corn oil, corn germ oil. It is the oil extracted from the embryo of corn seeds. Because its cholesterol-lowering effect is better than that of oils with high linoleic acid such as soybean oil and sunflower oil, corn oil is considered to be a high nutritional value oil. Corn oil is clear and transparent and can be used as salad oil to make foods such as coleslaw and salads.

3. Peanut oil

Peanut oil is light yellow and transparent, clear color, fragrant smell, delicious taste, is a relatively easy to digest edible oil. According to foreign data, eating peanut oil can decompose cholesterol into bile acids in the human body and excrete it from the body, thereby reducing the content of cholesterol in plasma. In addition, peanut oil also contains sterols, wheathol, phospholipids, vitamin E, choline and other substances that are beneficial to the human body.

Peanuts are easy to contaminate Aspergillus flavus, and the toxins produced by Aspergillus are strongly carcinogenic, so rough squeezed peanut oil is very unsafe, and peanut oil should not be eaten raw.

4. Blend oil

Blending oil, also known as high oil oil, is an edible oil made by blending more than two refined oils (except aroma oil) in proportion according to the needs of use. Blended oil generally uses refined soybean oil, rapeseed oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, etc. as the main raw materials, and can also be equipped with refined rice bran oil, corn germ oil, camellia seed oil, safflower seed oil, wheat germ oil and other special oil esters. The processing process is: select the above two or more refined oil esters according to needs, and then deacidify, decolorize, deodorize, and synthesize into blended oil. The shelf life of blended oils is generally 12 months. Now blended oil only has enterprise standards, no national standards. The development prospects of blended oil are good, and it will become one of the favorite oil products of consumers.

5. Sesame oil

Sesame oil (sesame oil) is flavorful, put a few drops when mixing cold vegetables, or put a few drops before the pan when stir-frying, and put a few drops after the pot when making soup. Put more, the taste is too fragrant, but it is not delicious. Sesame oil has a digestion and absorption rate of 98%, and it is also particularly rich in vitamin E and linoleic acid. It also has a good laxative effect, and has a certain preventive effect and efficacy on constipation. Patients with habitual constipation, drink a sip of sesame oil on an empty stomach in the morning and evening to moisturize the intestines and laxative.

6. Canola oil

Rapeseed oil is what we commonly call rapeseed oil, also known as rapeseed oil, canola oil, is a kind of edible oil squeezed from rapeseed. It is one of the main edible oils in mainland China, mainly produced in the Yangtze River Basin and southwest and northwest places.

Canola oil is golden or brownish in color, with a certain pungent smell, which is called "green smell" in folk. This smell is caused by the presence of a certain amount of glucosinolate, but the best varieties of rapeseed do not contain this substance.

7. Sunflower oil

Sunflower seeds, also known as sunflower seeds, are the fruit of sunflowers. Sunflower oil is golden in color, clear and transparent, and has a clear smell, which is an important edible oil. The refined sunflower oil has a clear and beautiful light yellow or bluish yellow, and its smell is fragrant and pure. Sunflower oil is about 90% unsaturated fatty acids, of which linoleic acid accounts for about 66%, but also contains vitamin E, plant sterols, phospholipids, carotene and other nutrients.

8. Olive oil

Olive oil has a history of thousands of years in the Mediterranean coastal countries, and is known in the West as "liquid gold", "queen of vegetable oils" and "Mediterranean manna", because of its excellent natural health benefits, beauty effects and ideal cooking uses. Edible high-grade olive oil is a natural fruit oil juice extracted by physical cold pressing process from the first or ripe olive fresh fruit, (the residue is chemically extracted olive pomace oil) is one of the woody vegetable oils in the world in its natural state for human consumption.

9. Tea seed oil

Tea seed oil does not contain erucic acid, cholesterol, aflatoxin and other additives. Camellia seed oil contains more than 90% of unsaturated fatty acids, and is rich in protein and vitamins A, B, D, E, etc., especially the rich linolenic acid it contains is necessary for the human body but cannot be synthesized. Among them, the oleic acid and linoleic acid content of tea seed oil are higher than that of olive oil. Therefore, it has the reputation of "oriental olive oil".

10. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is the only oil composed of medium-chain fatty acids in our daily food, medium-chain fat molecules are smaller than other food long-chain fatty molecules, easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body, the digestion of dietary coconut oil does not need to use the human pancreatic digestive enzyme system, put little pressure on the body's enzyme and hormonal system. Moreover, the liver is more inclined to use medium-chain fatty acids as a fuel source for energy production, thereby improving the efficiency of metabolism. Since coconut oil is a saturated oil, cooking heat does not produce free radicals. The melting point of coconut oil is 23°C, above which it is liquid; Below this temperature is a white paste. Its smoke point is low, below 177°C. When baking bread, muffins or cooking with coconut oil, the oven temperature can be higher than this. Coconut oil is stable and does not need to be refrigerated. It can be left at room temperature for at least 2-3 years.

11. Flaxseed oil

Flaxseed protein has a complete range of amino acids, α-linolenic acid content of more than 50%, is the highest α-linolenic acid content of all edible oils, known as "deep-sea fish oil on land". Due to the different production processes, flaxseed oil is divided into two types: hot pressed and cold-pressed. Generally, the cold-pressed is called flaxseed oil, and the hot-pressed is called flax oil.

Advantages of the cold pressing process: almost all the nutrients in flax seeds are retained, the taste is refreshing and non-greasy, and the content of unsaturated fatty acids is rich. Disadvantages of the cold pressing process: low oil yield and relatively high cost.