
The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

author:Weifang indigenous caprice

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10th place Walrus

Although walrus is called an elephant, he has nothing to do with elephants, only because his canine teeth have grown up like ivory, so he is called walrus. Walrus ivory is the most important tool of walruses and a weapon. Its teeth grow all its life, and there are actually many animals that grow teeth for a lifetime, such as elephants and mice, and their teeth grow all their lives. Why don't their teeth keep growing? Research now suggests that they rely heavily on the tooth, and that if it is broken or worn, it will affect his life. As for why don't their teeth stop growing? Now I know that there is a stem cell pool at the root of their teeth, which is the stem cell pool that constantly secretes substances to make it grow teeth.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

Walrus tusks are currently found to be more than 1 meter, but how long is elephant tusk? The longest ivory of a living elephant is 1.8 meters, and the intercepted smuggled ivory has 1.9 meters of ivory, so the longest ivory of the fossils excavated can be 5 meters long, because at that time the elephant itself also has a long life, and no one hunts it, so it has been long until it is 5 meters long.

Then walruses weigh the largest, and the individuals found so far have 2.2 tons and a length of 4.4 meters. Larger than a large rhinoceros, walrus has particularly thick subcutaneous fat that can withstand the cold. Walruses live with polar bears, but polar bears rarely attack adult walruses, because walruses are too large, and the skin is thick and cannot be bitten, if you attack walruses will be easily injured, because walrus' teeth are very dangerous, and they will be seriously injured when attacked. So polar bears usually attack juvenile walrus, yes, they can only bully the weak, who let polar bears have no hard skin and dangerous tusks.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

9th place Leopard seal

Leopard seal is the second largest seal, although not the largest, but a single individual can reach 3.5 meters in length and weighs 500 kilograms, which is no different from a large lion, but it is not only larger than ordinary seals, his athletic ability is particularly strong, muscles are particularly developed, and his sense of sight and smell is also very good. Although it is not as big as the walrus, it is much more flexible than the walrus, and its teeth are particularly sharp, and his mouth can open 160 degrees. This leopard seal lives mainly near Antarctica and often preys on penguins, some smaller than him, other species of seals, which will attack humans.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

In 2003, there was a tragedy that shocked the world, a 28-year-old female oceanographer in the United Kingdom was diving in the waters near Antarctica, and while conducting research, she was attacked by leopard seals and eventually died of ineffective rescue. The reason for the seal attack is unknown, in fact, when diving in Nanjing, he has not been attacked by seals, which is a very rare incident of seal attack in recent years.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

8th place Bay crocodile

The bay crocodile is not only the strongest creature on the surface, but also one of the strongest on the seabed. The bay crocodile is the only crocodile that can live in the sea, it has a strong tolerance to seawater, so the bay crocodile is also known as the saltwater crocodile, which is the largest reptile in the world. The bite force is also the largest, with a bite force of up to two tons, and it is the largest reptile in the world, with a bite force of up to two tons.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

The bay crocodile is a little weaker than other crocodiles, that is, its breath holding time is relatively short, he can only hold his breath for an hour, other crocodiles can generally hold their breath for several hours, and the powerful can hold their breath for five hours. Why can crocodiles hold their breath for so long? It is because it can freely regulate its heartbeat, because it is a cold-blooded animal, he does not need to maintain body temperature, when it dives underwater and needs to hold its breath, it will adjust its heartbeat to 3 beats per minute, and the normal beating of its heart is 40 beats per minute. When it is adjusted to 3 times per minute, it basically enters a semi-suspended animation state, oxygen is only delivered to the brain, so that he can observe the surrounding situation, when he needs to exercise, the heart beats faster, and then he can exercise. In this way, it reduces the consumption of oxygen, so it can hold the breath for so long.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

It consumes oxygen when diving, so when diving, it is the least aggressive, hence its ranking in this position. Underwater, it is relatively weak, and it mainly eats animals near the sea. Because it often has to go everywhere looking for something to eat, it will cross some bays.

7th place Swordfish

It is the fastest fish in the ocean, it can swim at more than 100 kilometers per hour, and like cheetahs, the largest swordfish found so far, with a body length of five meters and a weight of 650 kilograms. So you can imagine being in an ocean, with speed like a cheetah, and then with a sword in front of its mouth, anyone who pierces will die. And the fish itself is extremely cruel, although it mainly eats squid and some small fish, but it will attack whales, even ships, and of course humans have been pierced by him.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

On May 29, 2015, a Hawaiian captain saw a 1.8-meter-long swordfish in the offshore waters, and he wanted to catch the fish, so he jumped into the sea with a speargun, and when the fish swam over, he shot the fish, and the fish also stabbed him.

The main natural enemy of this fish is humans, and people generally catch this fish to eat, so the number of swordfish is already very small. Later, it was found that the content of mercury and other heavy metals in this fish meat is particularly high, which is toxic, and these heavy metals will be deposited in the body after eating, so many countries later restricted the consumption of this fish.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

6th place Tiger shark

More powerful than this swordfish is the tiger shark, which is one of the few sharks that will actively attack humans, which is very dangerous. Because this shark has a texture like the markings on the tiger, this shark is called a tiger shark. The largest known tiger shark can reach a length of 6 meters and weigh more than 800 kilograms, it is the top predator in the ocean, it is very brutal and attacks almost everything, he often attacks some other sharks, or attacks dolphins. They also sometimes attack plastic bags and canned fish. How do you know this? Captured tiger sharks, found that they have a lot of human garbage in their stomachs. It is an omnivorous creature, in fact, omnivorous creatures are very dangerous, because people are also omnivorous.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

Fifth place King Squid

More powerful than the tiger shark is the king squid, the king squid is the world's largest invertebrate, there is also one of the largest species of king squid called king squid, it is an oversized squid, so what is the difference between squid and squid Do you know? In fact, there is not much difference, the squid is a kind of squid, it is more slender, so the scientific name of the squid is gun squid. And the hood on the body of the squid is slightly looser, thicker and larger, so what is the difference between the squid and the octopus, the octopus is also called the octopus, it has eight legs, and the squid has ten legs.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

Both of them are cephalopod creatures, but are distinguished because of the different number of legs. Another difference is that the octopus is soft and has nothing hard, while the squid has a hard board inside. And octopuses walk in the water, while squid swim in the water. Octopuses also have a difference from squid, that is, octopuses are very smart, but squid are not so smart.

Only juveniles have been found and no adult individuals have been found, and juveniles have been caught in 2003 and 2007, plus the length of their antennae is 8 meters. In addition, in the stomach of sperm whales, many mouths of king sour squid have been found, but these mouths are also the mouths of juvenile fish. It is speculated that the adult individuals of the king sour squid can reach a length of 18 meters and weigh up to 750 kilograms. The 18-meter-long sperm whale may not attack adult individuals, so no adult has been found so far.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

There are several interesting mysteries of the king sour squid, the first is that among the larvae found so far, they are all females, and no males have been found, and they feel that males should be larger than females, so how many meters are unknown. There is also an incredible thing, that is, the sperm whale found now has many scratches of this kind of squid, and I think it is the marks of being caught when fighting with the squid, and these marks are very deep, which shows that the fighting power of the squid is very strong. Similar scratches have been found on some sharks, and it has been mentioned in Norse mythology, saying that there is a huge monster in the sea, which looks like an octopus or a squid, and they attack ships, this thing is called the Norwegian sea monster Kraken. This monster has also appeared in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean".

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

It is so combative, but it is currently known that it may only need to eat 30g of food a day. It weighs more than 500 kg, it usually only needs to eat 30g of things, it can live for half a year by eating a fish. I don't know how it can grow so big, eat so little, and fight whales and sharks, where it has such great strength. Although it can fight sperm whales, it basically dies. Of course, there is also a situation that sperm whales may give up it, if it blocks the place where sperm whales breathe, for more than an hour, sperm whales will not be able to breathe, need to float to the surface of the sea to breathe, at this time sperm whales should give up and put it to death.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

4th place Great white shark

Many people may think that it is the most powerful animal in the sea, but in fact it is not, even the first three can not be ranked, great white sharks are living fossils, more than 20 million years ago fossils of great white sharks, so many years they have not evolved, and look exactly the same as before, he is also the world's largest predatory fish. Currently known alive, the largest great white shark is called Deep Blue, 6 meters long, weight should be more than 2 tons, because it has not been salvaged, so the data is speculative.

In fact, the number of great white sharks is already very small, almost all the discoveries have been named, and there is now a website called Ocean Search that can track all the great white sharks found now. They can GPS global positioning, but if they dive very deep they can't be tracked, so the signal is intermittent. Based on the route they swim in, these great white sharks go anywhere in the world and are likely to appear anywhere, and Deep Blue was last seen near Hawaii, where it was eating a dead whale. The most powerful thing about great white sharks is that they have hundreds of sharp teeth like blades in their mouths, and their combined force of more than 300 kilograms, which is basically the most powerful creature in the sea.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

Its swimming speed can reach more than 50 kilometers per hour, the great white shark's attack method is usually only once attacked, it finds the prey, will rush up to take a bite and finish, wait for the prey to lose too much blood and die, and then eat. It is done to save physical strength, or for its own safety. Because if it doesn't keep attacking, it may be injured itself. Great white sharks have a very good sense of smell, they can smell a drop of blood 400 meters away, and if they go a little further, they need a little more blood to smell.

Great white sharks are sharks that actively attack humans, and many accidents have occurred before, but current research has found that this may be a misunderstanding, and the reason why great white sharks attack humans is likely to be caused by humans themselves. Because many wild great white sharks will not react if they have not been in contact with people, and divers lean on it and touch it. But when it comes into contact with humans, it attacks people, why? That is, in order to observe the great white shark, people often use some blood and flesh and other things to attract it and let it come over, and then after a long time, the great white shark may feel that there is good food where there are people, so he goes to find someone. Then they get close to where some people swim, and then they bite. Great white sharks themselves may not have much hostility towards people, but later it became a habit, some people have good food, there are boats have good food, so they will approach the surrounding area with boats and people.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

Great white sharks are completely absent in aquariums, and there is no aquarium in the world that has great white sharks, what is the reason? Because there have been many times in history people who want to put great white sharks in aquariums, but as long as great white sharks are kept in aquariums, they will soon die, because they are particularly gaseous, it cannot be kept in captivity, if it finds itself in captivity within a limited range, it will become particularly violent and begin to attack all other fish in the aquarium. Just because you raise a great white shark, you can't let all the other fish die, it doesn't attack those fish to eat, they will starve themselves to death.

There have been attempts to raise great white sharks, some crashing themselves to death in one day, others living for five weeks, and it also starved to death. Because great white sharks cannot be kept in captivity, they are exchanged for the freedom of this ethnic group. Whales and dolphins are not so smart, and some people keep them in aquariums all their lives. Another reason why there can be great white sharks in the aquarium is that great white sharks mainly eat mammals, so raise great white sharks for a day, and give him a seal. This calorie of the fish is relatively low, it needs to eat thermostatic animals to maintain its body functions, the aquarium does not have so many seals, so when the great white shark was raised before, it was fed otters to the great white shark. So from all angles, it will be impossible for aquariums to raise great white sharks in the future.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

3rd place killer whale

Great white sharks have few predators in the sea, but there is one guy who can cure it, and that is killer whales. When it comes to killer whales, many people may think that it is the most powerful number one under the sea, but it can only rank third. Killer whales can reach a length of 9.5 meters, weigh up to 9 tons, and can swim at speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour, compared with great white sharks, it is the fastest mammal in the ocean and has a particularly strong athletic ability. It can jump out of the water and make an arc, you can imagine how athletic it is, and can jump up like a dolphin. Killer whales are the largest species of dolphins, it is particularly intelligent, whether in terms of combat ability or intelligence, it is the top killer in the ocean, it is the top killer in the entire ocean, so it is also called killer whale.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

The diet of killer whales has a very unique place, although it eats everything, but in different environments, they eat very single, some killer whales only eat fish, and some killer whales only eat seals. Some killer whales eat everything, related to the environment they live in, what creatures they have the most, they eat the most, like migratory everywhere, they eat everything. Their rations include whales, sharks, walruses, seals and more, and they are not picky eaters at all. Then it has been observed that many killer whales hunt great white sharks.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

In fact, if the great white shark feels that there are dolphin creatures around it in the sea, it will run away, and basically he is afraid of dolphin creatures, because dolphin creatures are in groups and have a particularly high IQ. Great white sharks face the dolphin that has fallen alone, the great white shark can win, and the great white shark has also eaten dolphins, but if there are many dolphins, he can't. Dolphins are mammals that have hard bones on their bodies. And the great white shark is a cartilaginous fish, the body is particularly soft, the internal organs do not have a protective layer, so the dolphin is particularly smart, it will top the belly of the great white shark from the bottom, a top of internal organs will be broken, and the great white shark will die. If bitten by a great white shark, the dolphin is basically dead.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

If a great white shark encounters a killer whale, it generally runs away directly, because he can't beat one. How do killer whales deal with great white sharks? Great white sharks have a weak point, once the great white shark turns over, it doesn't move, it can't swim, and great white sharks can't swim back, so it can only stand still there. The shark will suffocate if it does not swim, because its gills cannot move on its own, and it needs to swim, and the sea water enters the gills to breathe. Once he doesn't move, he can only suffocate, so the killer whale will come two and turn the great white shark over and hold him, and after a while, the great white shark will die. This is how killer whales deal with great white sharks, not to death. Killer whales don't kill great white sharks for food, for what? It's to exclude competitors, because their diet is very similar to great white sharks, so kill a great white shark and they will have a little more food.

Because killer whales are very strong in individual combat and gregarious, they are very good at group combat, so they have no natural enemies in nature.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

2nd place Sperm whale

If you don't consider one-on-one, the one who can defeat killer whales is sperm whales, sperm whales are much larger than killer whales, sperm whales can be up to 20 meters long and weigh 70 tons, which can be equivalent to seven killer whales in terms of weight. We say that elephants are 100 kilograms when they are born, and sperm whales are one ton when they are born. Each tooth in the mouth of an adult sperm whale is 20 centimeters long and weighs one kilogram each. Sperm whales have a very complex social structure and their own language system, and sperm whales have dialects, sperm whales in different places speak slightly differently, they have cultural heritage, they will pass on their dialects to their offspring. Sperm whales are a little stronger than killer whales, that is, his diving ability is very strong, killer whales generally dive for no more than 20 minutes, they need to come up often to ventilate, sperm whales can dive for an hour, so if sperm whales bite killer whales, killer whales can not move in the water, killer whales only suffocate in the water, which is the only way for it to defeat killer whales.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

But this is not the case in reality, sperm whales will immediately dive into the water if they sense that there are killer whales around. It will dive very deep, hide where killer whales can't reach, and when the killer whale group passes, sperm whales float up from the deep sea, sperm whales are actually more afraid of killer whales.

Sperm whales mainly eat squid, like the king sour squid, this sour squid sounds very delicious, and we are now studying the king squid and the king sour squid this type of creature, mainly relying on sperm whales. But to study these two creatures, one needs to kill the sperm whale and remove the contents of its stomach. Humans have hunted sperm whales since ancient times because they have a lot of essential oils, which can be used to make candles, and ambergris, which is a spice. There is a very magical place about this sperm whale, a phenomenon that has been detected so far, but has not yet proven how it is. It is that sperm whales can emit ultrasonic waves to stun the prey in front.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

1st place Blue whale

More powerful than the sperm whale, it is also the largest creature in the world at the moment, which is the blue whale. The blue whale can reach a length of 33 meters and weigh 177 tons, and the weight of the blue whale is calculated, because the blue whale has never been salvaged and weighed so far, it is twice the size of the sperm whale. It is said that it is the largest animal on the earth, not only on the earth now, it is the largest in the history of the earth, including various huge creatures in prehistory, including dinosaurs, the blue whale is the largest.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

The largest known dinosaur weighed 177 tons, but a fossil tibia called "specific dragon" was found, which is the fossil of the lower end of the front leg of this dinosaur, according to this fossil, the "specific dragon" may be up to 55 meters long and weigh up to 300 tons, but this is only speculation. Blue whales are born 2.7 tons, are 7 meters long, and drink 400L of breast milk every day. It grows more than 100 kilograms a day. Although the blue whale is so big, it is very docile and will not attack other animals, only eating some small fish and shrimp, and the only natural enemy of the blue whale in nature is the killer whale.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

In a one-on-one situation, the killer whale will not attack it, because it has such a large body and tail fan, this power is also very large, once it hits the killer whale, the killer whale cannot stand it. How do you know that killer whales will attack blue whales, that is, in recent years, science and technology have developed, and drones have filmed the scene of killer whales surrounding and killing blue whales. So people learned that killer whales ate blue whales. But they don't hunt the largest blue whales, they generally hunt small blue whales of about 20 meters, like more than 30 meters have never been seen, so the real overlord in the ocean is killer whales.

Zero Australian box jellyfish

The Australian box jellyfish is the most poisonous jellyfish in the world, it is not only the most poisonous of the jellyfish, but also the most poisonous of all living things in this world. This jellyfish has an umbrella-like head, this head is about half a meter in height, and there are four nodes on the umbrella-shaped head, each of which extends 15 arm tentacles, the length of the tentacles can reach 4.5 meters, and each tentacle has countless stingers. Once touched, plunge into it to put poison, he usually catches some small fish and shrimp by tentacles, touches it and dies quickly, its toxicity is super strong, a jellyfish can easily poison 60 people, so people as long as they touch this jellyfish will die, and this guy is transparent, tentacles are also transparent, so swimmers are very easy to touch, touch a tentacle may not be fatal, but as long as it touches, it is not one, it will die.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

It lives in the seas around Japan, Australia, the Philippines, and Malaysia, and hundreds of people die every year from this jellyfish, which is so powerful because its toxins combine several deadly toxins into one. Some cause fatal damage to your upper respiratory system, some make you stop your heartbeat, some make you blind, and some make you skin necrotic. It's just that many of the most powerful things come together, and it's quite difficult to detoxify.

In fact, some people have survived from the hands of this jellyfish, but they are touched a little, and the skin where they touch it will be necrotic, so it will leave permanent scars, so it is known that if it is stung by this jellyfish, it is immediately poured with vinegar on the wound. First let its stinger fail, and then immediately send it to the hospital for antidote injection, of course, that hospital needs to have antidote injection, usually hospitals with antidote injections, it is too late to receive such patients, because the speed of death is particularly fast.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

Although this guy is so powerful, he has a natural enemy, and the only natural enemy, which is turtles. Its toxins are ineffective against turtles, which eat it. But the number of turtles is relatively small, and they don't like to eat very much, so its number is still a lot. Although this jellyfish is very poisonous, it is only poisonous with tentacles, and there is no poison on its head, so it can be grabbed and picked up. What is so scary about this creature? It has 24 eyes, so it can see some of its prey around it. When someone swims, it will swim over, it swims very fast, 1.5 meters per second, much faster than the average person, so if it really comes to sting, people can't run away.

The world's top 10 feared sea creatures, killer whales, are not ocean overlords?

I heard that people who live on the beach go into the sea and are easily stung by jellyfish, jellyfish always float in a large area of seawater, and there are fishermen who cut jellyfish meat on them with knives, they will feel pain, and make a cry, like an arrow far away. Of course, these situations are not my experience, my grandmother told me, and I was just stung by bees when I was a child.

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