
Classic funny and humorous quotes make people laugh

Original title: Classic funny and humorous quotes make people endure

Classic funny and humorous quotes make people laugh

Classic funny and humorous quotes make people laugh

1. Even I don't care, Italy, what do you care about?

2. You don't even like me, what do you like, Kitchiro?

3. You won't stay up late, why stay up late, will Ollie?

4. You don't even add my WeChat, what do you add in Canada?

5. People nowadays are really interesting. When they watch a movie with a girl, they talk about showing off. I took classes with more than 50 girls. Did I say something?

6. I am a relatively mature person. Gas, not eating and other things are done after eating.

7. Every time in the middle of the night, I want to ask myself how I made mistakes academically and emotionally.

8. What makes female celebrities different from me is that they don't eat when they're hungry, and I don't eat when I'm not hungry.

9. Tell those who have looked down on me that I have a house, not rented, but just opened in King's Canyon, okay?

10. The most annoying thing is asking for my salary. There are many ways to humiliate me. Why did you choose this?

11. I am such a loser, and when I wake up, hundreds of millions of property are gone.

12. It's okay if you don't have a partner. It will be sad not to drink milk tea.

13. I was taught not to spend money indiscriminately since childhood, and only when I grew up did I know that there was no money to spend indiscriminately.

14. Call Peach Blossom and tell it to come soon.

15. Red dust is company, dashing and uninhibited, sharing horseback riding and sharing bubble tea