
Ten hilarious trivia: This grass dances to the music!

Original title: Ten hilarious cold knowledge: This grass will dance to the music!

1, marmoset monkey, also known as thumb monkey, is the world's smallest monkey, adult monkey length is only 10-12 cm, weight 80-100 grams, the earliest living in the Amazon Valley of South America. Because of their docile, lively and cute personality, many people also domesticate them as pets.

Ten hilarious trivia: This grass dances to the music!
Ten hilarious trivia: This grass dances to the music!
Ten hilarious trivia: This grass dances to the music!

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Ten hilarious trivia: This grass dances to the music!
Ten hilarious trivia: This grass dances to the music!

2. The swan is not only extremely beautiful in appearance, but also has a particularly strong flying ability, and can fly up to 17,000 meters in altitude, which is already similar to the flight altitude of ordinary passenger aircraft.

Ten hilarious trivia: This grass dances to the music!
Ten hilarious trivia: This grass dances to the music!
Ten hilarious trivia: This grass dances to the music!
Ten hilarious trivia: This grass dances to the music!

3. This grass will dance to the music! Yunnan grows a plant called "dancing grass", and its leaves dance up and down to the music, just like dancing, and once the music stops, their dance stops abruptly.

4. Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting "Mona Lisa" is collected in the Louvre Museum of Fine Arts, which actually has a total collection of 4 million art treasures, and there are various works of art from ancient Egypt to modern times.

5. When the ancients were in Soma, they often looked at the teeth of the horse, in fact, because the teeth of the horse have growth rings, so that the age of the horse can be roughly inferred, which also exists in animals such as cattle and camels.

Ten hilarious trivia: This grass dances to the music!

6, I believe that many people's student years are dominated by mathematics, it is true, the mathematics of our students belongs to the most difficult in the world, who made our ancestors so obsessed with mathematics, they began to study mathematics more than 4,000 years ago.

7. Do you know which animal has the biggest eyes? The answer is giant squid, whose eyes are shocking 40 centimeters in diameter, which is a cauldron.

8. There is a natural bridge in Utah, USA, which is formed due to the movement of the earth's crust and attracts tourists from all over the world every year.

9. Located in Zigong City, Sichuan Province, the China Lantern Museum is a professional museum about lamp culture, which was built in 1992 and is a museum dedicated to displaying lanterns, from which people can fully appreciate China's glorious lamp culture.

10. Ramondi pineapples that grow in South America bloom very late, taking 150 years to bloom, and tsundere they bloom once in their lives, and they will wither and die soon after blooming.

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