
The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot

author:Time behind photos

"The child is missing a foot" The child's grandparents had not yet enjoyed the happiness of Tian Sun for a moment when they were almost stunned by the news of this thunderbolt

At 7:55 a.m., a loud baby cry resounded in the delivery room of the township hospital. The mother Li Huanhuan was extremely weak, but hearing the child's rather angry cry, she felt that everything was worth it.

The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot

His husband, father-in-law, mother-in-law, and the family all had happy smiles on their faces, waiting at the door and watching.

It seemed that after a long time, the nurse walked out with a small baby in her arms. Li Huanhuan's mother-in-law hurriedly greeted her.

"Is it a boy or a girl? I am the child's grandmother. ”

The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot

"It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl..." the nurse hesitated, and stopped talking. Li Huanhuan's in-laws and husband looked at each other.

"The child is missing a foot." Hearing the nurse's words, Li Huanhuan's father-in-law immediately felt that it was dark, and her mother-in-law stumbled and almost fell.

The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot

Li Huanhuan, who was pregnant for the first time, had signs of threatened miscarriage

Li Huanhuan, 23, lives in Lujiang County, Anhui Province. In January 2015, Li Huanhuan, who had just been married, found out that she was pregnant. Due to her young age, she did not care and be careful when she was pregnant for the first time,

The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot

In the early days of less than three months, once took a car home, stomach pain, bleeding, Li Huanhuan was a little afraid, rushed to the county hospital to check, did a color ultrasound, the doctor said that there were signs of threatened miscarriage, and said that it was okay, the child was still there, but it was recommended to be hospitalized to protect the pregnancy. Li Huanhuan followed the doctor's advice for a week of injections, and the fetus was finally stable.

The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot
The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot
The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot

There were twists and turns But the results of Tang sieve and large row malformation were normal

After this bloody incident, Li Huanhuan began to be particularly careful, afraid of bumping, and the doctor said that when to check her next time, she would strictly follow the doctor's instructions. The doctor said that there was a lack of zinc and iron, let her eat according to the prescription, Li Huanhuan did not dare to slack, the doctor let him eat whatever he wanted, and for the health of the baby, the family after the prenatal examination chose the best people's hospital in Lujiang County.

The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot

After eight large and small prenatal examinations, B ultrasound, fetal heartbeat, and amniotic fluid did not fall every time. At the end of March 2015, Li Huanhuan should have done a Tang screening examination, that is, an important examination for screening Tang's children, commonly known as congenital fools, but the Lujiang County People's Hospital did not do it for Li Huanhuan, on the grounds that Tang screening was distributed to various township health centers, and to do Tang screening, it was necessary to go to the local township health center for file inspection.

The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot

Li Huanhuan went to the township health center for Tang screening examination, the results were normal, the doctor especially reminded her that the fetus has a very important abnormality examination at 24 weeks, focusing on checking whether the fetus has malformations, must not be missed, but the township health center can not do it, the deformity examination must go to the county people's hospital.

The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot

So Li Huanhuan returned to the county people's hospital, and the people's hospital told Li Huanhuan that their hospital did not have four-dimensional color ultrasound equipment, and they had to go outside to find a place with four-dimensional color ultrasound for deformity examination.

Only Carnation Comprehensive Clinic in Lujiang County has four-dimensional color ultrasound equipment, so Li Huanhuan went to the Carnation Comprehensive Outpatient Physical Examination Center for a four-dimensional color ultrasound examination. When doing it, the doctor told me that because the fetus was not in the right position, he did not see the face, and it was recommended to go for an examination after a week.

The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot
The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot

A week later, Li Huanhuan came to the Carnation General Clinic again as scheduled, and this time everything was normal. In particular, the fetus's kidneys, hands, and feet were clearly visible. Li Huanhuan's hanging heart was put down, Tang Si and Da Pai were normal, just waiting for the baby to come out and meet his family.

The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot
The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot

Before this examination, Li Huanhuan did four more color ultrasound examinations in the county people's hospital, none of which showed abnormalities, until she gave birth to a baby boy without a right foot in the county people's hospital on September 16, 2015.

The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot
The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot
The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot

Thunderbolt on a sunny day The family cannot accept a baby born without a right foot

When she was born, Li Huanhuan vaguely heard the doctor say what happened to the baby's foot, and she thought that at most the baby's foot was missing a piece of meat or one toe missing, and she never expected that her son did not have a right foot at all.

The family looked at the baby without a right foot, depressed all day, and Li Huanhuan's husband was even more miserable and could not withstand such a blow. The little boy just likes to run and jump, when he is naughty, no one plays with him, they don't know how their son will face his flaws in the future, will they blame his parents.

The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot
The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot
The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot

Both hospitals said they should not be held responsible for the missing right foot of their child

After the incident, the People's Hospital and the Carnation Physical Examination Center both shirked their responsibilities, and the People's Hospital clearly informed that there was no equipment to require the mother to go outside for deformity screening, and they did not do deformity ultrasound so they did not bear the corresponding responsibility. And the explanation of the Carnation Comprehensive Clinic surprised Li Huanhuan and his wife: "When I did it, my hands and feet were visible, as for not being born, it may be that there is a disease that is like this." "Carnation cannot bear the responsibility for the loss of the fetus's right foot, which is Li Huanhuan's misfortune. They said that they would compensate Li Huanhuan with a maximum of 380 yuan for the prenatal examination fee and pay 10 compensations. Li Huanhuan's family said they could not accept it.

The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot
The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot

The doctor of the physical examination center also told Li Huanhuan that the four-dimensional color ultrasound is actually a gimmick, and the four-dimensional baby's facial image parents are more acceptable, and it cannot be said that there is no four-dimensional color ultrasound can not do deformity, and the result is still two-dimensional color ultrasound section.

The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot
The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot

The two hospitals are unwilling to take responsibility, Li Huanhuan's family also went to consult the orthopedic specialist to install the cost of prosthetics, which is an astronomical amount that their family cannot afford, I don't know who will pay for the baby's difficult life path in the future?

The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot
The baby is born without a right foot, and the family can't accept who should pay for the missing right foot

Having a healthy baby is a parent's greatest wish. Prenatal examination, especially Tang sieve and deformity examination, is very important, must go to a qualified large hospital for examination and treatment, since you choose to give birth to a child, you must be responsible for his health. If a defective child has been brought into the world by his parents, then parents should also do their best to their children's future responsibilities and obligations.