
26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

author:Magic Eye Documentary


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In March 1987, in Yangshuo, Guangxi, a foreigner who came to China to photograph street children, at that time, not everyone had bicycles, so many children played long bicycles. The height of children is not enough, so many children can only ride sideways like this, hahaha, nostalgia, I also rode like this, did you ride like this when you were a child????


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

On June 11, 1989, in Shanghai, people passed by several huge posters of Michael Jackson. At this time, not long after China's reform and opening up, many new things poured into China, and Michael Jackson was a god-like existence for many young people at that time, but I was never obsessed with him, for some reason, have you ever fallen to Jackson????


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In February 1980, in Shangzhangjiazun Village, Shanxi Province, the villagers gathered around a television set, which was a poor era when there was only one TV in a village, and it was also an era when everyone was happy around a TV. The villagers' faces can be seen with their hard-to-hide smiles. Have you ever watched TV around like this?


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

A couple in love taken by a foreigner from 1985-89. Those who dared to hug and hug under the public, at that time, they were really bold young people, and they would usually twist and pinch when they touched their little hands. Envy the eldest brother, walking at the forefront of the times, if I saw it at that time, I would make a shy action, haha, presumably the eldest brother wanted to beat me to death. Have you ever seen such an avant-garde way of falling in love???


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In the late 80s, a foreign photographer photographed several fashionable women photographed in Wuhan. The uniformed woman wore black stockings, which at that time was not something that anyone dared to wear, and in the eyes of many people, this kind of thing was still a symbol of evil. [Ador] I show that I like it until now, do you like to see the stocking beauty???


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In the mid-80s, foreign photographers photographed young skating people in a Chinese park, which was an era of alternation of fashion. The man wore a suit and flared trousers on the lower body, which was relatively fashionable at the time, while the woman behind was still wearing the simple uniform unique to that era. Do you play tricks with these skates???


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In 1980 in Guangzhou, China, vegetable vendors made appointments to customers on the street, at this time, as long as you find a place you can do business, there are not so many urban management to chase you, although it is very chaotic, but also very happy.


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In the mid-1980s, a foreigner traveling to China photographed a black-and-white television that sold black-and-white televisions, and customers were consulting the store about Shanghai-brand black-and-white televisions, which had a reputation for being hard to come by. Did you have a TV set at home when you were a kid?


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In 1985, foreign photographers photographed a village somewhere in China where the elderly bought a new black-and-white television set, and the children of the village gathered around. At that time, TV signal reception mainly relied on antennas, so the signal was often very bad, but this did not stop everyone's enthusiasm for watching TV.


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In 1980, outside a movie theater in Nanjing, people at this time were still dressed like in the 60s and 70s, mainly gray, navy blue, green, black, white and other rustic colors. There is no flowery and green color, but it cannot stop people's yearning for a better life.


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In the late 80s, in Beijing, China, the number of foreigners traveling to China began to increase, and foreign friends invited to visit took a picture of the host's house, and the family watched the program in front of the black-and-white TV.


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In Beijing in 1980, two young men dressed and with fashionable hairstyles, the other on the men's sweater on the left was the Disneyland badge, and the other handsome man wearing toad glasses was wearing an Adidas track jacket. The photo was taken by foreign photographer Forrest Anderson Getty, do you think the eldest brother in these two months is the dragon and phoenix among the people???


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In the late 80s, at an elementary school in Beijing, children practiced playing the trumpet. In addition to the flag-raising team, the orchestra that can enter the school is also a dream for every student, because it feels very handsome in the dress. What club did you play in school when you were a child???


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In the mid-1980s, foreign journalists photographed several young Chinese people, and the bicycles of that time were such 28 bars, but even such 28 bars were not affordable for every family.


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In 1984, a foreigner photographed an elderly couple selling fritters, who was very curious about this Chinese delicacy. However, fritters are one of the best options for our breakfast.


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In Nanjing in 1980, a child with an eye disease and a street child were begging for a living. I don't know if they are really begging or being used, many children are used to beg, and some children are even cut off by traffickers to win people's sympathy, these traffickers can be said to be extremely hateful.


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In 1984, the White Horse Temple in Luoyang felt very simple.


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In the late '80s, in a university dormitory in Beijing, a student playing guitar while his classmates listened, and the man wearing sandals and socks was later disliked by people who were becoming more and more knowledgeable about how to dress, but at the time it was a very normal dress. This is how students spend their happy student life in the dormitory. When you were in college, did you live in a dormitory or rented an apartment????


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In 1985, a foreign photographer visiting Dalian photographed a tram full of dense wires. And the photographer's remark at the back of the photo is: Late Qing Manchurian Railway. It seems that he does not know much about China.


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In the mid-80s, several young Chinese guys were wearing raincoats on their way up Mount Tai, and it seemed that the weather was not very good. But that didn't stop their enthusiasm for climbing.


In front of Baotu Spring in Jinan in 1984, a couple were taking photos, they posed and waited for the camera to shoot automatically, it seemed that the two were rich, the camera seemed to be used to take a Polaroid, which should be a high-tech existence at that time. Did you take pictures when you were a child???


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In 1984, a Hongqi car drove on the Hohhot grassland in Inner Mongolia, full of cattle, sheep and horses, and the shape of this car can be said to be very Chinese. Now there is a car on the market that is a little similar to this one, the price starts at 500 W, and it is not something you can buy with money, do you know what kind of car??????


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In 1984, a car waiting hall in Jinan, grandma and her grandson were waiting for a car. The two of them have to carry so much luggage, and Grandma's body is also tough.


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

On February 5, 1985, a shop selling televisions was packed with people who bought and consulted televisions, and although there were only black-and-white televisions, they could not stop everyone's enthusiasm for new things. Did you have a TV at home when you were a child???


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In the early 1980s, foreigners photographed a vendor in Nanjing, and I don't know what he was selling???


26 rare old photos of the 80s, a bunch of people watching a TV, innocent and rustic era

In 1985, the street scene near Xuanwumen in Beijing was clear, with vehicles and pedestrians entering and leaving. Not far away there is a circular traffic police guard box, which was more common at that time and was also a symbol of the times.

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