
Foolish Holland! The lyrics of the national anthem are loyal to the King of Spain, who gives birth to a baby at home, and there are more prison guards than prisoners

The Netherlands is a magical country, and the Dutch are a magical race, which is not only limited to the liberalization of homosexuality and drugs, but also reflected in all aspects.

NO.1 The Netherlands is only half the size of Chongqing

Foolish Holland! The lyrics of the national anthem are loyal to the King of Spain, who gives birth to a baby at home, and there are more prison guards than prisoners

The real name of the country of the Netherlands is the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which is a constitutional monarchy composed of four constituent countries of the Netherlands, Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Martin, the Netherlands is only part of it, but because of its importance, everyone is used to calling it the Netherlands. The English "Holland" accurately refers to the Dutch provinces of North and South Holland, while "Netherlands" is the Netherlands.

The capital of the Netherlands is Amsterdam, but the Dutch government is in The Hague. The powers of the Government of the Netherlands are minimal and are limited to defence, foreign affairs, nationality administration and extradition, since constituent States exercise their autonomy and autonomy independently.

In fact, the land area of the Netherlands is very small, only half the size of Chongqing, and the Dutch choose to bury a high proportion after driving the crane west, so their cemetery is very tight.

As a result, the Netherlands implements a policy of renting tombs, generally for 10, 20 or 30 years, the price varies with the lot, and some management fees similar to "property fees" will be charged. If the lease is not renewed after the term, it will have to be vacated and moved to a simple and crowded mass grave.

In short, no matter how rich you are in the Netherlands, you have to live in public rental housing when you die.

Ancestors: unfilial piety! Kowtow, it's not me anymore!

There are also such service agencies in the Netherlands, which pay to help customers find their ancestors' graveyards, and demand guides the market.

NO.2 The lyrics of the national anthem are loyal to the King of Spain

Foolish Holland! The lyrics of the national anthem are loyal to the King of Spain, who gives birth to a baby at home, and there are more prison guards than prisoners

The national anthem is an important symbol of a country's history, culture and national spirit. The national anthem often includes the national spirit or national heroes of the country in the lyrics. Few countries include foreigners' names in their national anthems, and even lyrics that pledge allegiance to foreign kings appear.

The Netherlands is one such exception. In the lyrics of the Dutch national anthem "Ode to William", the lyrics of allegiance to the King of Spain appear, "King of Spain, I have always respected".

This lyric will surprise many people familiar with the Netherlands. Because the Netherlands was once a Spanish colony, Spain's economic plunder and religious persecution of the Netherlands led to the Dutch Revolution in 1566. After more than half a century of bloody struggles, the independence of the Netherlands was recognized by Spain.

It can be said that the Netherlands and Spain have a deep blood feud in history, but the modern Dutch national anthem is still effectively faithful to the lyrics of the Spanish king.

It is because of this lyric that many interesting things have appeared in the Netherlands and Spain. In the 2010 World Cup final, Spain and the Netherlands were matched, but Spain won the title 1–0 against the Netherlands. Many people think that the Netherlands' loss to Spain is related to the lyrics of the national anthem in the prelude to the match.

NO.3 Lowland country

Foolish Holland! The lyrics of the national anthem are loyal to the King of Spain, who gives birth to a baby at home, and there are more prison guards than prisoners

People often refer to the Netherlands as the "land of windmills" and "the country of canals", and its real country is called "the Netherlands". "Nid" means "low" and "lan" means "land", which together are called "low-lying countries".

With a total area of 41,548 square kilometers, the Netherlands is flat, with one-third of its territory only 1 meter above the North Sea and nearly a quarter below sea level. 20% of the Netherlands is reclaimed from the sea, and the citizens have threatened to build a real "mountain". "God created the sea, the Dutch created the shore"! The highest mountain in the country, Mount Warburg, is 322.7 meters above sea level, which is not as high as the Shanghai Oriental Pearl (468 meters high).

Because of this, the Netherlands is suffering from the crisis of seawater influx at any time, and at the same time, the three major rivers in Western Europe, the Rhine, Maas and Scheldt, enter the sea through the Netherlands and are deeply affected by flooding.

It is no exaggeration to say that looking at more than 200 countries and regions in the world, the Netherlands is the country most affected by floods.

NO.4 The Dutch have the highest average height in the world

Foolish Holland! The lyrics of the national anthem are loyal to the King of Spain, who gives birth to a baby at home, and there are more prison guards than prisoners

The Netherlands is the country of giants, the highest average height in the world, 183 men, 170 women, so it has the world's highest toilet, standard toilet 0.38-0.48 meters, Dutch toilet 0.56-0.71 meters, sitting on it is very insecure, after all, feet off the ground.

The Dutch themselves joked: they grew so tall because the Netherlands is very low, below sea level, and if the sea dike is damaged, it can not drown.

However, the average size of the Dutch varies from province to province. Of these, the Limburgers were the shortest, followed by the Brabants. Compared to the tallest of the Dutch, the inhabitants of Groningen and Friesland, they are on average three centimeters shorter. In addition, people with immigrant backgrounds are shorter on average than those with Dutch backgrounds.

Why do people living in a "lowland country" have the height of the world?

As the saying goes, rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, rely on the sea to eat the sea. The Dutch dairy industry is known all over the world, and dairy products naturally play an important role in the structure of the diet. While Chinese is eating puffed rice with tofu milk in the morning and the French are drinking red wine and eating mushroom stew at noon, the Dutch are eating the same two things: milk (yogurt) and cheese.

It is no exaggeration to say that if there is no dairy product in the refrigerator in the Dutch home, it is like running out of rice in the Chinese rice jar, and the British tea jar without tea, which means that there is no grain. According to the Dutch dairy organization, the Dutch consume 25% more dairy per person per year than British, American or German. The protein, calcium, and natural growth hormone in milk can all make people taller.

Still, dairy isn't the only reason the Dutch grow taller. Many scientists agree that improved nutrition, hygiene and medical conditions play an important role.

NO.5 Bicycle Kingdom

Foolish Holland! The lyrics of the national anthem are loyal to the King of Spain, who gives birth to a baby at home, and there are more prison guards than prisoners

The Netherlands is the kingdom of bicycles, with the largest number of per capita, limited right of way for bicycles, motor vehicles on the road to see the face of the bicycle, when you ride a bicycle through an intersection, the car will always stop patiently wait for you to pass.

Cycling has become a culture to be reckoned with in the Netherlands. Men's bikes, mom bikes, vertical "granny" bikes, tandem bikes, race bikes, mountain bikes, recumbent bikes, cargo bikes, tricycles, folding bikes or e-bikes, choose any one and discover the Netherlands. Hop on a bike and drive along the Amsterdam canals or the Dutch coastline, through fields of colorful bulbs, past meadows dotted with cows and windmills, climb the green hills to the south, pass through forests and castles in the east, and visit around IJsselmeer or one of the Wadden Sea Islands.

According to statistics, there are 16 million bicycles in the Netherlands, which means at least one or more per person!

NO.6 Dutch police cars are forced to sell cute

Foolish Holland! The lyrics of the national anthem are loyal to the King of Spain, who gives birth to a baby at home, and there are more prison guards than prisoners

Dutch police cars are forced to sell cute, each car must have at least two teddy bears, if you can't find teddy bears in the car, you will be deducted wages.

In fact, these two teddy bears are actually attached to the Dutch police emergency kit (including sirens, bulletproof vests, drones, drunk driving detectors, GPS, fire extinguishers) indispensable items, on the official website of the Dutch police has a police car standard equipment list introduction, stipulating that each police car must be equipped with two teddy bears, and strictly enforced, if a teddy bear is found to be missing, the police officer on duty needs to accept the penalty of deduction of wages or demerit.

This is not an urban legend, nor is there a limit to bears in police cars, but also in ambulances, this is so that in the event of an accident, the police or ambulance personnel need to immediately calm the emotions of children, and cute teddy bears can come in handy.

NO.7 Everything in the Netherlands is orange

Everything in the Netherlands is orange, and it is said that carrots are originally colorful (yellow, white, purple, red, etc.). Anyway, orange is not), dyed orange by the Dutch, because the royal family is called Orange.

According to legend, in the 16th century, Dutch horticulturists specially bred a new variety of orange in honor of King William I. Because the family name of The house of Orange is synonymous with orange, orange is also the national color of the Netherlands.

NO.8 There are more prison guards than prisoners

Foolish Holland! The lyrics of the national anthem are loyal to the King of Spain, who gives birth to a baby at home, and there are more prison guards than prisoners

As crime rates continue to decline, there are no prisoners to hold them, there are more prison guards than prisoners, and a large number of vacant rooms are vacant. So the prison was changed to a five-star hotel, the House of Arrest, 1500~2000 yuan a night, people described living in it as very "safe".

In addition, neighboring Belgium looked envious and jealous, its own prisons were almost full, and it was almost impossible to keep criminals, when the Netherlands had a clever move and turned into a landlord online.

The Netherlands told Belgium that if you rent our prison, put 500 prisoners in our prison for 3 years, only 38.5 million US dollars (about 254 million yuan) in rent, Tong Cer has no conscience price, can not buy a loss, can not be fooled, in exchange for you 3 years of peace of mind.

By analogy, Dutch prison guards received Norway's first "uprooted" prisoners in accordance with Norwegian law in terms of sentencing and administration.

Since then, Norway has sent "new forces" to the Netherlands every year, most of them international criminals, sending 242 people to the Dutch prison of Veenhuizen in 2015 alone.

This approach has had both the Netherlands to kill two birds from empty prisons and unemployed guards, as well as the urgent need for overcrowding prisons in countries such as Norway.

NO.9 Dutch Chinatown, the paradise of the Confused Boy

Chinatown in the Netherlands, a paradise for confused boys. Yi Zhong (the prototype of "Hero Taibao" and "Hong Kong Gangsters") fled from Hong Kong to the Netherlands, and became the godfather of the Netherlands by Chinese saying that he knew kung fu (would be "Hong Fist" and "Serpentine Executioner").

The Netherlands is close to the central coast of Europe and has several ports, which facilitate the movement of cargo ships to and from European countries. Since the 50s, international drug lords have taken an eye on the geographical location of the Netherlands as a transit point for drug trafficking, selling high-purity heroin and cocaine.

In the Netherlands, Yi Zhong continued his life in the rivers and lakes, and after the 14K classmate and later began to fight in Amsterdam, they took a fancy to the "A Gong Party" that was developing drugs at that time, and asked them for cooperation, but this A Gong Party was very proud and unwilling to give Yi Zhong a piece of the pie. Yi Zhong suddenly became angry, if you don't cooperate with me, I won't let you have a good time. So, Yi Zhongyong broke into the tiger's den, went deep into the enemy's interior, and before the other party could recognize the situation, he pulled out a pistol and shot the opponent's boss's head.

In this way, Yi Zhong fought all over the Netherlands with his "Hong Fist" and "Snake Executioner", not only in charge of brothels and casinos, controlling the huge drug market, but also opening martial arts venues in Chinatown to continue to expand his sphere of influence.

Yi Zhong became the "godfather of the Netherlands", and even became known as the "killer party" because he was too ruthless.

NO.10 Dutch give birth to babies at home

Foolish Holland! The lyrics of the national anthem are loyal to the King of Spain, who gives birth to a baby at home, and there are more prison guards than prisoners

According to statistics, in 2005, about 30% of Dutch mothers chose to give birth at home, and in 2013, about 20% of Dutch cherubs were born at home, which is the highest proportion in developed countries. The culture of family birth has been included in the Dutch intangible cultural heritage.

Why do so many Dutch mothers-to-be choose to give birth at home?

There are many factors that choose to have a child at home, such as traditional customs, social culture, philosophy, family factors, etc., and most Dutch people believe that "giving birth is not sickness", since it is not sick, then why go to the hospital.

However, the root cause of home births in the Netherlands is that a series of Dutch legal and medical regulations separate obstetrics and gynaecology from maternal health.

To put it bluntly, obstetrics and gynecology is to take care of sick women, whether you are pregnant or not; Maternal health care is a very independent system, pregnant women are not patients, and can be cared for only by the maternal health care system.

Of course, that is said, but more and more Dutch mothers are going to the hospital to give birth.

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