
Funny jokes Funny pictures: Buy her back and give me a daughter-in-law

Original title: Funny jokes Funny pictures: Buy her back to me as a daughter-in-law

1, funny joke: take the little niece to the supermarket, the little niece picked up a price tag from the ground and pasted it on her forehead, and said to me, "Beauty, look at me cute, as long as nine pieces of nine can bring me home, I can wash dishes and wash clothes, I can do anything," Before I could speak, a little boy next to him ran over and pulled his little niece to his mother and said, "Mom, she's cheaper than a funny egg, buy her back and give me a daughter-in-law." ”

Funny jokes Funny pictures: Buy her back and give me a daughter-in-law
Funny jokes Funny pictures: Buy her back and give me a daughter-in-law
Funny jokes Funny pictures: Buy her back and give me a daughter-in-law

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2, funny joke: I met my distant nephew on the road, I haven't seen him for more than a year, I don't know each other, it's not that he grows fast, but he has lost too much weight, originally more than 200 pounds, now it's 14! I was surprised and asked what's going on? He said: "My girlfriend said that as long as she lost 40 pounds in a year, she agreed to have a relationship." I admire it so much, I really give up my flesh for love! So he asked, "She agreed?" You are happy now! Nephew: "I didn't do it, she went away with other men, and I lost weight after falling out of love." I......

3. Funny joke: In the evening, my husband told me the happiest thing when he was a child: when he was in elementary school, my husband's family was poor. He went to a lead factory in the middle of the countryside to pick up lead. I was picking it up, and suddenly, there was a strong wind. And then what? Husband: I don't know who lost a wad of money and was blown up by the wind. One cent, two cents, one piece, five pieces... A lot of money was flying all over the sky, and it almost made me crazy...

Funny jokes Funny pictures: Buy her back and give me a daughter-in-law

4. Funny joke: I gave a pair of sandals on my wife's birthday, and she said I slammed the door, so I invited her to have a meal. At the restaurant, there were two women sitting at the next table, and one said, "My husband gave me insoles on my birthday." "I smiled at my wife, meaning there was someone bigger than I was slamming the door. After listening for a while, the woman was talking about a shoe store.

Xiao Liu is funny, every day brings you different funny, as long as you are happy Xiaobian hard work is also worth it!

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