
Is General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) the end of AI?


General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) refers to an artificial intelligence system with the same type of intelligence and capabilities as humans. Such intelligent systems are able to adapt to a variety of different tasks and situations, rather than just specifically solving specific problems. AGI's goal is to build a general-purpose intelligent system that can solve different types of problems and adapt to a variety of different environments just like humans.

Is General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) the end of AI?

Currently, General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) technology is not yet fully realized and is in research and development. However, there are already applications that use partial AGI technologies, which are called Specific Artificial Intelligence (ASI). These technologies are mainly used in the following areas:

Is General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) the end of AI?
  • Natural language processing (NLP): Refers to the technology of processing and analyzing natural language data, including speech recognition and machine translation.
  • Computer vision (CV): is a technique in which computers process images and video, including image recognition and object detection.
  • Deep learning (DL) : is a method of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to simulate the learning process of the human brain,
  • Self-driving cars: Using computer vision, sensors, and artificial intelligence algorithms, self-driving cars are able to sense their surroundings and make decisions.
  • Medical diagnosis and treatment: Using artificial intelligence algorithms and big data, it is possible to diagnose diseases early and provide personalized treatment to patients.

These applications are just some examples, and AGI technology will be used in a much wider range.

Is General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) the end of AI?

AGI (General Artificial Intelligence) is a goal of AI research, but not an end goal. AGI systems have the same types of intelligence and capabilities as humans, but they are not yet fully human-level. While AGI systems can adapt to a variety of different tasks and situations, they have not yet achieved true intelligence.

The goal of research after AGI is to build a system called artificial super intelligence (ASI), which surpasses the level of human intelligence and can achieve higher efficiency and results in a variety of different fields.

Therefore, AGI may be an important milestone in AI research, but not an endpoint. Researchers are still working to develop new technologies and algorithms to advance AI, hoping to create more advanced systems.

Is General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) the end of AI?