
Emperor Liu Xie of Han was smarter than Emperor Liu Wei of Han Shao, and it was even more difficult to control, why did Dong Zhuo make him emperor

Original title: Han Xian Emperor Liu Xie is smarter than Han Shao Emperor Liu Feng, and it is more difficult to control, why did Dong Zhuo make him emperor

After the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Emperor Ling of Han died of illness, and the "Ten Constant Attendants" Rebellion broke out in the later dynasty, at this time, summoned by the general He Jin and the commander Yuan Shao, Dong Zhuo led troops into Beijing, deposed the young emperor Liu Feng, and supported Liu Xie the Prince of Chen Liu as emperor.

Anyone who has read the Three Kingdoms knows that when he first met the Second Emperor, Liu Wei was very cowardly and unable to speak, but Liu Xie could answer like a stream, obviously smarter than Liu Feng. It stands to reason that the smarter the person, the more difficult it is to control, so why did Dong Zhuo support Liu Xie as emperor?

Emperor Liu Xie of Han was smarter than Emperor Liu Wei of Han Shao, and it was even more difficult to control, why did Dong Zhuo make him emperor

First, out of personal preference.

Although Dong Zhuo is a powerful courtier, he is also a human being, and he also has his own seven emotions and six desires, and when he first met the second emperor, because of Liu Zheng's cowardly performance, Dong Zhuo became disgusted with him, because Dong Zhuo was a rough and warlike person, and he felt that as an emperor, he should not have this kind of cowardice. And Liu Xie's performance won Dong Zhuo's favor.

Emperor Liu Xie of Han was smarter than Emperor Liu Wei of Han Shao, and it was even more difficult to control, why did Dong Zhuo make him emperor

Second, Liu Xie has better control.

Although Liu Xie is smarter than Liu Zhen, but carefully analyzed, in fact, Liu Xie is better at controlling than Liu Zhen. First, because Liu Xie is smart, he is just an eight- or nine-year-old boy, and he can't turn over any waves at all. Second, compared with Liu Feng, it is obvious that the forces behind Liu Xie are less threatening. As we all know, Liu Feng's biological mother Empress Dowager He is still alive, she has a certain prestige, and Liu Feng's uncle is a great general of the dynasty, and the power is tilted towards the ruling and opposition, and a large number of ministers in the dynasty are on Liu Feng's side, in case Liu Wei grows up and rises to the top, there will be countless supporters.

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Emperor Liu Xie of Han was smarter than Emperor Liu Wei of Han Shao, and it was even more difficult to control, why did Dong Zhuo make him emperor

Third, clan feelings.

As we all know, Liu Xie's biological mother died early, and she was raised by the Spirit Emperor's biological mother Empress Dowager Dong, and Empress Dowager Dong and Dong Zhuo have the same surname "Dong", Dong Zhuo thinks that he and Empress Dowager Dong are of the same race, and Liu Xie is also called "Dong Marquis", subconsciously, compared to Liu Feng, Liu Xie is closer to himself, so Dong Zhuo hopes that Liu Xie will be emperor in his heart, and from the perspective of Empress Dowager Dong, Liu Xie being emperor is more beneficial to the Dong family.

Emperor Liu Xie of Han was smarter than Emperor Liu Wei of Han Shao, and it was even more difficult to control, why did Dong Zhuo make him emperor

Fourth, establish prestige and eliminate dissidents.

Everyone knows that Dong Zhuo is ambitious, and another important reason why he abolished the emperor and established Liu Xie is to see who in the dynasty supports him, stands on his side, and who is against him, stands on his opposite side, so as to clear the way for his own control of the court later, which is actually the same as Zhao Gao's "pointing deer as a horse".

Emperor Liu Xie of Han was smarter than Emperor Liu Wei of Han Shao, and it was even more difficult to control, why did Dong Zhuo make him emperor

Although it was indeed as Dong Zhuo wished, he succeeded in controlling the court, but because of his cruelty, he eventually lost the hearts of the people, chilled the hearts of the Shi clan, and was finally brutally killed, it can be said that Dong Zhuo actually died at his own hands, if he is like Cao Cao, he strives to govern, perhaps, it is another ending.