
Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

author:The old film reviews half a cat

In this issue, the content is unpopular and purely curious

Half a cat wants to take stock of the mainstream Zerg classes of the "Starship Troopers" series for you, from the most basic warriors to the queen and the bug god.

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god


Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god
Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

#Starship Troopers##Sci-Fi Movie##Sci-Fi##Movie##经典电影 #

Warrior/warrior bugs

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god


Height: 3 meters

Length: 5 meters

Weight: 550 kg

IQ: 30

Speed: 50 km / h

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Warrior Billey

Since warriors reproduce much faster than other Zerg soldiers, they are active on all fronts and are the most common Zerg species of the Arachi Zerg

Their body appearance has a partial camouflage function and can blend into the surrounding environment, such as desert warriors are tan with black and yellow stripes on their bodies.

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Warriors of different forms

Warriors have a total of three pairs of feet, which ensure their good athleticism, fast speed, quick movements, the ability to climb and dig on various terrains, the front foot is shorter than the hind foot, there is a pair on the chest, and the four forefeet are like deadly swords, which can be used to attack the enemy.

Their signature pincer mouths have a powerful bite of more than 4,000 pounds, which can crush rock or metal, cutting a person in half is a piece of cake.

Their exoskeletons are extremely hard, and can withstand temperatures of more than 500 ° C, which is difficult to penetrate even in the face of high-density firepower, and it is quite difficult for ordinary human weapons to kill a warrior.

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Warrior internal structure

The only effective way to kill warriors is to hit and destroy their nervous system

Warriors are not as unintelligent and thoughtless as humans think, on the contrary, they use a variety of tactics against humans

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

A different warrior

Brain bugs

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Height: about 3.5 meters

Length: about 5 meters


Weight: 1.5 tons

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Brainworm proportions

Brainworm is the commander of the Zerg colony, but his body is bloated, his legs and feet are weak, and he cannot take care of himself

Inside the huge head is a complex neural network system that can command Zerg soldiers to perform various complex military actions, enough to play humans around.

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

The brain worm has a fleshy mouth, the head is full of spider eyes, and the needle sticking out of the mouth can penetrate the brain bone to suck the human brain, and can transform human knowledge into its own knowledge, but it must suck the brain of a living person to achieve this effect

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Suck the human brain

Brain worms can also mentally infect humans, and the interstellar marshal in "Starship Troopers 3 Marauders" was affected by the brain worm and finally completed his submission to the Zerg.

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Interstellar Marshal and Brainworm

Based on the strategic significance of the brain worm to the Zerg, there are usually Zerg soldiers around it, and when the life of the brain worm is threatened, the Zerg soldiers will stop attacking and give priority to protecting the brain worm

And once the brain worm dies, the zerg soldiers within his control will be in a state of chaos, and even attack each other

The arkelian sand beetle

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Achillisha beetle

Height: 0.5 m

Length: 1.5 m

Speed 18 km / h

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Sand beetle proportions

The specimen in the human dissection class is the Achillesha beetle

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Unplaning lessons

Half of the cat prefers to call him a sapper bug because he thinks he resembles a Zerg farmer in StarCraft

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Sapper bugs have strong reproductive ability, but are not self-aware, have a very low class in Zerg society, perform the most basic auxiliary work, and generally do not participate directly in combat

Sapper bugs are also known as chariot bugs because they are sometimes used as wheels to transport brain bugs.

Jungle spider

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Jungle spiders

Weight: 500kg

IQ: 30

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Jungle spider proportions

The name of this zerg soldier is derived from its appearance. The jungle spider has eight eyes, powerful legs, and jumps high and far. The movements are fast and efficient, and the bite force of the mouth is amazing, which can give the prey a fatal blow. They have certain camouflage skills and often hide in the bushes and launch sudden attacks that catch their prey by surprise

They are very intelligent and very durable, with armor similar to crab shells and extremely hard

The abdomen can also shoot sticky cobwebs that bind the prey's movements so they can decide whether to eat their prey now or later

Hopper/Hopper bug

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Height: 5 meters

Length: 4 meters

Weight: 485 kg


Speed: 200~300 km/h

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Jumper proportion

If you look closely, the jumpers are like winged warriors, they are an important air combat unit of the Arachi Zerg

Jumpers are fast, so their most common tactic is hit and run

Their weakness is that the armor is too low and the defense is weak. Sometimes, even one shot is shot down

The Jumper is a melee class that can pierce enemies with their tail and even drag their prey by hanging on the tail thorn.

It is also possible to decapitate enemies with claws in high-speed flight

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Kamikaze Rippers/Kamikaze Ripplers

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Kamikaze Ripper

Height: 5 meters

Length: 4 meters

Weight: 450kg


Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Tearer ratio

This flying insect is not the "jumper" seen in the movie "Starship Troopers 1", the name Kamikaze Ripper's name Kamikaza, is the prefix of the kamikaze, so the bugs as their name, they will also launch suicide attacks. In addition to flying, they can also swim and are also versatile.

The Ripper also has the ability to output from a range, and can shoot spikes from its mouth to attack enemies

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Spikes contain corrosive venom that burns the skin and can also be used to destroy vital equipment, and their most common tactic is to gather in groups and then fire a rain of spikes at the enemy

The Ripper also lurks underwater and then jumps up to ambush its own targets

Tanker bugs

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Tank bugs

Height: 7 meters

Length: 18 meters


Weight: 3.5 tons

Speed: 7 km / h

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Tank bug proportions

It can be said that the tank bug is one of the most powerful creatures in the Arachi Zerg class

The tank bug looks a lot like a giant beetle, so when we were kids, we would also call it "fire beetle", what do you call it?

The tank bug has 4 sturdy long legs and 8 auxiliary limbs, which support its huge body

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

The hard shell around the body, ordinary weapons are difficult to penetrate, even if you encounter a platoon of infantry with machine gun fire, it is not painful for tank bugs

Their most iconic attack is the Fire Attack. However, pay attention to the fact that the tank bug is not spraying flames, but a corrosive flammable liquid.

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Of course, tank bugs are not invincible, their back armor is slightly more fragile than other areas, and they are easily pierced by human weapons after gathering fire

In addition, although the carapace on their bodies is hard, there are some gaps, and once the bomb enters these gaps, it is a fatal blow to the tank bug.

Plasma bugs/plasma bugs

Plasma worms

Height: 31 meters

Length: 50 meters


Weight: 37 tons

Speed: less than 2 km / h

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Plasma worm ratio

The plasma worm can fire a deadly plasma cannon and is the Zerg's most powerful air defense force and heavy fire battery

But the most powerful plasma worms can only move at a speed of no more than 2 kilometers per hour

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

The plasma cannon of the plasma worm can shoot at ultra-long distances, even shooting out of planetary orbits and shooting down targets in space, powerful enough to cut a starship in half

What's more, they can also shoot meteorites or asteroids to distant planets, such as meteorites from Crandav to Earth, which is set against the sky.

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Plasma worms use their butts to fire plasma cannons, and the reason why they don't need to aim with their eyes is because brain worms can direct them through telepathy, using the eyes of other bugs as their eyes.

Plasma worms can also switch to close-range shelling mode, but even at close range, they must be one kilometer away from the nearest distance, otherwise they may cause splash damage to themselves.

Like all long-range siege weapons, Plasma Bugs are defenseless when fired, which is their greatest weakness.

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Control bug

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

parent organization

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god


Weight (maternal): 30 kg (juvenile): 2 kg

Speed: 1.5 km / h

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Ruler proportionality

The dominator is very small, only the size of a human palm, and even a mature complete body is only as long as a human arm, but the role of the dominator can often subvert the entire battlefield. These bugs can parasitize and control their human host

After subduing the host, the dominant person in the animation will attach himself to the host's spinal cord as a catalyst for brain worm telepathy.

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

The dominator in the movie "Starship Troopers 2 Federation Heroes" enters the human body through the mouth, and then enters the brain to control human consciousness.

At first, it is difficult for the victim to see anything out of the ordinary, and then their health gradually deteriorates, the skin becomes darker and smells, which is actually a sign of gradual decay.

In the later stages, the host's eyes will be bright red until the host is completely sucked up and becomes a skeleton.

After absorbing enough nutrients, the dominator can reproduce the next generation, and in large numbers, continue to search for more hosts.

In the movie, the main target of the Dominator is a Federation General, and the others can only be counted as auxiliaries, which shows that the Zerg have their own overall strategy, and they try to achieve real domination over humans by controlling higher levels of humans.

Pulse War Scorpion bug

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Pulse War Scorpion

Length: 13 meters

Height: 6 meters

IQ: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Speed: 10 km / h

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

War scorpion proportions

Imagine a giant scorpion, this is the pulsed war scorpion, they are extremely aggressive and can shoot plasma flames

The armor is also quite hard, almost invulnerable, and human rifles and other conventional weapons cannot penetrate their thick armor at all

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Their pliers are not a joke, even if they are reloaded mechs, they will be halved by everything like scissors cutting sausages.

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Bombardier bug

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Bomb bugs

Diameter: 10~15 cm

IQ: None

Weight: 7 kg

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Bomb bug ratio

The Bomb Bug is perhaps the smallest Zerg unit in the Starship Troopers series, acting like a grenade in the human world

Use suicide attacks to kill the enemy.

When their bodies are closed, they are in a non-combat state, and when their bodies are opened, they will explode.

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

When people began to dig trenches to deal with the Zerg, bomb bugs became a new headache for humans, leaving humans with nowhere to hide.

Although the explosion is not particularly powerful, it is still fatal for motorized infantry, and no one can survive within 8 meters.

Queen/Queen bug

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god


The Queen is a Zerg unit with high-order intelligence. Not only can she command other Zerg soldiers to fight, but she can also breed more Zerg soldiers, as evidenced by her huge abdominal sac, which can produce 1,800 worm eggs a day.

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Queen proportions

She is an extremely important strategic unit in the Zerg system.

So when he learned of the existence of the queen, Carl also tried to capture the queen alive for research, which is the plot of the animated movie "Starship Troopers Invasion".

But the queen's abilities are even stronger than Carl expected, although Carl also has telepathic abilities, and is eventually controlled by the queen in reverse.

The Queen can not only invade the human brain, but also hack into computers, control the spaceship, and attack targets with the weapons on the spaceship. So in the data, the queen's intelligence value is written as "burst table".

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god


Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Bug God

The insect god, named Bihantok, is huge, and the part that exposes the ground is at least 6 stories tall.

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

Insect-God ratio

The body is deeply rooted under the surface, and a large part of the landing planet OM1 is occupied by the insect god.

They are the high-level command units of the Zerg, and like the brain worm, they also have telepathic abilities, or even stronger, and can also control the human nervous system through auxiliary limb puncture, allowing them to speak for themselves.

After swallowing their prey, the insect gods can not only digest their proteins and fats, but also absorb their knowledge, thus becoming more and more intelligent.

In the movie, the insect god, with his personal charm, completely conquered the literary marshal of the Human Federation, absorbed the other party, and thus mastered many key information of mankind.

Well, the above is the mainstream class inventory of "Starship Troopers", are any friends interested in the human equipment in "Starship Troopers"? You can leave a message in the comment area to urge more Oh.

Take stock of the Zerg classes in "Starship Troopers", from low-level soldiers to the queen and the bug god

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