
Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

author:Da Cong watching a movie

In old Ray's eyes, the unknown is the best synonym for fear, which is why we see a plot in "Covenant" that is not too strongly related to "Prometheus", because in this way, new unknowns and fears can burst out, so that everyone can continue to maintain the mystery and awe of the alien world.

Of course, Old Ray also dug a lot of holes in the "Contract".

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

In the release version of "Alien Contract", the film left a lot of painless pits, left for the audience to discuss after watching the film, wait until after the Blu-ray release, fill in some of the pits of the public version, and then usher in a wave of fierce discussion, which is exactly the effect that the film and television company wants to achieve.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >1 white room</h1>

The first thing to talk about is the first flashback clip between Wei Lun and David.

This paragraph is actually an extension, reaching nearly 5 minutes, Wei Lun and David have a long exchange, David played "The Gods Enter the Temple of the Holy Spirit" for Wei Lun, David has an explanation of the understanding of this song, David said that God is dissatisfied with the species they have created, they are greedy and vain, so the gods gave up creation, and God later realized that he also had shortcomings.

In Prometheus, the engineer exists like a god and then creates a human being, but the inferiority and shortcomings of human beings eventually make the engineer abandon human beings, and in the process, the engineers are also aware of their own problems.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

< H1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >2 Birth of Walter</h1>

This one can actually be understood as an implantation of AMD, because Walter's core CPU is an AMD chip.

The video that created Walter can be compared with the video that created David, and the environment in which Walter was created was obviously more advanced than David, and the materials used were also more superior and noble.

In general, this video is a high-tech visual experience for humans.

After Walter's birth, there are two special employees to repair Walter, it is estimated that these two employees are also robots.

Walter's core purpose is to serve humanity, which is what he constantly mentions in the main film.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >3 Phobos test</h1>

This is an internal extension video from Weilun Industries about the screening process for the crew of the Covenant, a test project called "Phobos".

Phobos is a moon in Mars, named Phobos, derived from the Greek god of war Ares (Mars) Eros (Venus), the son of Phobos, also has the meaning of fear, fear.

This test is to explore how big the anti-fear index in people's hearts is.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

The entire test operation process is only performed by an expressionless employee, and most of the voice commands are operated by a male voice AI named Father Fater, which echoes the mother of the contract number.

And this male voice also pays tribute to the AI system of father in "Alien 4".

In the test, we can see that in addition to walter, the cyborg, who has no sense of fear, Denise shows a strong pressure to resist fear.

At the beginning of the short film, there is a picture of cleaning up the vomit, which is estimated to be left by others in the previous test, that is, this test will screen out some of the registered crew members who are not suitable for the Contract colonization mission.

It is worth noting that Walter's lack of feeling of fear echoes David's film, David is asked what makes him sentimental, David is full of emotions and leaves tears, such a contrast shows that Walter is not only castrated by self-awareness, but even castrated emotions.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >4 The Last Supper</h1>

This is a story of the crew before they are ready to go to sleep, this is a very complete scene clip, which was promoted as a clip material before the release of "Covenant" at that time, when everyone thought it would appear in the main film, but it did not.

The title is called "The Last Supper", which is the same as Leonardo da Vinci's famous fresco "The Last Supper" in English, and the religious meaning is already obvious, and the deeper interpretation we put it later, let's see what happened first.

Walter was checking Denise's physical condition before hibernation, and Jacob was suffering from wind chills and some fever at this time, so he chose to go to sleep early, which is why Jacob has not woken up after the ship accident.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

There is a detail here, before Jacob goes to sleep, Tennessee has asked who made the toast, next to the deputy captain Aura holding the book, ready to push himself, the result is that before he can say, Jacob arranged for Denise.

This also shows that Aura's desire for leadership has long been expressed.

After that, we held a pre-dormant party dinner, and we could see that the crew were lovers of each other, including two gay couples.

This dinner actually corresponds to the impressive round table dinner of 1979's "Alien".

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

After that, the female driver also made a painful expression that the alien wanted to break the chest, but in fact, she was only choked by food, which was also a self-tribute to Old Ray.

In the course of their chat, there were two more interesting places, the first was that the braided children heard that there were cockroach-like monsters outside the colony, which was actually a metaphor for the next alien. This also indirectly reveals that since the failure of the Prometheus project, there have been many "unconfirmed" stories within the company.

The second is Denise's speech, and the second time Ola tries to speak for herself, Denise directly and unceremoniously interrupts Ola.

Denise pointed out that this is the first voyage of colonization in human history, which should also be equivalent to pointing out that in 2104, humans flew out of the solar system for the first time to find a habitable planet for long-distance colonization.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >5 logbook</h1>

After the crew's last supper, the clip first recorded the video logs of the five crew members, divided into 5 segments, which are their video messages before they went to sleep.

The first place is Denise, who is saying goodbye to her father, and from her words, we know that she and her family will not see each other again, because this colonization plan is a one-way ticket, there can be no round trip, and the crew and 2,000 colonists will create a new world on the new planet.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

The second is The Bad Face Brother, and we know from his words that he led a squad of 6 people to protect the entire crew.

The third was Aura, who read the manuscript more formally, thanking the colonial plan in more religious and ritual words.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

The 4th is braided, she is more sentimental, she seems to be saying goodbye to friends on Earth, and says not to forget her.

The fifth place was Tennessee, who sent a video to his brother and wanted to celebrate drinking in the clouds with his brother, and he also pointed out that when he applied for the colonization plan, he just had the attitude of trying it out, and he didn't expect to be selected.

Tennessee also confessed that he had committed three crimes, stolen cars, committed crimes, and so on, and then sarcastically gave him the greatest colonial plan ever made by mankind, the Contract flight pilot, that even he could not believe it.

This also reflects Tennessee's personality and why he can risk dropping the Height of the Covenant in the film to save people.

Later, Tennessee also mentioned that when he woke up, perhaps his brother would be so old that he would have no hair, which indirectly explained the time-space jumping technology of human spaceships at that time.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >6 greenhouse plants</h1>

This scene takes place in the greenhouse plant cultivation area of the contract number, and we can also see that the contract number actually grows plant vegetables, and maybe potatoes.

While taking care of these vegetables, Walter hummed a little song, when the lonely and intolerable system AI and Walter chatted about the day, the system told Walter that it was pseudoscientific to let plants listen to music to help grow, and Walter said why I was sure that I was singing for plants.

At this time, the neutron star exploded, so here should be an alternate clip, and finally the positive film Walter was selected while viewing the dormant colonizer.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >7 Aura and Denise</h1>

After Jacob's accident, there is a solo Ola pulling Denise to a corner to chat, and this paragraph is also an extension. Ola expressed great respect for Jacob and claimed that Jacob was a true leader, but then Ola used a more commanding tone to make Denise cry out loud when she felt sad, and asked Denise to rest, leaving it to him.

Instead of feeling moved, Denise felt annoyed and angry that she was misunderstood as an unstretched woman, and Denise told Ora that she could mourn Jacob in her own way.

This passage thus explains why Denise appeared halfway through when Ora summoned everyone to a meeting, and Ola did not blame Denise, because it was Ola herself who asked Denise to rest, after all, of all the crew, only Denise had lost her lover.

And Denise came in the middle of the meeting and directly reported her inspection work to everyone, which was to express that Denise was a conscientious woman who did not want to show her sadness.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >8 Walter comforts Denise</h1>

In this deleted scene, Denise is sitting in the corner in a daze, when Walter walks in and brings Danise something like marijuana, saying that it will make Denise feel better.

Denise later expressed her gratitude and pointed out that Walter was really a warm man, but Walter said it was just my program.

And Denise said it wasn't all.

This is an additional scene of human-computer emotion between Walter and Denise, and if you understand this scene, you can better understand why Walter saved Denise several times.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >9 Memories of Denise</h1>

As Denise collects Jacob's relics, she is touched by the scene and thinks of the time on Earth and Jacob.

At that time, the earth was full of snow, and in their warm apartment, Jacob woke up Denise, who was sleeping, and talked about the planning of the Origin 6 star, as well as some modifications to the cabin, the two were full of expectations and expectations, but now only Denise was left.

This reminiscence plot shows us the scene of the earth at that time, at least let us know that the earth was still normal at that time, and there was no crisis in the earth before human colonization.

Why do you say this, because some fans in "Prometheus" believe that one of the reasons why Sean was reluctant to return to Earth in the end was because the Earth was already devastated at that time, and it was better to return to Earth than to continue to look for the Engineer's home planet.

But now this deleted clip is equivalent to telling everyone that the earth is fine, and human beings just want to colonize other planets.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >10 Jacob's funeral</h1>

Jacob's funeral is also featured in the film, but some of the previous dialogues are cut.

The clip begins with Ora alone in the cockpit, looking at an old photograph of herself, with an old man in the back, followed by a church, which is presumably Ola's grandfather, and will be talked about later, and the church represents that Ola's family is devout Christian.

Then Aura opened the screen and saw Denise as they performed a simple funeral ceremony for Jacob.

There were only Denise and Walter, and Walter said he had written a formal space funeral program, but Denise refused, and Walter asked why he was invited to the funeral.

Denise says that because she's lonely, oh no, Denise points out that everyone (and everyone else) is a couple, and maybe Walter's presence eases her embarrassment of being alone.

After that, it was Tennessee that they came down and connected with the positive film.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >11 Xiaobai sorry</h1>

These cuts occurred when the crew was first infected, and the reason for the cuts was simple, to make the rhythm of the scene more intense.

When Xiao Bai and Karin returned to the landing spacecraft, Xiao Bai fell halfway and kept saying sorry to Karin, Xiao Bai rolled his eyes and breathed shortly, so that we could understand the symptoms after being infected more specifically.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >12 cross the square</h1>

After finding the crew, David leads the group to the White Giant's palace, and as they cross countless corpse squares, the crew lights up the flash and throws them under the square.

It turned out that under the square, there were many engineers' spaceships, and below the square was actually a huge spaceship docking warehouse.

This paragraph actually further explains that this engineer's home planet may not have the technological backwardness of the surface like ancient Rome, nor is it like many netizens proposed, this planet is another colonial planet of engineers.

This we leave to the depth of the analysis together to talk.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >13 brothers and brothers</h1>

When the crew had settled in the lobby, Walter said he was going to meet david, the brothers and the brothers for a chat.

Prior to this passage, Walter and Denise actually had a separate conversation about David.

Walter says that David is a prototype, that David has worked on the Prometheus project with Veron, and that he himself is a replica of David, who is like himself in another world.

Denise said, you are different from him, you saved my life.

After that, Walter said that he would talk to David alone.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >14 prayer</h1>

In the part where the braided child goes alone to clean up the wound, she has previously prayed a prayer in Hebrew, and on her neck, she wears a six-pointed star necklace, indicating that she is a member of Judaism.

Therefore, some netizens pointed out that Ola is the only one in the crew with faith, which is not accurate.

Weilun Industries also did not reject people of faith as crew members because of the Prometheus project.

But there is some irony that the braided children are killed by the new form when they finish praying, which also implies that in distant galaxies, the gods of faith do not protect you.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >15 crossing (encounter</h1>).

This is a flashback from David, that is, the most closely related to the "Prometheus" fan film, I believe everyone has seen this fan outside.

This fanwai, in fact, was originally placed in the main film in its entirety, but then it was taken out by Lao Lei alone as a fanwai, and in the main film, only the last to arrive at the slaughtering city picture remained.

"Crossing" is a film about how Sean repairs David, and the two establish a very good friendship during the long interstellar journey, and finally Sean goes into hibernation, and the whole ship is very controlled by David.

After arriving at the Engineer's home planet, David began to kill the ring, and although this clip completed some of the content of the main film, it was also a good link to "Prometheus".

But it also creates more mysteries for everyone, don't worry, wait until the depth of analysis and then dig deep together.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

<H1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >16 Watt's report</h1>

After Walter and David had finished talking, they came back to report to Ora and Denise.

Walter points out that David has a human sensibility trait that he can't understand.

This is actually Walter's castrated sense of self.

Then Walter went on to say that David had been here alone for ten years, without getting any overhaul, and I wasn't sure what state he had become now, but then we'll figure it out.

Then Ola said would David be in danger of them?

Walter said David would be unsettling.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >17 Before Ola was "born"</h1>

David took Ora to the cave of the alien egg, and before going there, David had to let Ora smell a balsam that could mask the stench of the cave.

Have you noticed that this metal box containing balsam is basically the same type as the metal box held by the White Giant at the beginning of Prometheus.

In fact, this also indirectly proves that the relationship between the White Giant or the Engineer and the planet is not only colonized and colonized, but also consistent with the fact that there are many Engineer ships docked under the square in front. This will be explained in detail later.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >18 David's lab</h1>

This segment is a combination of several clips into David's laboratory, all of which are about 6 minutes and 42 seconds, as a confidential archival video of Weilun Industries.

The film begins with a statement by the AI mother of the contract number system, pointing out that David uploaded the video with a higher-level security code, which also shows that Wei Lun actually gave David very high permissions at that time, and Wei Lun Industry had more dark hidden departments and projects.

At that time, Wei Lun did this, and there must be only one purpose, that is, to develop a method of immortality.

Later, with David's narration, we learned about some of David's progress in using black water to study organic life.

This fragment has several notable points of information.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

The first is that earlier in Prometheus, I also quoted this clip to introduce the efficacy of black water, which is like a radical version of the nanoscale AI, which can automatically find a host.

The second is that David has never forgotten the mission, or motive force, of his creation, he is constantly extracting from humans and white giants, and other animals, and then repeated experiments with Blackwater, and then invisibly, he completed the research and development of the alien egg.

On the David lab table, we can see the alien eggs go from being as small as eggs to being as large as the standard alien eggs in the cave.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

The third is David on the Covenant, who calls the face-hugging worms he has developed wolves, and the dormant colonists call lambs.

But David felt that none of this was perfect, and then said my queen, and the picture received David touching Denise's dormant bar with his left hand.

Here David uses his left hand, indicating that the previously broken left hand has been healed, perhaps there is material for repairing the left hand in the ship, or it is possible that David can grow his own hand over time.

I prefer to believe the former, after all, the materials and related repairs of cyborgs cannot be without the contract number.

As for David's talk about the Queen, and the explanation between David and Sean, we will leave it to the back to analyze together, not that I sell guanzi, but when it comes to the relationship between David and Sean, it will be clearer to talk together.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >19 The last sign of life</h1>

This short film is to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the release of the Blu-ray of "Alien Contract", so in 2019, another film called "The Last Sign of Life" was added.

This short film tells the story of how Later, Weilun Industries sent an explorer to David's laboratory to see for himself.

Frankly speaking, this clip has no gold content, but I simply don't want to pity this David lab scene, and then shoot a video, of course, we also saw some changes in the face-hugging insect eggs, and the death behavior of the crew that everyone expected.

Why is it said that there is no gold content, the time in the film shows 2017, which is actually the year of the release of "Alien Contract", which also indirectly shows that this video is unlikely to be included in the Alien universe.

Of course, some people speculate that this is related to the third part of the Alien prequel, which may be a disguised trailer, but these have not received an official response.

Alien: Covenant over 60 minutes of cut clips, once for everyone to parse more understanding of the film 1 White Room 2 Watt's Birth 3 Phobos Test 4 Last Supper 5 Logbook 6 Greenhouse Plants 7 Ora and Denise 8 Walter Comforts Denise 9 Denise's Memories 10 Jacob's Funeral 11 Little White Sorry 12 Crossing the Square 13 Brothers and Brothers 14 Prayer 15 Crossing (Encounter) 16 Watt's Report 17 Ora "Born" Before 18 David's Lab 19 The Last Signs of Life