
After Yang Jian destroyed the Chen Dynasty, Empress Chen asked Emperor Wen of Sui to do it, and Yang Jian shook his head and sent him 4 words

author:South Lane Tongwen History
In addition to weakening the main cause, Chung was ruined, and the criminal government was not established, and he was desolate. - "History of the South"

In 582, Chen Shubao succeeded to the throne and became the last emperor of the Chen Dynasty during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, which is the famous Empress Chen in history.

After Yang Jian destroyed the Chen Dynasty, Empress Chen asked Emperor Wen of Sui to do it, and Yang Jian shook his head and sent him 4 words

Later Lord Chen only reigned for more than 7 years before the Chen Dynasty was destroyed by Sui, interestingly, Yang Jian was destroying the Chen Dynasty, but Later Lord Chen asked him to make himself an official, but Emperor Yang Jian of Sui shook his head and gave him 4 characters.

So, what are these four words? Today let's talk about the story.

Yang Jian destroyed Chen

In 581, Yang Jian formally established the Sui Dynasty, and after a chaotic period of the Wei and Jin dynasties, the world still had not achieved great unification. Yang Jian only occupied half of the rivers and mountains, also known as the "emperor of the north", and it was not Yang Jian's ultimate goal to become king in a corner.

From the establishment of the Sui Dynasty in 581 until 588 AD, Yang Jian focused on the nomads in the north for nearly 8 years, and also devoted a lot of energy to reform within the Sui Dynasty.

After Yang Jian destroyed the Chen Dynasty, Empress Chen asked Emperor Wen of Sui to do it, and Yang Jian shook his head and sent him 4 words

Yang Jian innovated on the basis of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, making politics more stable, society more stable, and the people gradually prosperous, and the increase in population and political stability allowed the Sui Dynasty to usher in the reign of the emperor.

Gaozu Lingzhou County Dasuo Maung Yue... So the account was 443,000 ding, and 1,641,500 new mouths were attached.

In order to better select talents, Yang Jian abolished the nine-grade zhongzheng system that has been passed down for hundreds of years and established a system of sub-subject examinations, which was also the earliest prototype of the imperial examination.

After that, the Li and Tang dynasties gradually improved the imperial examination system, which became the most important way for emperors to select talents in the feudal era.

After Yang Jian destroyed the Chen Dynasty, Empress Chen asked Emperor Wen of Sui to do it, and Yang Jian shook his head and sent him 4 words

Yang Jian also revolutionized the bureaucracy and established a system of five provinces and six ministries, and he himself advocated thrift, so that the Sui Dynasty used the short eight years to get a respite and become stronger and stronger.

Following the Qin Dynasty, Emperor Wen of Sui formulated various unified strategies to end the chaos of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, which later generations called:

The Sui clan mixed north and south, Fan Qi and Zhou Zhi's old ministers, Liang and Chen's old ministers, Xian Hui Zhi dynasty...

Finally, Yang Jian's sword pointed at the Chen Dynasty, and the last piece of territory was about to be put together. In order to realize his dream of truly unifying Jiangshan and Jiangshan, Yang Jian also attached great importance to the construction of the water army, ordered Badong County to build a group of combat ships, and at the same time stepped up the training of the naval division.

After Yang Jian destroyed the Chen Dynasty, Empress Chen asked Emperor Wen of Sui to do it, and Yang Jian shook his head and sent him 4 words

In order to confuse Chen Chao, Yang Jian also let people buy a batch of very dilapidated ordinary fishing boats, pretending that his naval strength was not good, sufficient preparation and proper strategy, Yang Jian destroyed Chen in only 4 months.

From December 588 to March of the following year, the 500,000-strong army of the Jin king Yang Guang crossed the Yangtze River, captured Dangtu in Anhui, captured Zhenjiang in Jiangsu, and finally reached Jiankang, the capital of the Chen Dynasty, and captured it.

In February of the third year of the Zhenming Dynasty, the Sui army attacked the city of Jiankangtai.

The last ruler of the Chen Dynasty was none other than Chen Shubao, who made a request after being captured by the Sui Dynasty army, asking the Sui Dynasty emperor Yang Jian to give himself an official job, who knew that Yang Jian shook his head and sent Chen Shubao four words:

"Completely heartless liver"
After Yang Jian destroyed the Chen Dynasty, Empress Chen asked Emperor Wen of Sui to do it, and Yang Jian shook his head and sent him 4 words

Chen Shubao was also once an emperor, and now he is described by Yang Jian as "completely heartless", what kind of things did he do?

The ultimate emperor Chen Shubao

How superb is Empress Chen, who can be described by Yang Jian as "completely heartless and liverless", as an emperor? To sum up, Empress Chen did everything else that should not be done except for what the emperor should do, and the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu once wrote this poem on the bank of the Qinhuai River:

The merchant girl did not know the hatred of the country, and sang the backyard flower across the river.

This sentence describes the scene when the Chen Dynasty was about to be destroyed.

After Yang Jian destroyed the Chen Dynasty, Empress Chen asked Emperor Wen of Sui to do it, and Yang Jian shook his head and sent him 4 words

The soldiers of the Sui Dynasty pressed the border, but the banks of the Qinhuai River still sang night and night, and the "backyard flower" in the poem is the "Yushu Backyard Flower" created by Chen Shubao, and the evaluation of him in the "Southern History" is also very faceless:

There are thousands of women who choose palace women with color, so that they can sing and sing, and the divisions are successive, and they are happy with each other.

The army of the Sui Dynasty had already crossed the Yangtze River and marched all the way to the capital of the Chen Dynasty, even then Chen Shubao still did not delay his own wind and snow, and he had one thing in common with Li Yu, the lord of Li Hou, both of whom were "literary and artistic youths".

Chen Shubao's own love for poetry has reached the level of obsession and fanaticism, Yang Jian is surrounded by brave and invincible generals like Yu Guluo, and Chen Houzhu is surrounded by all kinds of literati.

As the emperor of a country, Empress Chen did not pay attention to political affairs every day but drank and wrote poetry with these literati and inkers, and later Chen Shubao felt that only the literati and inkers were not happy, and let people choose a group of palace maids who were very beautiful and proficient in poetry and song.

In short, the imperial palace of the Chen Dynasty often had a small banquet for three days and a large banquet for five days.

There are fifty people on the left and right, and more than a thousand women are beautiful and well-dressed.

These literati and palace maids wrote poems and drank with the emperor at banquets, and although the Sui army was getting closer, the palace of the Chen Dynasty was full of songs and dances.

Chen Shubao himself liked poetry and song very much, and attached great importance to Wenchen, so the Chen Dynasty formed the habit of emphasizing literature over martial arts.

After Yang Jian destroyed the Chen Dynasty, Empress Chen asked Emperor Wen of Sui to do it, and Yang Jian shook his head and sent him 4 words

There was also an incident in the middle, the fornication between Empress Chen and the wife of the general Xiao Maha was known by Xiao Maha himself, the emperor gave himself a green hat and he could not kill the emperor, Xiao Maha could only endure this grievance, but the hatred was buried in his heart.

As a general of the Chen Dynasty, Xiao Maha did not have the slightest intention of resisting the enemy in the face of the offensive of the Sui army, and it can only be said that Later Lord Chen suffered by himself.

Chen Shubao felt that the military generals were all old and rude, and they looked down on the military generals, and later someone gave him the idea to let him take back the military power of the military generals.

It was this move that made the generals of the Chen Dynasty lose control of the defensive line, and the Sui Dynasty army pressed the territory, but these generals could not do anything, and under Chen Shubao's series of "fierce as tiger" operations, the Chen Dynasty's rule was stormy.

After Yang Jian destroyed the Chen Dynasty, Empress Chen asked Emperor Wen of Sui to do it, and Yang Jian shook his head and sent him 4 words

Afterwards, Emperor Wen of Sui learned of what Empress Chen had done to Xiao Moke, and he couldn't help but sigh:

Strong men, too, this is also difficult for people.

The death of Lord Chen

After the Chen Dynasty was destroyed by Sui, Chen Shubao also staged a ridiculous drama in front of the Sui Dynasty officials and soldiers.

At that time, two officials around him advised Empress Chen to follow Emperor Wudi of Liang and meet Yang Guang to show his intention to surrender, so as to leave at least one last bit of decency for himself and the Chen Dynasty.

After Yang Jian destroyed the Chen Dynasty, Empress Chen asked Emperor Wen of Sui to do it, and Yang Jian shook his head and sent him 4 words

Emperor Wudi of Liang ended up very miserable, starving to death, and Later Lord Chen, fearing that the Sui Dynasty would treat him in the same way, refused to surrender, and he triumphantly told his officials:

"I have my own plan"

Unexpectedly, Hou Chen's so-called scheme took his two favorite concubines to hide in a dry well in the palace, and when the country was destroyed, he staged a "hide and seek" drama.

After Yang Jian destroyed the Chen Dynasty, Empress Chen asked Emperor Wen of Sui to do it, and Yang Jian shook his head and sent him 4 words

When the soldiers of the Sui Dynasty attacked the palace of the Chen Dynasty, someone had already found Chen Houzhu and the two concubines underground, but Chen Houzhu pretended not to hear the soldiers' shouts, until the soldiers threatened him to throw stones down, and then hurriedly asked people to pull him up with ropes.

Since the soldiers peep into the well, the latter lord should not. If you want to drop a stone, you hear the cry.

The two concubines who hid in the dry well with Empress Chen were beheaded, and when he and other members of the imperial family were escorted to Chang'an, Emperor Wen of Sui did not liquidate them, and Empress Chen, who had never thought of it, wanted to ask for an official position for himself.

Whenever there was a banquet in the palace, Emperor Wen of Sui always invited Chen Shubao to participate, and Chen Shubao did not fall again and again, as the king of the dead country, Chen Shubao was in the mood to participate in the banquet, no wonder Emperor Wen of Sui lamented that Chen Shubao "had no heart and liver".

After Yang Jian destroyed the Chen Dynasty, Empress Chen asked Emperor Wen of Sui to do it, and Yang Jian shook his head and sent him 4 words

What is even more surprising is that Empress Chen lived for another 16 years in this heartless and lungless life, and finally died, and I have to say that he is the fastest living king of the previous dynasties.

In general, as the emperor Empress Chen was unqualified, he devoted himself to poetry and song, eating, drinking and having fun, in addition to building palaces, even if the army pressed the realm, he did not delay his own enjoyment.

By the time the Sui Dynasty became a shameless king of the country, Later Lord Chen still did not forget to enjoy life, and it was not an exaggeration to call him the "bigest" emperor in Chinese feudal history. What do you think differently about this?

Reference: "History of the South"