
Estazolam is a good medicine for insomnia, can it be taken for a long time? There are 3 questions to pay attention to when using it

author:Dr. Guangyou talks about health

Estazolam tablets are commonly used in medical clinics to treat insomnia, which can effectively reduce the time for the human body to fall asleep, increase the depth of sleep, and improve the quality of sleep.

However, many patients confuse eszolam tablets with Valium, or take them for a long time to form a dependence, which is actually incorrect. According to statistics, 20%~30% of adults suffer from insomnia for a long time, and the proportion of the elderly is higher, even close to 50%.

In the face of this type of population, eszolam tablets have become the first choice, but irregular intake is easy to cause adverse reactions to drugs and even life-threatening, today we will talk about the problem of this class of drugs.

Estazolam is a good medicine for insomnia, can it be taken for a long time? There are 3 questions to pay attention to when using it

What is estazolam

Eszolam belongs to a kind of sleeping pill, once used as Jia Jing Valium, that is, belongs to benzodiazepine drugs, so you must follow the doctor's advice when taking medicine.

This class of drugs may cause inhibition in different parts of the central nervous system, which can range from mild sedation to hypnosis or even coma as the amount of the body increases.

Although widely used to treat insomnia, anxiety, and preoperative sedation, eszolam is not suitable for prolonged use because of its addictive nature.

Estazolam is a good medicine for insomnia, can it be taken for a long time? There are 3 questions to pay attention to when using it

Estazolam is a good medicine for insomnia, can it be taken for a long time? There are 3 questions to pay attention to when using it


Estazolam is a psychotropic drug, the main function is to strengthen the GABA receptor effect in the human central nervous system, while improving the anxiolytic function of the human system, shortening the 4th stage of the non-REM sleep cycle, that is, speeding up the time of sleep, effectively solving the symptoms of difficulty falling asleep.

At the same time, it can also effectively slow down the activation of reticular neurons, the reticular structure in the human body is mainly physiological functions, maintain the awakening state of the brain, so that it maintains sufficient attention, maintains the basic consciousness of the brain, and these neurons can transmit these consciousness, after taking drugs can slow down neuronal transmission, can effectively play a calming role.

Estazolam is a good medicine for insomnia, can it be taken for a long time? There are 3 questions to pay attention to when using it

Many patients will have anxiety and irritability, part of the network structure neuron influence is large, brain nerves are too excited will lead to mood change, so the efficacy of estazolam in the treatment of insomnia is still very good, but the effect of the drug is very strong, so it can not be taken for a long time.

  • There are 3 questions to pay attention to when using it

First of all, insomnia patients with poor respiratory function, carefully choose eszolam, because the drug is a powerful inhibitor, also has a certain inhibitory effect on the respiratory center, large doses may promote presynaptic inhibition in the spinal cord, disrupt the synchronization of the starting structure of thalamic potential activity, thereby inhibiting the respiratory center.

Estazolam is a good medicine for insomnia, can it be taken for a long time? There are 3 questions to pay attention to when using it

Secondly, you can not take estazolam after drinking, he does not have a disulfiram reaction like alcohol and aspirin, but to a certain extent, it increases the inhibition of the central nervous system of the drug and increases the probability of adverse reactions.

Finally, insomnia patients with liver and kidney insufficiency should also be used with caution, after ingestion is mainly metabolized in the liver, after the metabolites exert their effect, most of them are excreted through the kidneys, and the half-life of this type of drug is relatively long, and the time in the kidney liver is not short, which increases the burden of the two organs.

In addition to medications, what other ways can improve sleep?

Avoid strong tea, coffee, spirits

Many people like to drink strong tea, coffee refreshing, mainly to stimulate human nerve cells excited, but insomnia people are best to drink less of these drinks, spirits will also stimulate your nervous system excited, so before going to bed is not suitable for drinking.


Most people have insomnia because of anxiety, low mood, insomnia symptoms caused by this reason, need psychological treatment, after alleviating emotions, after the psychological state becomes better, the symptoms of insomnia will also be relieved.

Regular schedule

Since you want to improve sleep, you have to strictly control your own work and rest, to ensure that the best sleep time for early bedtime and early getting up is 9:00~10:00, the sleep time of ordinary adults is maintained at 6~8 hours, this law needs to be formulated by yourself, and it will form its own biological clock for a long time, and it can also prevent insomnia.

Overall, estazolam is not the only drug for insomnia, although the effect is good, but it is not recommended to use for a long time, the doctor will prescribe the right drug for you according to your actual situation.