
Leeks are full of treasures, these effects to know

author:Director of TCM Cardiovascular Horse

Leeks are full of treasure, do you really understand?

Leeks are full of treasures, these effects to know

Today I will talk to you in detail. When we take the leek to our mouth and chew it, it feels pungent and spicy. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "Xingan diverges into yang", and leeks belong to the category of flowers and leaves, flowers and leaves are generally scorched, so leeks have the nature of germination, that for our five organs is the liver, the liver also has the nature of germination, so leeks can supplement liver yang, can assist liver qi to better germination, thus stimulating people's desire, so it is especially suitable for those who are depressed, for those who are not interested in anything, do not want to do anything, and yang deficiency and cold people, must not miss it. Did you get it?

Leeks are full of treasures, these effects to know

Not only are leek leaves easy to use, but leek seeds are actually a rare medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that all seeds, their medicinal properties are going down, so leek seeds can be implanted in the lower jiao, replenishing the kidney and aphrodisiac.

Leeks are full of treasures, these effects to know

And the seed also has a power, it can firmly supplement the essence, so leek seeds replenish the yang while also having the effect of solidifying the essence. Therefore, regardless of men and women, if you have kidney deficiency problems, such as loose teeth, easy to fall out, we believe in Chinese medicine that the main bone of the kidney produces pulp, and the teeth are bones, so the teeth are also a manifestation of kidney qi and solid kidney essence.

Leeks are full of treasures, these effects to know

On the contrary, if the kidneys are deficient and the teeth will be loose, then for such people, you can eat a little leek seeds every day. If you are not good at function, can not get up premature ejaculation and sperm, this situation is actually the manifestation of kidney yang deficiency, because yang is a kind of power, kidney yang is insufficient will not get up, and yang also has the role of fixation, yang is insufficient, these essences can not be fixed, will flow out early, forming sperm. Then if you have these problems, leek seeds can eat a little every day, it can solve these three major andrological problems of men at the same time.

Leeks are full of treasures, these effects to know

If you belong to the middle-aged and elderly group, often have more nocturia, get up five or six times a night to run to the toilet, and often feel that the waist is sore and the legs are soft, always feel that there is a cold wind in the waist, the knees are not very good, the legs and feet are not flexible, which is actually related to kidney deficiency. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, if the kidney yang is insufficient, the bladder gasification ability will be weakened, so the water drunk has not been gasified into jin liquid, it will directly become wastewater and discharge, at this time there will be frequent urination. The waist and knees are also related to the kidneys. Therefore, leek seeds can replenish the liver and kidney, directly strengthen the knee, then the knee acid and cold have a good conditioning effect, and strong kidney yang, kidney yang enough, bladder gasification function is also strong, urine is less.

Leeks are full of treasures, these effects to know