
Free tickets! Listen to celebrities singing Hokkien songs → live

author:Xiamen Cultural Tourism

"Peony Flower"

"The Taste of Turtle Kueh"

"Grow flesh on your own bones"

"Hometown Bird Boy Sound"


Have you heard these Hokkien original songs?

Do you know the origin of these songs?

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Free tickets! Listen to celebrities singing Hokkien songs → live

Since 2007

Hokkien Original Song Singer Competition

It's been 15 years now

The competition is for many Hokkien music lovers

A platform for communication and display has been built

Free tickets! Listen to celebrities singing Hokkien songs → live

The 15 years of ingenuity are based on "originality"

More than 1,000 original songs in Hokkien were collected

It has cultivated more than 100 Hokkien music talents

Free tickets! Listen to celebrities singing Hokkien songs → live

Looking back

The Hokkien double song contest left a lot

Original Hokkien songs

There is a fresh "Come and Go Xiamen"

There is a hilarious "Love Supermarket"

The childlike "Hear the Mouse"

There is a touching "Grandma's Teaching"

There is the inspirational "Grow Meat on Your Own Bones"


Free tickets! Listen to celebrities singing Hokkien songs → live

"I like "Grandma's Teachings", whether it is Hong Qiuyan or Fu Yingying's version, as I get older, I understand more and more how reasonable Grandma's words are, and I want to say to Grandma, I'm doing well, how are you?"

"I like "Looking at the Moon and Thinking About My Heart", I will hum my own when I chase my dreams outside, and there is a family called 'Xiamen' that is always waiting for me to go back."

"I like "Grow Meat by My Own Bones", while opening drops, sometimes doing takeaway, quite tired, at first I felt that it was not exciting enough, and the more I listened to it later, the more inspirational it became, not relying on the sky or the earth, I rely on my own bones to grow meat."

Free tickets! Listen to celebrities singing Hokkien songs → live

Love to listen to Hokkien songs, love to sing Hokkien songs

Hokkien songs are precious treasures belonging to Hokkien people

Fifteenth anniversary

Hokkien people who pay so much attention to ritual

How could it be missed

tomorrow night

Hosted by Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism

"We sing a song together"

Hokkien Original Song Singer Competition

Fifteenth Anniversary Golden Melody Concert

It will be held at the Jinrong Theater of Xiamen Little Egret Art Center

Free tickets! Listen to celebrities singing Hokkien songs → live

CHEN Fei, WU Yuemei, HUANG Yingying, ZHANG Hao, etc

Many singers from the Hokkien music industry will sing on the same stage

Bring the audience "Minnan Child" and "Looking at the Moon and Thinking About Your Heart"

"The Voice of Homecoming", "Xiamen Portrait Song" and other songs

Which singer are you most looking forward to?

Which familiar songs will remount

What about the stage for the Golden Melody Concert?

Welcome to the live view

Free tickets! Listen to celebrities singing Hokkien songs → live

Can't go to the scene? Never mind

The concert will go through the Xiamen Cultural Tourism Media Matrix

Xiamen Radio and Television Central Video Mobile Network

Look at Xiamen APP, Douyin, WeChat Channels

Ba Min Cloud Theater and other platforms

Simultaneous live streaming

January 10, 19:30-21:00

Let's watch with A Moe-kun

Free tickets! Listen to celebrities singing Hokkien songs → live

Scan the QR code below

Fill in the relevant information to request a ticket

There are limited number of free tickets, so come and register

Free tickets! Listen to celebrities singing Hokkien songs → live

1. Please do a good job of personal protection and wear masks correctly;

2. Consciously abide by the safety management regulations of the theater, and do not bring flammable and explosive materials into the theater.

Source: Look at Minnan

Editor: Kang Guiru

Responsible editor: Chen Qinzhu

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