
65 years of scoring career, 892 film works, a generation of "king of film music" left the master Morricone two friends: Leone, Tornado Remolicone's friends

author:Confidant movies

On July 6, the Italian composer Enio Morricone died suddenly at the age of 91.

Morricone was an absolute master of film scoring, although he preferred to be a purely musical "composer".

65 years of scoring career, 892 film works, a generation of "king of film music" left the master Morricone two friends: Leone, Tornado Remolicone's friends

<h1>Master Morricone</h1>

Counting Morricone's 65-year film scoring career, co-directors include Leone, Tornadore, Bertolucci, Pasolini, Almodóvar, Quentin and countless other world masters.

Leave us with countless classic movie soundtracks such as "Cinema Paradiso", "The Pianist at Sea", "Once Upon a Time in america", "Once Upon a Time in the West", "The Golden Three", "Eight Wicked Men", "The Church" and so on.

65 years of scoring career, 892 film works, a generation of "king of film music" left the master Morricone two friends: Leone, Tornado Remolicone's friends

Leone "The Dart Trilogy"

He has created several historical records in the field of music:

(1) Film soundtrack works, the most musicians.

Between 1955 and 2015, Morricone composed or co-composed 892 films and television works alone or in collaboration, an average of 15 per year.

(2) Among the film music, it is cited most frequently.

For example, the music of "The Golden Three" has been cited in 25 movies so far, including "Kill Bill 2", "The Lion King 3", "Super Daddy", "Madagascar 2", "Gossip", "Fast Revenge" and other well-known films.

65 years of scoring career, 892 film works, a generation of "king of film music" left the master Morricone two friends: Leone, Tornado Remolicone's friends

Morricone and Wong Kar-wai

The ending music of Wong Kar-wai's "Generation grandmaster" is quoted from Morricone's "Once Upon a Time in America"; Bruce Lee's "Raptors Across the River" is quoted from "Once Upon a Time in the West"... Abound.

<h1>Two friends: Leone and Tornadore</h1>

In his only interview book before his death, Morricone: A Magical Moment in 50 Years," Morricone is bold and outspoken, telling about his life experiences and commenting on the directors he has worked with, vivid as in front of his eyes.

Referring to two of his most important friends in life, he said: "Tornadore is family to me, just like Leone before me. ”

65 years of scoring career, 892 film works, a generation of "king of film music" left the master Morricone two friends: Leone, Tornado Remolicone's friends

Leone and Morricone

Leone's works, more masculine, are stories of hunting, walking, and friendship between men.

He established the status of world cinema history with the "Dart Trilogy" ("Golden DartEr", "Golden Double DartEr", "Golden Trilogy"), "Past Trilogy" ("Western Past", "Revolutionary Past", "American Past"),Andromedne's music is indispensable.

Whether it is the solemn, steep, suspenseful musical atmosphere in westerns, or the deep and timeless world and emotions in "Once Upon a Time in America", music is an indispensable part; it not only serves the story, but also transcends the story and achieves independent evolution.

65 years of scoring career, 892 film works, a generation of "king of film music" left the master Morricone two friends: Leone, Tornado Remolicone's friends

Tornadore "Return to trilogy"

Tornatore works, more emotions surge. Men and women, teenagers and the world, open the emotional gap, little by little, see the light, bloom, and finally disillusionment.

The most moving scene of "The Pianist of the Sea", in 1900, he met the woman of his choice and played "Playing Love"; "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily", a man in a square, his eyes passionately pursuing Marlena, the playful Sicilian minor key; "Cinema Paradiso", time is like wine, a mellow movie love letter...

Morricone's music, the heart wanders, the heart buckles, listening to music can float the picture, sadness suddenly.

65 years of scoring career, 892 film works, a generation of "king of film music" left the master Morricone two friends: Leone, Tornado Remolicone's friends

Of these two directors' works, which are Morricone's favorites?

He almost blurted out: Leone, Once Upon a Time in America, Once Upon a Time in the West; Tornatore, The Station of the Hidden Land, The Pianist at Sea, Baalia.

<h1>Friends of Morricone</h1>

There are several other stories of Morricone's dealings with the director:

(1) Morricone's most regrettable film that he did not cooperate with: Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange"

65 years of scoring career, 892 film works, a generation of "king of film music" left the master Morricone two friends: Leone, Tornado Remolicone's friends

A clockwork orange poster

At that time Kuririck approached him and wanted to cooperate; eventually because Morricone wanted to record in Rome, Kubrick did not like to fly and wanted to record in London; neither of them gave in, regretting missing out.

(2) Receive the Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement

In 2007, acquaintance Clint Eastwood presented Morricone with a belated Oscar, the Oscar lifetime achievement award.

65 years of scoring career, 892 film works, a generation of "king of film music" left the master Morricone two friends: Leone, Tornado Remolicone's friends

Clint Eastwood presented Morricone with the award

What moved Morricone even more and remembered for many years was that Toki took the initiative to attend the dinner hosted for him at the Italian Cultural Center without being invited to send his blessings.

(3) Reject Jane Fonda for the sake of Cinema Paradiso

Morricone had originally taken over Jane Fonda's "Beacon of Fire", and later saw the script of the young director Tornadore's "Cinema Paradiso".

65 years of scoring career, 892 film works, a generation of "king of film music" left the master Morricone two friends: Leone, Tornado Remolicone's friends

Morricone and Tornadore

"I read it in one sitting and enjoyed it very much, especially the ending... It's a great idea to tell a movie theater story through a kiss scene." So I decided to give up "Beacon Exotic Feelings".

Although he annoyed Jane Fonda, he became very good friends with Tornadore.

(4) Leone's favorite "scrap" discarded by other directors

The two worked together, and Leone liked to use musical themes that other directors had abandoned for Morricone. He laughed as he listened, harshly criticizing his peers: How could they eliminate this?

(5) Quarrel with a journalist for Bertolucci's "1900"

65 years of scoring career, 892 film works, a generation of "king of film music" left the master Morricone two friends: Leone, Tornado Remolicone's friends

Bertolucci and Morricone

When collaborating on the film music of "1900", Bertolucci talked a lot about sound quality and musical taste, and his personality was "polite, cautious, and courteous".

Morricone loved the play 1900 so much that he quarreled with reporters who criticized it, explaining: "This is a realistic fable, not a historical critique." ”

65 years of scoring career, 892 film works, a generation of "king of film music" left the master Morricone two friends: Leone, Tornado Remolicone's friends

Morricone and Quentin

Today, the Scythians are gone.

May Morricone reunite with old friends such as Leone, Bertolucci, Pasolini and other old friends in what he believes in "another world", and continue to talk about music and movies.

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