
Zhao Lijian: The United States and Europe should not render the so-called "China challenge" without doing anything and make China lie on the gun

author:Overseas network

Source: China News Network

Beijing, 16 Jun (China News Network) -- Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a regular news conference on 16 June that the development of relations between the United States and Europe is its own business, but it should not talk about China everywhere, and we should not play up the so-called "China challenge" without incident, make China lie on the gun, and still less should we engage in "small circles" against China.

Zhao Lijian: The United States and Europe should not render the so-called "China challenge" without doing anything and make China lie on the gun

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhao Lijian. Photo by Xue Wei

A reporter asked that the United States and the European Union reached an agreement on each other's aviation allowances and agreed to cooperate in response to China's non-market investment in aircraft manufacturing. What is China's comment on this?

Zhao Lijian said that I have noted relevant reports and can share three points with you.

First, the development of relations between the United States and Europe is its own business, but we should not talk about China everywhere, we should not make a mistake, play up the so-called "China challenge", make China lie on the gun, and still less should we engage in "small circles" against China. This narrow mentality is not commensurate with the pattern of the United States and the European Union.

Second, China does not accept groundless accusations of so-called non-market behavior. China has always firmly supported the multilateral trading system and carried out economic and trade cooperation in accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefit.

"Who is prone to bullying sanctions? Who is good at long-arm jurisdiction? Who abuses the power of the state to unjustifiably suppress the enterprises of other countries? The international community sees it very clearly. Zhao Lijian said.

Third, China, the United States, and the European Union are all major global forces and should work together to address global challenges. We hope that the United States and Europe will play a positive and constructive role in this regard, not the other way around. (End)

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