
Book review "Curious George" - children's curiosity, adult tolerance, are in this set of children's books

author:The second sister raises children and raises herself

There's an old saying – "Curiosity kills cats!" ”

Thankfully George wasn't a cat, he was a little monkey, a cute little monkey and he was always curious about anything.

Anything around him, in George's curious eyes, meant infinite possibilities, possibilities leading to any other place, to other things, to other people, to other adventures, to an unknown, playful world.

Of course, this is also the healthy attitude of children to this novel world.

Book review "Curious George" - children's curiosity, adult tolerance, are in this set of children's books

George wondered how chocolate was made?

Curious about how lifeguards by the sea work?

Curious where the ducks are going?

Curious what it's like to drive a truck?

Curious about how to play with fresh toys?

Curious about what happens when you get bigger?

Curious whose black and white tail in the bushes is there?

Curious where the dog is...

George's curiosity is endless, but George is a lucky one, and although his curiosity is full of thrills, the results are not bad.

Introducing this, have you ever wondered, "What kind of little monkey is George, and what has he experienced?" ”

If you have a strong curiosity about this, then you can check out the picture book "Curious George", a total of eight books.

Book review "Curious George" - children's curiosity, adult tolerance, are in this set of children's books

Curious George was born in 1941 and was welcomed as soon as the book came out. So the author created more George's story, and now there is no "George and Uncle Yellow Hat" in this set of "Curious George", which introduces how Uncle Yellow Hat took advantage of George's curiosity to bring him back to the United States from the Jungle of Brazil.

The biggest reason why "Curious George" has sold well so far is that George has fulfilled the wishes of all children, quoting a description of this in "The Power of Childhood":

"The mischievous trickster child wants to do the naughty tricky thing, the well-behaved and docile child most wants to do the proud face show thing - the little monkey George has done everything!"

At a critical moment, the rescuers fell from the sky and turned the crisis into safety; the adults were warmly cared for and pampered when they were tired - little George enjoyed everything!

Not only that, after a chicken flying dog jump, every time the peak turns around, it even has a good ending, and it is the purest dream of the children to get rid of it, and it is difficult for them not to like it! ”

Curiosity is the nature of every child, but if this curiosity is not blessed by adults, but is replaced by interference and accusations, then such a child is unhappy.

"Curious George" organically combines children's natural curiosity and inclusive love from adults.

Therefore, it deeply attracts children, but also attracts countless adults, who have not yet had a childhood, and curiosity is not just a child's patent.

Book review "Curious George" - children's curiosity, adult tolerance, are in this set of children's books

Generally speaking, in the work, the author's nature can often be reflected.

The author of this set of children's books, Margaret. Ray and H.A. Ray are a couple, both of whom are full of childlike fun and curiosity, especially husband H.A. Ray, who is full of curiosity, because he likes to observe the starry sky, and has written a book, "Stars: A New Way to Observe the Starry Sky". The book was also greatly affirmed by the curiosity master, Einstein, because both German Jews and both were interested in astronomy, cherished each other, and formed an indissoluble relationship.

This interesting couple, often do some fun things in life, it is said that they have a dog named Chagy, when Chaggie grew older, the beard began to gray, friends often said to Chagy "poor dog", the dog and the owner of the dog said very speechless, so Margaret helped the dog dye a beard, and no one ever said that it was "poor dog".

The author's humor and childlike fun are also reflected in the book, you see this picture, the author painted the rolled up tent into a smiling little girl with a bow tie, haha, looking at it is not very happy and joyful.

Book review "Curious George" - children's curiosity, adult tolerance, are in this set of children's books

Personally, what touched me most about "Curious George" was the love that flowed everywhere in the book—the adult's inclusive love for children.

First look at the appearance and movements of the little monkey George, the round head, the bulging little belly, the short fat little hands and feet, all kinds of cute little actions, it is really cute.

It is also from "The Power of Childhood" that when H.A. Ray sold bathtubs in Brazil, he often traveled in the Amazon River and painted monkey sketches, you see, the author's preference for monkeys has long been hidden in his heart.

George, the cute little monkey, is always mischievous, but he is not worried at all, because uncle Yellow Hat is a super safe harbor. Here's a running question, Uncle Yellow Hat not only likes to wear yellow hats, but also likes to wear yellow clothes. Yellow represents happiness and warmth, and Uncle Yellow Hat is also such a happy and warm person.

Uncle Yellow Hat was very fond of George, and would take George to see parades, camping, visiting parks, the beach, and buying toys, chocolates, and puppies for George.

Book review "Curious George" - children's curiosity, adult tolerance, are in this set of children's books

Uncle Yellow Hat was not only materially satisfied with George, but also emotionally sufficient.

Watching "George in the Toy Store", when the store manager scolded George for making too much trouble, Uncle Yellow Hat did not criticize George together, but reached out and hugged George, and then bought several toys that George had played with, one of which had been broken by George.

Of course, the surrounding guests were also very nice, and said to the store manager, "It's a good idea to ask the little monkey for help." ”

The store manager found that although George had made some small damage, he also helped a lot, he helped many children to take the toys placed on the high place, and brought happiness to everyone, so the store manager sent a gift to George, and everyone was happy.

Book review "Curious George" - children's curiosity, adult tolerance, are in this set of children's books

Looking at the comments on the Internet, I found that some parents were a little worried about the children's book "Curious George", worried that their children would learn George and become as unruly and mischievous as ever.

Personally, I don't have to worry.

Although the children like George and feel a strong resonance from him, the children also know that George is a little monkey!

Therefore, if there are no other concerns, it is very recommended to read this set of picture books to the child, curious, humorous, and loving, and the child will be happy to listen.

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