
The king of Cambodia is elected, which is better than the British succession system?

author:Dream of Pengshan Road

Generally speaking, the throne is inherited, generally from father to son, and the king or emperor passes on to his brother or nephew without a son, but this is not the case in Cambodia, where the king is elected.

Since the Cambodian king lost real power, he could not pass the throne to his son, even if the king had a hundred sons, he could not pass on to his son. The King of Cambodia is elected by the Council of Thrones and elects a new King of Cambodia from among the descendants of the three royal families of Anton, Norodom and Sisowa within 7 days of his death, retirement or abdication.

The king of Cambodia is elected, which is better than the British succession system?

Of course, the son of the old king can participate in the election of the new king, but he may not be elected. For example, King Moniwang, who had more than a dozen sons, did not choose the king, but his grandson Sihanouk was elected king and became the new king.

Of course, Sihanouk ran for king not because he was the grandson of King Moniwang, but because his paternal line was the Norodom royal family. King Sihanouk's parents were cousins married, so both his patrilineal and maternal ancestors were Cambodian kings.

The king of Cambodia is elected, which is better than the British succession system?

The succession of the throne in European kingdoms such as the United Kingdom is still a system of succession, just like Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, her first heir is the eldest son Prince Charles, the second heir is Prince William, the eldest son of Prince Charles, and the third heir is Prince George, the eldest son of Prince William.

Prince Harry's succession to the throne is ranked behind all of Prince William's children, and Prince Andrew, elizabeth II's second son, is ranked behind all of Prince Charles's descendants, so it is impossible for Prince Andrew to inherit the British throne, unless Prince Charles's sons are all hung up. Even if Prince Charles died before Elizabeth II, the throne would be inherited by Prince Charles and would not be changed by prince Charles's death.

The king of Cambodia is elected, which is better than the British succession system?

This inheritance right is better than the inheritance right of ancient Chinese dynasties, and the inheritance rights of ancient Chinese dynasties will be changed by the will of the emperor, for example, if the emperor changes the empress, the original prince will be deposed and replaced by the son of the new empress. For example, if the emperor does not have sons, he can choose a nephew to inherit according to his own will, rather than in order.

And the emperor of the Qing Dynasty did not even want the primogeniture inheritance system, and it was okay for the emperor to pass the throne to any prince, so the Kangxi Dynasty had nine sons to take the concubine. In contrast, it is the succession system of European countries that avoids competition, and the system restricts the king from choosing a crown prince.

The king of Cambodia is elected, which is better than the British succession system?

But the British succession system also has drawbacks, if the king dies, the heir to the throne is too young? For example, King Louis XIV of France, his life expectancy is too long, his sons and grandsons died of illness before him, he passed the throne to his great-grandson Louis XV, Louis XV succeeded to the throne is only five years old, how to govern? Fortunately, there was no "Chen Qiao Mutiny" and "Wang Mang usurping the throne".

The king of Cambodia is elected, which is better than the British succession system?
The king of Cambodia is elected, which is better than the British succession system?
The king of Cambodia is elected, which is better than the British succession system?

Of course, now The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, the king does not rule, does not have to govern the country, just sign with his eyes closed, so the king is one year old or a hundred years old, will not encounter the problem of not being able to handle political affairs, let alone the usurpation of the throne by the powerful ministers.

In contrast, Cambodia's monarchy system is better, with the fewest elected kings being adults. Of course, there are drawbacks. Will anyone in the Council of thrones have the power and who will decide?

The king of Cambodia is elected, which is better than the British succession system?
The king of Cambodia is elected, which is better than the British succession system?
The king of Cambodia is elected, which is better than the British succession system?
The king of Cambodia is elected, which is better than the British succession system?

There is also the question that the new king is not the son of the old king, and who inherits the old king's property? Is it the new king or the son of the old king? There is no relevant historical information to explain this.

Everyone thinks that Cambodia's monarchy system is better, or the British eldest son and grandson succession system? Which one is more reasonable?

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