
The first experience of love

The first experience of love

The first experience of love

Huang Zihong

Lying on the bed, Liu Mou and Wang Shengjiang sent several messages in WeChat. Lin Jiali replied to Liu that she was tired and wished him a good night. Then she looked at the schedule, and the next working day, she happened to fly to Chengdu to Guiyang, during which she would rest and pause for four hours at Guiyang Longdongbao Airport.

"If it's convenient for you, I'd like to see you at Dragon Cave Fort Airport on Monday."

"No problem! Some? ”

Wang Shengjiang rushed to the airport an hour early, took some tea leaves and snacks from his hometown with him, smirked, and waited excitedly outside the waiting hall. Seeing that there was only a quarter of an hour left before the expected landing time, the sky suddenly changed, and then I heard the radio say that due to the strong air flow over Guiyang, a certain flight would continue to be bumpy and circling, and it would not be able to land for the time being - it was Lin Jiali's plane. A heart suddenly lifted its throat, and Wang Shengjiang prayed silently in his heart.

Half an hour, an hour, two hours passed, and a lovely white cloud, pulling on the golden thread of the sun after the rain, patched up the scars of the sky. The plane finally landed smoothly and safely. Receiving Lin Jiali's slightly apologetic phone call, Wang Shengjiang said in a loud voice that peace is really peace and blessing, it doesn't matter, which is a long sigh of relief.

After the passengers left one after another, the flight attendants slowly entered the lounge adjacent to the waiting hall. In a group of beautiful flight attendants, the sharp-eyed Wang Shengjiang recognized Lin Jiali at a glance. She is a woman as bright and warm as the winter sun in Chengdu, not dazzling, gentle and dexterous, precious and scarce, that kind of innate pure elegance and grace and luxurious royal sister temperament, always let Wang Shengjiang suddenly think of 1949 wearing Chanel diamonds, wearing an off-the-shoulder evening dress to the Oscars ceremony, stunning four 17-year-old Elizabeth Taylor.

This is the first time that the new human Wang Shengjiang has broken new ground and is caught off guard by encountering love.

The first experience of love

The annual vacation time of nagqu soldiers is the longest in the entire Tibet Military Region. Taking advantage of Lin Jiali's monthly vacation, Wang Shengjiang began his trip to Sichuan. As a part-time tour guide, Lin Jiali took Wang Shengjiang all over the Wuhou Ancestral Hall of Du Fu Caotang in Dujiangyan, Qingcheng Mountain, and went to Mount Emei, the Giant Buddha of Leshan. Mount Emei in May, the summer heat under the mountain, the rhododendrons on the mountain, the snow on the top of the mountain, and delicious snacks all impressed Wang Shengjiang and lingered.

Lin Jiali took Wang Shengjiang home for a meal. Wang Shengjiang has been tutored since he was a child, but he has eaten a mouthful of bar clicking and clicking, and there is that the new toothbrush does not take more than a week, and it will absolutely become an old shoe brush with four forks. He was afraid that he would lose his temper and get out of trouble. Lin Jiali's mother made a large table of delicious food, and he was afraid of chewing too loud and arrogant, so he took small bites and ate very low-key. Her parents seemed to sense something, so they teased a few words: Is your troop eating method so reasonable? We don't know how much you eat, what you like to eat, what you want to eat, what to avoid, so we didn't give you a dish. Don't be too polite, too polite will only starve yourself. Lin Jiali on the side also laughed at the plot of forks, Wang Shengjiang danced his eyebrows, three times five to two, and resumed normal eating.

After dinner, the two went for a walk on the banks of the Minjiang River. The infinite blue dome has shone with the stars of May, the faint starlight illuminates the road paved by bluestone slabs, the wind carries the sweet smell of honeysuckle and gardenia, looking at this thin, handsome and honest man next to her, Lin Jiali feels very solid in her heart.

The first experience of love

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