
This is my | author: Xing Hongyu

author:Great River Literature Network
This is my | author: Xing Hongyu

Hello everyone, my name is Xing Hongyu, I am ten years old this year, short and short, and I always like to wear a dark blue top.

I especially like to read, my classmates call me "little bookworm", and the two large bookcases in the house are full, which is likely to overwhelm the sea. Since I was a child, I have been obsessed with nibbling on books. Every day I read with my head down, others call me "low-headed." ”

My shortcoming is sloppy, once I accidentally put my clothes on backwards, and when I came to school, I made the whole class laugh. Whenever I did something wrong because I was sloppy, my father always disciplined me to be careless, and even blew my beard and glared at me. Once in a math test, there was a seven-point question, because I copied the wrong number, resulting in a calculation error, the result was 93 points, that is called a loss! Back at home, it was inevitable that dad would be "served" with a small stick.

I belong to the tiger, and everyone says that the tiger is fierce and has the majesty of the king of the forest, but I am surprisingly timid. Once, I was washing my hands and saw a spider, which frightened me and scattered my legs, only to hate that my father did not give me four legs. My crying mother's cry was sharp and miserable. Mom and Dad quickly ran over. When he heard that it was just a spider, he skimmed his lips and said to me, "I really should have made you a girl." ”

Although I was docile and timid, I was versatile, and my grandmother regarded me as a golden treasure and regarded me as a pearl in the palm of her hand. At the New Year's Day party in the class, I was often the focus of attention. I have been studying calligraphy for more than six years, and my writing is beautiful, I have passed the soft pen examination, and I have also issued a certificate.

This is who I am, the truest me. If you still want to know more about me, you can come to the 51st class of Jiankang Road Primary School to find me, and I am always waiting for your visit.

(Tutor : Cheng Rong)

This is my | author: Xing Hongyu

About author:Xing Hongyu, a fifth-grade student of Jiyuan Jiankang Road Primary School in Henan, a student of Dahe Literature Writers, loves calligraphy and reading.

Review: Wenzi | Editor-in-charge: Wang Fang Yuanxiu Ruogu | Editor: Chen Li | Image: Network

The content of this article is original, please indicate the source when reprinting: "Dahe Literature" (ID: daheliterature); Chief Legal Counsel: Cui Sufang of Henan Lingfeng Law Firm; Editor WeChat: dahewenxue2020

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