
Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

author:Wet music

Recently, the total box office of "Hello, Li Huanying" directed by Jia Ling surpassed the "Wonder Woman" directed by female director Patti Jenkins, and Jia Ling became the highest-grossing female director in the world.

In most people's film careers, the number of female directors known is very small. But in essence, with the popularity and development of films, more and more female directors are engaged in the film creation industry.

Today, let's walk into their world and feel the great female directors.

Cleo at Five to Seven (1962)

Cleo from 5 to 7

Director: Agnès Varda

Writers: Agnès Varda

Starring: Corinne Marchand / Antoine Boursayer

Douban score: 8.7

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

Paris, 5-7 p.m. The beautiful singer Cleo (Corinne Marchand) is wandering the streets of Paris. She wore black, took off her wig, and silently crossed the fear and anxiety in her heart.

Everything was triggered by a medical report, and she feared that she would develop stomach cancer, as the fortune teller said. Wandering the streets of Paris, in a café, or at home, cleo meets all sorts of men, her lovers or friends, telling them every passage of her life, but no one seems to really understand her.

Until the end, she met a young soldier who was about to go to the battlefield in Algeria. In conversation with him, Cleo began to see the world again, facing reality calmly.

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

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The film is directed by French female director Agnès Varda, who began to engage in the photography industry at the age of 21, and wrote and directed the feature film "Short Corner Love Affair" at the age of 26, enjoying the reputation of "Grandmother of the New Wave".

As Varda's most famous work, the film was a pivotal work in New Wave cinema and was shortlisted for the Palme d'Or at the 15th Cannes Film Festival in 1962.

Some Kind of Woman (2016)

Certain Women

Director: Kelly Lecat

Writers: Mel Meloy / Kelly Lecat

Starring: Laura Dunn / Michelle Williams

Douban score: 7.4

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

In the desolate and grim town of the Northwest of the United States, the ordinary life intertwined with fate is gushing on its own. Because the labor claim was rejected, the reluctant man angrily took the hostage with a gun, forcing the female lawyer to force herself to take the risk and persuade her;

In order to build a new home, a couple tries to persuade the local elderly to sell the sandstone he has hoarded for many years, but also let their marital rift loom; in order to serve as a lecturer in law courses, young female lawyers travel thousands of miles to remote communities, accidentally becoming intimate with ranch women workers.

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

The film's director, Kelly Reichard, has been interested in the camera since she was a child and used the camera her father used to shoot crime scenes.

It's a clean feminist film that presents three snippets of outback Women in the United States in a minimalist way about career, family, and love.

The Magic of Marriage Proposal (1971)

A Simple Life

Director: Elaine May

Writers: Elaine May / Jack Ritchie

Starring: Walter Matthew / Elaine May

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

Based on Jack Ricky's original book, the film depicts Henry Graham (Walter Matthew), a middle-aged playboy on the verge of bankruptcy, who attempts to pursue a wealthy woman and completes a mission in six weeks, but ends up finding a rich woman who is incredibly stupid.

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

This film is a romantic comedy full of jokes, Elaine May in this film as a writer, director, and actor, and the results of the film after its release are very good, and walter Matthew, who has always been excellent, is slightly inferior compared to it.

Afternoon Confusion (1943)

Meshes of the Afternoon

Director: Meyar Dylan / Alexander Hamid

Writers: Meyer Dylan

Starring: Meyar Dylan / Alexander Hamid

Douban score: 8.8

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

In the long, poor and boring afternoon, the light and shadow are lazy, the branches are fragile, the flowers that have no reason, the appearance of the flowers for no reason, the woman is once again trailing for no reason, and the mysterious figure of the shaving is out in the corner.

The long sleep in the afternoon, parole all the nightmares of the subconscious, the woman who was hanging in the air, glimpsed herself lying on a chair, sleeping. The woman spat out the key, and the key turned into a sharp blade...

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

One of the most influential experimental films of the twentieth century, this feminist classic depicts a woman's daydreams in which everyday objects become mysterious and dangerous, and the film turns to obscure reflections on sex and death.

Forbidden Love in the Military (1999)

Nice work

Director: Claire Denis

Writers: Claire Denis / Jean-Pol Falgo

Starring: Denis Lavan / Michel Sorbo

Douban score: 7.2

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

A french volunteer corps in the East African colony, based on the principle of absolute adherence to dogma, honor and obedience, welcomed a new group of recruits, the most prominent of which was The handsome and mighty Santain (Gregory Green).

He attracted both Commander Bruno (Mithu Subor) and Lieutenant Bourgolp (Dennis Ravan) with burning longing eyes.

During the contact, Santaine and Bruno gradually show ambiguous same-sex love, which causes Bugueropu's displeasure, followed by a mixture of multi-emotional jealousy, and eventually, he sets a trap and forces Santain to leave the corps, but he himself ends his volunteer career.

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

Director Claire Dennis is one of the best female directors in France, and she grew up in Africa, and this experience became an important source of inspiration for her future creations.

The work is one of its most outstanding works in terms of authorship and directorial aesthetics, and the whole film is composed of the memories of lieutenant played by Denirawan, and the narrative is completed in an almost fluid memory framework.

Jeanne Dillmann (1975)

Jeanne Dielman

Director: Chantel Ackermann

Writers: Chantel Ackermann

Starring: Defiin Serrig / Henry. Stoke

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

"Jeanne Dillmann" restores the experience of a housewife for two days and three nights, fixed camera position, long shots and few lines, no close-up, out of focus the practice of "anti-film", this "immutable" also creates the shock of the ending.

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

It was a three-and-a-half-hour film from 1975 by Ackermann, and it was a well-known "feminist" film, and it was also a film that was extremely revolutionary in both form and content.

In short, Ackermann, a Belgian female director with very few films, made this film in her early twenties, which is enough for countless film critics and film historians to erect a monument for her.

Happy Lazzaro (2018)

Happy Lazarus

Director: Alice Lorvache

Writers: Alice Lorvache

Starring: Adriano Tardiolo

Douban score: 8.5

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

Lazzaro (Adriano Tardiolo) is a young peasant with a simple heart, and Tankreddi (Luka Chikovani) is an arrogant young nobleman.

He lives in the isolated town of Inviolata, ruled by the Marquise Anosina de Luna (Nikoletta Brassky).

Young peasants meet young nobles and become friends. One day, Tankreddy directed himself to perform a kidnapping scene, hoping to cheat his mother's ransom, but eventually attracted the police...

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

This film is a film with the theme of redemption as the theme, telling the story of the modern Jesus Lazaro who redeemed mankind through himself.

Directed by Italian female director Alice Lorvache, the film has attracted much attention since the first feature film , Eucharist , directed in 2011 , was acclaimed at the Cannes Film Festival.

Portrait of a Burning Woman (2019)

Portrait of a Lady on Fire

Director: Serene Sienma

Writers: Serene Sienma

Starring: Nomi Melant / Adella Harnell

Douban score: 8.6

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

In Brittany, France, in 1760, the talented young female painter Marianne (Nomi Merlant) receives a commission to complete a portrait of the rich lady Eloise (Adella Harnell) before she marries without the other party's knowledge.

The two depend on each other on an isolated island, and during the day the female painter quietly observes the young lady's every move, and only indulges in writing at night. Under the close contact between the painting and the painting, even in the era full of etiquette, they gradually developed a forbidden ambiguous feeling, and as the wedding day got closer and closer, their love fire burned more and more fiercely...

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

This is a film about lesbians, and every frame carries every emotional fluctuation, like the texture of oil painting.

Directed by French female director Serene Sienma, her work has won numerous awards, including the European Film Awards and the Best Screenplay Award.

Blind Date (2017)

Love Education

Director: Zhang Aijia

Writers: Zhang Aijia / You Xiaoying

Starring: Zhang Aijia / Tian Zhuangzhuang / Lang Yueting

Douban score: 8.4

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

After the death of Yue Huiying's (Zhang Aijia) mother, Huiying's biggest thought is to move the grave of her father, who was buried in the countryside, back to the city and bury her mother, which caused a huge conflict between her and her father's original grandmother (Wu Yanshu).

The matter of moving the grave became a knot in Hye Young's heart, and it also caused a rift in her relationship with her husband Xiaoping (Tian Zhuangzhuang).

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

Huiying's daughter Wei Wei (Played by Long Yueting) is a TV reporter, full of curiosity about her grandmother's past, she put this "family conflict" on TV and showed it in front of the public, although the starting point is goodwill, but the whole incident has intensified and finally turned into a farce.

At the same time, the relationship between Wei Wei and her boyfriend Ada (Song Ningfeng) has encountered a crisis of trust due to the appearance of Ada's green plum bamboo horse, which makes her feel inexplicably close to her grandmother, who has waited for her grandfather for a lifetime and lived alone for a lifetime.

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

The film explores the emotional contradictions of three generations, and the emotional control is not disrupted by the dramatic plot, but has a delicate truth that penetrates the back of the paper.

Director Cheung Ai Ka, an all-round female artist who is well-known in the Chinese cultural circle, has won two Golden Horse Awards and two Hong Kong Film Awards.

Defection to the Nu Sea (1982)

Boat People

Director: Xu Anhua

Writers: Qiu Gangjian

Starring: Lin Zixiang / Miao Qianren

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

Japanese photojournalist Wasagawa (Hayashi Zixiang) returned to the newly liberated Vietnam three years later, and he was overjoyed by the vitality of the land, but when he inadvertently walked into another corner of the city to meet the local girl Qinniang (Ma Sichen).

Fang knew that what he had seen before was nothing more than a whitewashed false image of Taiping specially arranged by the Viet Cong government for foreign journalists like him. Under the influence of Qin Niang's not deliberate "tour guide", the tragic life of ordinary people in Vietnam in the depths of the water is gradually seen by the mustard river.

The trampled self-esteem of the Ponte Ponte family, the only bar lady left behind after the war (Miao Qianren), and her lover Zu Ming (Andy Lau), who is trying to escape from Vietnam, strongly touched the sensitive and kind heart of Wasagawa, and although he did not have the ability to completely change their fate, he still tried his best to help.

Step into their world, the 10 greatest female directed films

It is hard to imagine the boldness and courage of a female director under the age of 35 in the face of politics, using the picture of life in Vietnam after the Vietnam War as a metaphor for social reality.

As an outstanding female director of Chinese films, Xu Anhua is also well-known in the world film industry and won the Golden Lion Award for Lifetime Achievement at the 2020 Venice Film Festival.

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