
I just wanted to earn a fee, but the terrorists wanted to marry me?

author:Yu Lan Ghost

The story describes a British journalist who, in order to investigate the reasons why hundreds of European women converted to Islam and went to islamic state to join ISIS, created a fake account and communicated with Syrian jihadists in an attempt to get more information, but the other party was bent on marrying her. However, as his identities continue to switch, the journalist gradually loses himself...

The way "Netcatcher" was filmed reminded me of another movie that used a similar approach, "Cyber Mystery Trail"— the story of a father who goes through social networks to find his missing daughter step by step.

I just wanted to earn a fee, but the terrorists wanted to marry me?

"Net Temptation Horror" based on real events, the heroine is a British professional journalist, the economy is relatively poor, originally wanted to dig up big news about terrorist organizations through social networks to dig up big news about terrorist organizations, in fact, the party who talked to her on the Internet has already seen through her tricks, his network lover brother, The Syrian "holy warrior" treats her as another human skin business, the heroine was inadvertently brainwashed successfully, and fell deeper and deeper...

This plot of this consciousness output is a bit like a pyramid scheme, normal people at first firmly believe that they will not believe each other's words, just listening to it will automatically fall into it...

From field pyramid schemes to telecommunications fraud and network panic, the Internet brings us not only a variety of life conveniences, but also a variety of nascent illegal and criminal models - think of the news that the money in the bank card has inexplicably disappeared, think of someone who has crossed thousands of miles to meet netizens in pursuit of true love on the Internet, only to find that the other party is a foot-cutting man...

I just wanted to earn a fee, but the terrorists wanted to marry me?

There is a saying that the network that we ordinary people use every day is actually only the tip of the iceberg of the entire network world, and the proportion of deep web and dark web talent is much larger than that of the bright web. The illegal crimes of the Bright Net sometimes make people feel so rampant, but guess how many unspeakable sins there are in the dark web...

Whether the Internet, the countless mixtures of 0s and 1s, the trust in the Network and the trust in real life can be equated, I think the vast majority of people will have a negative attitude.

The network can make the real identity of ordinary people secretly hidden, so that people no longer have many scruples like in the real world, so that people have the illusion - wearing a network vest seems to be able to immediately take off the clouds, ride the fog, call the wind and rain, so there will be so many water troops, there will be some flesh network violence, so the country pays more and more attention to network security issues... The Internet is not an extralegal place, and any extreme words and deeds of illegal crimes must bear its corresponding legal consequences.

The "jihadists" in Cyber-Trick live in Syria in real time with artillery fire. From the perspective of the whole history of mankind, local wars have never completely stopped, and we really are not living in an era of peace, we are really just living in a peaceful country. The older you grow up, the more you understand the meaning of "Guotai Min'an"...

Only when we become stronger and cope with the unpredictable international situation, will our diplomacy have the calmness to talk and laugh, our people will be safe, stable, and at ease, and will we have the pleasure of expressing our own opinions and "playing with our mouths", rather than worrying about whether a bomb will suddenly fall on the top of our heads every second...

I just wanted to earn a fee, but the terrorists wanted to marry me?

Some network problems are as vicious as poison, and some fallacies are more hateful and more alarming than the beating of the flesh. What we can do ourselves is to strengthen our awareness and ability to think independently, not to be brainwashed by various pyramid schemes, not to be biased by various fallacies... For safety reasons, there is no harm in keeping more eyes and eyes, the so-called harmful heart can not be, the heart of prevention can not be without.

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